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9 year old girl kills instructor by accident with an uzi


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From an outsider perspective (i.e not american) this seems pretty normal and family appropriate in US standards. The only thing that seems weird to me is how she lost control of the weapon if the instructor was standing right besides her. Bad reflexes I guess.

so in your warped mind, you think that it's normal for american 9 yr old girls to be firing uzis.


your monumentally stupid post seems pretty normal and appropriate for this place


btw u sure you werent confusing the US with places in africa or the middle east? even there it would be an exaggeration since girls in those places probably aren't allowed to do pretty much anything, and not *every* 9yr old boy is taught how to fire weapons with the specific purpose of killing people.

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From an outsider perspective (i.e not american) this seems pretty normal and family appropriate in US standards. The only thing that seems weird to me is how she lost control of the weapon if the instructor was standing right besides her. Bad reflexes I guess.

so in your warped mind, you think that it's normal for american 9 yr old girls to be firing uzis.


your monumentally stupid post seems pretty normal and appropriate for this place


btw u sure you werent confusing the US with places in africa or the middle east? even there it would be an exaggeration since girls in those places probably aren't allowed to do pretty much anything, and not *every* 9yr old boy is taught how to fire weapons with the specific purpose of killing people.

Sorry but I sorta agree with Allize. The media reports don't really paint a very good picture of American culture / standards. Its probably a rather twisted distortion of the "average" but that's how the U S of A are portrayed.
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From an outsider perspective (i.e not american) this seems pretty normal and family appropriate in US standards. The only thing that seems weird to me is how she lost control of the weapon if the instructor was standing right besides her. Bad reflexes I guess.

so in your warped mind, you think that it's normal for american 9 yr old girls to be firing uzis.


your monumentally stupid post seems pretty normal and appropriate for this place


btw u sure you werent confusing the US with places in africa or the middle east? even there it would be an exaggeration since girls in those places probably aren't allowed to do pretty much anything, and not *every* 9yr old boy is taught how to fire weapons with the specific purpose of killing people.

Sorry but I sorta agree with Allize. The media reports don't really paint a very good picture of American culture / standards. Its probably a rather twisted distortion of the "average" but that's how the U S of A are portrayed.


key word in there being 'media'. ur brainwashed by your media. so am i and everyone else. but in this case, to say that your media are giving you a 'rather twisted distortion of the average' is a huge understatement. you can agree with a monumentally stupid post all you want but it just means you're both wrong.


9yr old girls shooting uzis doesn't even approach anything that could in any non-completely-moronic sense be described as an 'average'. it doesn't even come remotely anywhere near approaching any actual definition of that word. i live in this country and it's the first time i've heard of a 9yr old girl shooting an uzi. if we were to actually take all 9yr old girls that live in this country, and find the % that have fired an uzi, it would be well, well below 1%. afaik it's pretty hard/expensive for anyone to even get the required permits to be able to have anything thats fully automatic. i've been around people who had small arsenals of guns and ammo and never saw anyone have anything fully automatic. ever. let alone a 9 yr old girl.


but you think that's only a 'rather' distorted view of the average that your media is feeding you?

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if we were to actually take all 9yr old girls that live in this country, and find the % that have fired an uzi, it would be well, well below 1%.



Well lets hope so - at rough statistical calcs even 0.001% of 9 year old girls in the USA is well over 2000 children.


Your argument is flawed in that actually NO children should ever be given the opportunity to fire off any firearms, even in a so called "controlled" situation like this. At 9 years of age you should be playing with toys (water pistols / spud guns, remember them??!)


I know its a rare case but its just another in a long line of media reports, distorted or not.


The fact that you have been around people who had "small arsenasl of guns and ammo" is worrying enough. Why do people generally feel they need to own an arsenal of weapons?

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if we were to actually take all 9yr old girls that live in this country, and find the % that have fired an uzi, it would be well, well below 1%.



Well lets hope so - at rough statistical calcs even 0.001% of 9 year old girls in the USA is well over 2000 children.


