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Gamescom 2014


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The new Call of Duty looks cool and so does Assassin's Creed Unity. Too bad they didn't show anything from the last gen AC that's coming out. That Rogue thing. Maybe tomorrow. That Wild game was also very nice looking.

Many cool looking things actually but those three are the ones I care about the most. Of the games that were shown at least. Hoping for some new Dragon Age footage during the EA conference, though I suspect 90 % of the time there will be spent on FIFA, because Europe. Oh and that new Bioware IP. Unless it's some lame free-to-play thing.

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The new CoD game is the first CoD game i'm interested in playing. Except the first one that ever came out forever ago.

Also, it's cool that they're announcing all these new IPs. Far Cry 4 looks sweet. Things are finally feeling next-gen!

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Loads of indie games, fortunately. Getting tired of 60 bucks blunders.


Hideo Kojima making a Silent Hill game with Del Toro... this could turn out to be really great or... pretty mediocre. I don't think they'll deliver a bad game


Also how there's people still interested in Bioware beside social justice warriors is beyond me

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i'm excited about kojima making a new silent hill game! i'm a huge mgs fan, so i think he'll be able to bring some freshness into this series. the last few games were... subpar. hideo is a master at mindfucking his audience, so i have high hopes for this game. seriously thinking about getting a ps4 for this one.

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