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WATMM Video Game Remix Project - Brainstorming

Goiter Sanchez

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Is tyhe comp centred on a specific game/franchise, or could it be a grab bag from a whole bunch?


The music that inspires me the most comes from the games Golden Sun, and Star Control 2. I think these arn't the most popular with WATMM, but they have some good chunes in them. How about just a misc video-game themed album, to give artists more flexibility?


PS: I'd be up for anything though. Great idea.

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How about music used during boss battles from any game? Those are often the coolest songs.

Or the music used from the death/continue/failure screens in games? (We could call it Fission Mailed)

Or Metal Gear Solid series?

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If it's going to be a franchise, I think both 64-bit Zeldas, Megaman, Sonic and Streets of Rage would be nice choices. Also Vectorman might be cool, but more difficult to do as I don't think you can do much with the tracks without making them too cheesy.

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Is tyhe comp centred on a specific game/franchise, or could it be a grab bag from a whole bunch?


The music that inspires me the most comes from the games Golden Sun, and Star Control 2. I think these arn't the most popular with WATMM, but they have some good chunes in them. How about just a misc video-game themed album, to give artists more flexibility?


PS: I'd be up for anything though. Great idea.

It will depend how the polling goes as I am going to include all the ideas people are throwing in here (some are individual games, some are franchises, some are entire consoles). Whatever spurs the most interest is likely to yield the most music I think. Feel free to PM me if you have any advice as I know you've organized these sorts of things a lot more than I :)


How about music used during boss battles from any game? Those are often the coolest songs.

Boss battle music is a cool idea.

I completely agree; that would be a badass compilation!



Why just one franchise?

Your nomination could be 'Mario, Castlevania & Sonic Music only' or something; I am going to include everything in the poll!



Was this inspired by the Manhunt remix album Rephlex did?

It wasn't, though that comp is enjoyable. I would ideally like this to be broader than an album's worth of remixes of one track as was the case with that project. Judging by the ideas flying around in here it is sure to be broader than that.

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DKC seconded. I can imagine a metal/prog version of this


Mario franchise would be fun if it included everything remotely involved. I'd love to cover songs from Yoshi's Island.


Other suggestions:

Sonic the Hedgehog (obvious)



B.O.B. (fucking great music):


Unreal series would be great too. That music had such a huge influence on the ambient sections in my music!

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Boss music comp is a marvelous idea !


I'm voting for Sonic franchise tho.
Streets of Rage could be great as well, especially the second and third games which had "IDM-y" soundtracks !

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If we were geek for the sake of geek-dorkness, we could do Atari Lynx, except I'm possibly the only one here who had a Lynx (or Jaguar and Jaguar CD, for that matter...).




Cuz the Atari Lynx Pit Fighter theme has been in my head for months now, and it's not even on YT or anything. Really good, and better than the arcade intro music. Old Atari shit had a lot of electronicaDM-esque music, which was obviously played off of by Bodenstandig 2000 et al. I guess the whole chiptune scene.


Whatever, fuck. I took apart my Lynx for some reason one day.... Then didn't put it back together. I don't know why I did that.

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I like the last ninja games.




I'd also like to nominate Ben Daglish and Rob Hubbard.

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Guest Roksen Creek

Streets Of Rage.

YES. Yuzo Koshiro is the greatest video game music composer there has ever been. Whether it's the Ys series, Sorcerian, Actraiser, Streets of Rage, Etrian Odyssey, his stuff is always of the highest quality and in a variety of different styles.


Anyone unfamiliar with his other works should check out this tribute:




As most of the games he worked on are niche in the west, I'll add my vote to Streets of Rage, though the Ys games probably have the best soundtracks in the industry imo.

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