Your argument is flawed in that actually NO children should ever be given the opportunity to fire off any firearms, even in a so called "controlled" situation like this. At 9 years of age you should be playing with toys (water pistols / spud guns, remember them??!)


I know its a rare case but its just another in a long line of media reports, distorted or not.


The fact that you have been around people who had "small arsenasl of guns and ammo" is worrying enough. Why do people generally feel they need to own an arsenal of weapons?


do you know what the word average means? look it up. 2000 kids in a country with 300+ million wouldn't be average. a million kids in a country of 300million wouldn't be average. my whole argument was that this doesn't in any way shape or form represent the average. so no, my argument was not flawed in any way. i think its pretty crazy that a 9yr old was firing an uzi. the people i've been around who had a lot of guns don't represent an average household in this country either. also none of them have ever killed anyone. this incident was not only stupid (as stupid as people trying to somehow compare this to being an average thing in the US), but it was also a freak incident. now, if i were to get shot in chicago for my shoes or money or just a random gang initiation, or maybe in detroit, LA, or new york city, that wouldn't be very shocking.

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About children with guns... First off, a 9 year old anything should not be firing an automatic anything. 9 year old dog firing automatic shirt cannon? No. 9 year old parrot firing automatic ketchup dispenser? No. A 9 year old human child firing a fucking uzi? Hell no, bitch. Better put that uzi away before I shoot you with an uzi.


But anyway- I grew up in Los Angeles-- I'm talking the L.A. that used to have gangs running around, constant police patrol and helicopters, homeless dudes with long beards and covered in shit and piss- fucking old school shit. My dad had a gun in the house, and he told me where it was and how to use it. Basically, if some random motherfucker came in and was pulling some gangsta shit, "Shoot them." But he also noted to never touch it or play with it otherwise, "CUZ YOU WILL FUCKING DIE- SO MANY KIDS DIE- YOU WILL DIE IF YOU FUCK UP, THIS IS NOT A GAME YOU LITTLE SHIT- YOU WILL DIE DIE DIE."


On the other side of the gun boat, he had a friend who had an arsenal. I thought his sawed off shotgun was pretty boss. But other than action film cool factor, that shit is nutz. My dad asked him why he had so many weapons, and the dude was like, "For when the revolution comes." Like he thought there was gonna be a war between whites and blacks or someshit.


Sidenote: That same gun my dad had, when we moved to downtown L.A., he was shooting that shit out of the window from the 18th story, down at random dudes who were firing shots at our building during the L.A. riots. He was like, "Get away from the windows!", and I flew across the floor sideways like it was fuckin' Nam; got down low and away from the windows, as he was tucking down and popping up to fire. Every now and then he'd have time to aim, like he was actually trying to explode some dudes' heads from 18 stories up. I'm 100% serious about this, btw.


Yah, so in general guns can land you in some ridiculous context.


But it wasn't some casual shit where we have swords on the wall that we train with to keep our ninjutsu bloodline going-- this was a special case, kill-time only thing, and I do think that's an important distinction. Responsibility, man. Like even with martial arts or anything. How many dudes have practiced muay thai kicks on a 200 pound bag, then use that shit in a casual fight full force, then the other mofo can't even walk properly anymore. This isn't a fucking game motherfuckers. These guns are 100% invented to kill- fast and hard. I think weapons can be fun, but use your brains, you mentally retarded parents. Having your 9 year old skinny ass daughter fire an uzi- who doesn't even look built for sports- is so, so so, so so so..... fuck these hobag parents. The parents prolly suck each other's dicks for crack (again, no responsibility or logic).

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im honestly surprised you didnt say that your dad just dumped a few hundred gallons of LSD + MDMA on those rioters. or that you haven't recommended that all of the parents of 9yr olds with uzis out there take a bath in pure liquid lsd and give MDMA to those 9yr old daughters, so we can have a peaceful utopia.

