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Satanist Statue coming to Oklahoma State Capitol?


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Satanist Statue coming to Oklahoma State Capitol?




There is currently a Ten Commandments monument on the lawn of the Oklahama State Capital. The ACLU is in court fighting to have it removed on constitutional grounds. But if it's allowed to stand, then the Satanic Temple will have a good chance (legally, at least) of having the Baphomet statue installed beside the Ten Commandments monument.


I listened to a Satanist talk about the matter and--not knowing much about Satanism--expected him to be a Norwegian death metal sorta guy. But he was just a regular, well-spoken guy with strong moral principles and a vast knowledge of history and comparative religion. He's an atheist, and he says that he doesn't believe in anything supernatural, and that Satan is just a symbolic figure who represents the struggle against oppressive, illegitimate authority.



Personally, I find the whole thing rather beautiful.

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Well the satanic bible seems to be an excuse for being a dick manual. But that was just some load of bollocks written by a dick manual author, so it seems to me if our view of satanism wants to shift to being an ironic contra to the corrupt orders of power, that's cool.

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Well the satanic bible seems to be an excuse for being a dick manual. But that was just some load of bollocks written by a dick manual author, so it seems to me if our view of satanism wants to shift to being an ironic contra to the corrupt orders of power, that's cool.


There seems to be an entire spectrum of Satanist denominations ranging from secular humanists to Manson-loving social Darwinists with supernatural beliefs. I guess it's a bit like any religion in its flexibility.

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Lol, as soon as I saw thread title I was like "someone listened to the most recent Duncan Trussell".


And yea, dude behind the Satanic Temple (the organization behind this statue) views Satanism more as a way of life based on the views of Satan as present in works like Paradise Lost, where he's considered an agent of free will and celebratory of the carnal pleasures of life on earth. I can get down with that.


Disappointed that Baphomet statue has no tits but, still cool.

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It would be better if they were parading under the flag of secular humanism but they do what they want I guess.



There seems to be an entire spectrum of Satanist denominations ranging from secular humanists to Manson-loving social Darwinists with supernatural beliefs.

OMFG! When I was in high school I KNEW a Manson-loving social Darwinist with supernatural beliefs (she cursed me once supposedly, makes sense in the context of some of my luck) who was into Satanism. She gave a speech on it in class once. Being from the bible belt, most other people in my class were Christians so people actually heckled her a few times. I just sat back and watched these weird people with their weird beliefs. It was entertaining.



Disappointed that Baphomet statue has no tits but, still cool.

Want to erect a statue of a pegan god? No problem! Wait, it has tits? GET OUTTA HERE YA SILLY GOAT!

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Well the satanic bible seems to be an excuse for being a dick manual. But that was just some load of bollocks written by a dick manual author

Antony LaVey basically admitted that it's all based on Ayn Ryand books and philosophy



Some accuse LaVey of paraphrasing the Nine Satanic Statements from Rand's Atlas Shrugged without acknowledgement, though others maintain that LaVey simply was drawing inspiration from the novel.[27][28] LaVey later affirmed the connection with Rand's ideas by stating that LaVeyan Satanism was "just Ayn Rand's philosophy, with ceremony and ritual added".[29]


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