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The Coming Obselescence of the Republican Party

Rubin Farr

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Republicans also seem to be very conspiracy minded, it's always someone else's fault.


Self-victimization and fanciful paranoia is at the core of conservatism/right-wing ideology in the U.S. and it's often absurd how delusional the examples are. Evangelical Christians think they are politically and socially "oppressed." The governor of my state, who blindly supports the U.S. military and our actions overseas, is the same one who flirts with the idea of Texas succession from the U.S. because the Federal government is a "threat" to our personal liberties...and this was only a issue after Obama was elected.


TBH I wouldn't mind 20th century Republicans being back in the fold. Theodore Roosevelt and Eisenhower are among my favorite presidents. I respect Goldwater's legacy. They were old white men but they were pragmatic, restrained and willing to endorse and support progressive legislation. But these are the same Republicans who can't stay in office without bullshitting to the talk radio crowd or losing primaries to "Tea Party" candidates. Hell, I don't think 80s era Ronald Reagan could of hypothetically won the 2012 GOP primary, the platform is that extreme and unrealistic now.


The party is going to implode though, it's going to get quite crazy for anyone in a Red state until that happens: they'll appear stronger before they split. States run by conservatives will be more conservative in the short-run. But the party is scrambling, it's ignorance and good propaganda (yeah I'm calling it what it is) that's keeping them in power.


Funny enough, I have a relative who has a very defeatist pet theory that the Hispanic population will be the deciding factor in the "end" of the GOP. Sadly, it's made him - a very non-bigoted and otherwise culturally open person - alarmingly susceptible to the very xenophobic, misguided, and remarkably inaccurate anti-immigration efforts from the "Tea Party" wing of the GOP. He's convinced there's a liberal conspiracy to grant amnesty to undocumented immigrants so they can get more votes. The reality: GOP lobbyists have done more to maintain illegal immigration through deregulation and anti-worker rights legislation. But you know, facts complicate things for partisans, especially those within the right-wing.

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Also please PLEASE vote in local and state elections. Most of these assclowns get elected because such a huge portion of the intelligent, moderate masses are apathetic. I'm shocked how many of my friends don't vote. Primaries where most of the extremists win have like <10% turnout often. So go out and vote these idiots out and keep the decent or tolerable ones in.


I understand apathy and the frustration of defeat, most of my candidates lose - but I've also voted in an election where a progressive incumbent Democrat defeated a Tea Party candidate who was literally nothing but a former Denver Bronco by less than 10 votes. Futility dominates but your vote can matter.

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Also please PLEASE vote in local and state elections. Most of these assclowns get elected because such a huge portion of the intelligent, moderate masses are apathetic. I'm shocked how many of my friends don't vote. Primaries where most of the extremists win have like <10% turnout often. So go out and vote these idiots out and keep the decent or tolerable ones in.


I understand apathy and the frustration of defeat, most of my candidates lose - but I've also voted in an election where a progressive incumbent Democrat defeated a Tea Party candidate who was literally nothing but a former Denver Bronco by less than 10 votes. Futility dominates but your vote can matter.


yeah and government having serious problems doesn't make it ok not to vote, it makes it stupid not to vote

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the tired tactic of labeling the other side 'extreme' is pretty ridiculous when elections and polls show a pretty fair split. the tea party would probably have had more support %-wise than it has if people actually knew what it was about rather than what they were told by the left dominated media. this idea that the vast overwhelming majority of people out there are liberals and somehow the country is being railroaded by a small minority of right extremists is seriously absurd. and the same goes for the idea that somehow this 'fringe' element of the republican party is controlling the party at large. the party at large is anything but controlled by the tea party. the tea party has caused them problems but that was the whole idea. they could only do that because polls were showing something like 30% of people identifying with the tea party. their ideas really are not that radical and you're kind of an asshole for saying it over and over. of course people saying it over and over on tv is why their support only ever got to 30% and has fell to around 20. but since when is 30% a fringe? i guess when the opposition is dishonest left wingers who's whole game hinges on smear tactics. basically i'm clearly pretty strongly opposed to the left but i wouldn't be crooked enough to paint them as 'extremists', and even the further from center ones who's ideas maybe only get 20% support i still wouldn't call 'fringe'. but that's me not being a dishonest liar. some kid saying he's an anarchist or communist yeah i'd call him either of those things without hesitation.


also as far as cruz being a showboater who's only doing what he does for a book deal or whatever, i don't think so. i think he's pretty sincere. rand paul i think is showboating because if you pay attention to the things he says and does it's pretty clear he's a bit of a flake, imo. in other words, it seems like he's definitely saying things to try to get political support from the various demos out there, without actually having those things he says as convictions. he seems to have taken it beyond flip-flopping. take his slamming drones but then saying he wouldn't mind if a drone were used to blow up a guy robbing a liquor store. that's some robocop shit.


cruz on the other hand, i think is about as legit as they come. the guy was in a dorky club about economics when he was 13. how many of anyone posting anything here about politics cared enough about how things worked in the world to get involved in a club like that at that age? he's also competed in debates at princeton and was apparently pretty good at it to say the least. i just don't think that seems like someone with no real conviction besides getting attention. he also graduated cum laude from princeton and magna cum laude from harvard so he can't be criticized for being a moron which is also another favorite tactic of the left (of course we'll likely never know anything about obama's grades). another thing- the idea that someone said, that he's somehow running the republican party, that's also a joke. they hate him.

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I want to make a thread called "The Mental Adolescence of the Democrat Party."

Go for it dude, equal time and all. I'd like to hear an intelligent Conservative argument for once & you seem smart. I'd like to hear your opinion on all the terrible thing the Dems have done to this country, and all the great thing the Reps have done for the US.
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if he views the leadership as an establishment that's gone off track, then why would he obey them? if he thinks the same type of rich people running politics for their own gain is a bad thing that needs to stop, that the system of politics as favor for a favor is destroying the country, seriously why would he obey the guys who he thinks are corrupt and no good for the country? and im not and can never be 100% sure that's what he thinks but it seems to be what he's expressing.


calling someone a 'loose cannon' to marginalize them, simply because they think a system is fucked up and want to try to change that, is just empty words. you can say 'well i dont agree with him and i want to see the same type of republicans that we've always had and ted cruz should obey them', fine. i think that's utterly insane but fine. loose cannon implies that someone acts without precisely picking and choosing when and where and how to act, and even though the media did everything they could to portray that big terrible gov shutdown as this big atrocity and lay it all at his feet as this crazy thoughtless thing, imo it was calculated.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

there is no tea party and there never was. it's just another name for the (non-wall street part of) the republican base.

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