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Are the bleep downloads only available for people who ordered vinyl, or people in certain time zones, or ...?


I pre-ordered syro CD from japan, but also pre-ordered mp3s from bleep (happy to give rdj extra money). However, bleep isn't letting me download the whole album.

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Guest trananhhung

I'm the only one sensing postpartum depression? It's like Aphex gave us what've been waiting for forever and there's nothing more to do. Life is inconsequential. And why do I almost cry listening to Christmas Event?


I'm just devastated. :(

Edited by trananhhung
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I really can't wait for the more experimental albums he has in the pipelines. SYRO is nice but its just dance music. I want some shit I can listen to on my own and zone the fuck out or go mental to.


Listening to drukqs after SYRO is just like daayuuum this some next level shit. The mental beats r way less cluttered and have more interesting sounds n shit... and they seem to progress nicer. And the piano trax on drukqs r fucking boss.. they balance the mentalness with calmness perfectly. The anastasia track is way too minimal for my taste.. keen as fk to hear more piano works tho.. a whole album wud b legit.


I kinda reckon he just threw together his most dancey tracks together for SYRO and didn't put too much effort in to how the album wud progress. I'm glad he says he's done with this sound now.. not that i don't like it, it's great dance music, but im keen as fk for shit like Icct Hedral or On 28 mix or whatever... shit that i can zone out to and b taken somewhere else. True IDM stylez. Bring on Eznzea and Xbpi!!


Edited by Chris Toffer
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I really can't wait for the more experimental albums he has in the pipelines. SYRO is nice but its just dance music. I want some shit I can listen to on my own and zone the fuck out or go mental to.


Listening to drukqs after SYRO is just like daayuuum this some next level shit. The mental beats r way less cluttered and have more interesting sounds n shit... and they seem to progress nicer. And the piano trax on drukqs r fucking boss.. they balance the mentalness with calmness perfectly. The anastasia track is way too minimal for my taste.. keen as fk to hear more piano works tho.. a whole album wud b legit.


I kinda reckon he just threw together his most dancey tracks together for SYRO and didn't put too much effort in to how the album wud progress. I'm glad he says he's done with this sound now.. not that i don't like it, it's great dance music, but im keen as fk for shit like Icct Hedral or On 28 mix or whatever... shit that i can zone out to and b taken somewhere else. True IDM stylez. Bring on Eznzea and Xbpi!!


You obviously have yet to get into the circlont's, syro, or the jungle track yo... or they have yet to get into you... shit surpasses drukqs imho.

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I really can't wait for the more experimental albums he has in the pipelines. SYRO is nice but its just dance music. I want some shit I can listen to on my own and zone the fuck out or go mental to.


Listening to drukqs after SYRO is just like daayuuum this some next level shit. The mental beats r way less cluttered and have more interesting sounds n shit... and they seem to progress nicer. And the piano trax on drukqs r fucking boss.. they balance the mentalness with calmness perfectly. The anastasia track is way too minimal for my taste.. keen as fk to hear more piano works tho.. a whole album wud b legit.


I kinda reckon he just threw together his most dancey tracks together for SYRO and didn't put too much effort in to how the album wud progress. I'm glad he says he's done with this sound now.. not that i don't like it, it's great dance music, but im keen as fk for shit like Icct Hedral or On 28 mix or whatever... shit that i can zone out to and b taken somewhere else. True IDM stylez. Bring on Eznzea and Xbpi!!


You obviously have yet to get into the circlont's, syro, or the jungle track yo... or they have yet to get into you... shit surpasses drukqs imho.


I have gotten in to them and I like them. It wasn't until i listened to the mental drukqs tracks afterwards that I realized how much better (imo) the drukqs tracks are. Ziggo, 54 Cymru, Mt st Mike, Omgggyaa r just so insane its ridiculous

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I really can't wait for the more experimental albums he has in the pipelines. SYRO is nice but its just dance music. I want some shit I can listen to on my own and zone the fuck out or go mental to.


Listening to drukqs after SYRO is just like daayuuum this some next level shit. The mental beats r way less cluttered and have more interesting sounds n shit... and they seem to progress nicer. And the piano trax on drukqs r fucking boss.. they balance the mentalness with calmness perfectly. The anastasia track is way too minimal for my taste.. keen as fk to hear more piano works tho.. a whole album wud b legit.


I kinda reckon he just threw together his most dancey tracks together for SYRO and didn't put too much effort in to how the album wud progress. I'm glad he says he's done with this sound now.. not that i don't like it, it's great dance music, but im keen as fk for shit like Icct Hedral or On 28 mix or whatever... shit that i can zone out to and b taken somewhere else. True IDM stylez. Bring on Eznzea and Xbpi!!


You obviously have yet to get into the circlont's, syro, or the jungle track yo... or they have yet to get into you... shit surpasses drukqs imho.


I have gotten in to them and I like them. It wasn't until i listened to the mental drukqs tracks afterwards that I realized how much better (imo) the drukqs tracks are. Ziggo, 54 Cymru, Mt st Mike, Omgggyaa r just so insane its ridiculous

Ziggo maybe. The point is, these tracks are no less than those before them, and stand as a logical and acceptable progression to his discography. Just wait, these new tracks will be just as much classics as all the aforementioned

Edited by impotentwhitecapitalist
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Verdict after the second listen (first one at the listening party, second at home with a good scotch): it's even better when nobody is shouting over the music.

Bechuga described Syro perfectly saying it's like Aphex's Hello Everything, a perfect demonstration of what he does best. I claimed at first that the album felt like a cohesive one, but I must take that back - it's really obviously a collection of random tracks. I would have liked a bit more cohesion to give it a bit more of a personality, like all those interludes did on Drukqs for me. For example, I really, really liked with what the seventh track was going for, I would love to have a longer worked out version of that... Or more of those tracks throughout the album. Still, I am in no way disappointed and I think this album will be with me for a long time to come.

Favourite tracks are still PAPAT4, Aisatsana, XMAS_EVET10 and Produk29 (Aphex doing Vibert, my two fave artists of all time basically, would more could I want?), with Manchester / Minehead right after that. Those other (for us completely new) tracks were still a bit too much for me (in a good way) and need a lot more listens :)

Let's see what Syro brings us in the coming time :)

P.S. - I am almost convinced Earth Portal Mix has an Ultrademon sample in it. Can't seem to unhear it.

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I have gotten in to them and I like them. It wasn't until i listened to the mental drukqs tracks afterwards that I realized how much better (imo) the drukqs tracks are. Ziggo, 54 Cymru, Mt st Mike, Omgggyaa r just so insane its ridiculous

I bet you'll change your mind. The time scale is unknown though :P

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i still can't download my .WAVs? fuck that


why was exai different? why are americans getting fucked up the ass? i'm going to go try to stick my p in some v. this is dumb.


edit: and fuck you for charging me twice for 24-bit WAVs when i pre-ordered the cd & lp of tomorrow's harvest and syro. fuckin cunts

Edited by whylessness
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i still can't download my .WAVs? fuck that


why was exai different? why are americans getting fucked up the ass? i'm going to go try to stick my p in some v. this is dumb.


edit: and fuck you for charging me twice for 24-bit WAVs when i pre-ordered the cd & lp of tomorrow's harvest and syro. fuckin cunts


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laughing at 'most accessible afx'. what a funny guy. I dunno if any of my mates who dig afx like it cause its too much haha.

still dig it, but i always start listening after 180, the first half is alright but i dig the second half a lot more

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