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Anyone from Utrecht?


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My gf is moving to Utrecht to study and she is having problems finding a low price room to live in. Does anyone here have a good suggestion for a room that's below 300€ and half an hour or less away from the city place.


Sorry for this spammy thread but it's a crisis and would help a lot so thanks a bunch.

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Only know a few people from around Utrecht but I do know it's pretty hard getting a room there, especially for that price (unless your lucky). I'll ask around and see if those people have some tips.

In any case it's worth registering here if she hasn't already: http://www.studentenwoningweb.nl/en

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Not from Utrecht, but have her look at 'Anti Kraak', which translates to 'anti-squat'. Buildings that you can live in relatively cheap because they want people in to prevent it from being squatted. Think I paid about 180 euro's or something including costs for water and electricity per month in the Hague, can be cheaper though depending on the city and companies renting out places. Beware that some buildings don't have central heating, so you'll have to cope with electric heaters in the winter...


If you're lucky you can get crazy locations, from factories to complete empty office floors, catch is you don't have any guarantees how long you can stay in such place. Sometimes they know it'll be demolished in a couple of years and you're safe, sometimes it gets sold withing a month and you have to move to a new place. In that case they provide a new spot.


About anti-squat in Utrecht (dutch);



Maybe send a mail to one of the organizations linked in the bottom of the page, see if you can get in being a foreign student.

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Or maybe you can look at "kraak", which is basically breaking into an unused building and living there.


Friend of mine lives anti-kraak in a classroom in a school. He's got the entire room for himself for 2-300 euro's.

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