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im honestly surprised you didnt say that your dad just dumped a few hundred gallons of LSD + MDMA on those rioters. or that you haven't recommended that all of the parents of 9yr olds with uzis out there take a bath in pure liquid lsd and give MDMA to those 9yr old daughters, so we can have a peaceful utopia.

News Flash! April 29, 1992: For reasons currently unknown, all rioters in Los Angeles have stopped the vandalism and looting, creating instead, what appears to be a music festival. When interviewed, rioter turned dancer Tyrone McKinnel had this to say: "So I was firin' mah glock up at this building right, and then it started raining some bitter ass liquid from the gods... A few minutes later I realized... 'What is... guns?' -and das when the techno started in my veins."

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From an outsider perspective (i.e not american) this seems pretty normal and family appropriate in US standards. The only thing that seems weird to me is how she lost control of the weapon if the instructor was standing right besides her. Bad reflexes I guess.

so in your warped mind, you think that it's normal for american 9 yr old girls to be firing uzis.


your monumentally stupid post seems pretty normal and appropriate for this place


btw u sure you werent confusing the US with places in africa or the middle east? even there it would be an exaggeration since girls in those places probably aren't allowed to do pretty much anything, and not *every* 9yr old boy is taught how to fire weapons with the specific purpose of killing people.

Sorry but I sorta agree with Allize. The media reports don't really paint a very good picture of American culture / standards. Its probably a rather twisted distortion of the "average" but that's how the U S of A are portrayed.


no media report can twist the facts here:


fact: 9 year old was given a fully automatic submachine gun to fire in fully automatic mode

fact: the US has an establishment where you can go to eat burgers and fire fully automatic weapons. for fun.


there's no media intervention required to see that those facts, even separated, are completely fucked.

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guns don't kill people, bullets kill people. Ban bullets, problem solved.

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From an outsider perspective (i.e not american) this seems pretty normal and family appropriate in US standards. The only thing that seems weird to me is how she lost control of the weapon if the instructor was standing right besides her. Bad reflexes I guess.

so in your warped mind, you think that it's normal for american 9 yr old girls to be firing uzis.


your monumentally stupid post seems pretty normal and appropriate for this place


btw u sure you werent confusing the US with places in africa or the middle east? even there it would be an exaggeration since girls in those places probably aren't allowed to do pretty much anything, and not *every* 9yr old boy is taught how to fire weapons with the specific purpose of killing people.

Sorry but I sorta agree with Allize. The media reports don't really paint a very good picture of American culture / standards. Its probably a rather twisted distortion of the "average" but that's how the U S of A are portrayed.


no media report can twist the facts here:


fact: 9 year old was given a fully automatic submachine gun to fire in fully automatic mode

fact: the US has an establishment where you can go to eat burgers and fire fully automatic weapons. for fun.


there's no media intervention required to see that those facts, even separated, are completely fucked.


those facts dont change the fact that a 9yr old firing an uzi is not your average family in the US, and someone literally posted here saying that their media has given them that exact type of idea. it also doesn't change the fact that if i wanted to i could cherry pick plenty of facts about your country, or any country, and if i was a dishonest asshole, i could frame those facts in a way to make your country sound like a piece of shit. and the fact is, that it's the trendy thing to do just that with the US. but i'm sure i could do it all day long with england or any euro country. but im not a dick in that particular way.

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From an outsider perspective (i.e not american) this seems pretty normal and family appropriate in US standards. The only thing that seems weird to me is how she lost control of the weapon if the instructor was standing right besides her. Bad reflexes I guess.

so in your warped mind, you think that it's normal for american 9 yr old girls to be firing uzis.


your monumentally stupid post seems pretty normal and appropriate for this place


btw u sure you werent confusing the US with places in africa or the middle east? even there it would be an exaggeration since girls in those places probably aren't allowed to do pretty much anything, and not *every* 9yr old boy is taught how to fire weapons with the specific purpose of killing people.

Sorry but I sorta agree with Allize. The media reports don't really paint a very good picture of American culture / standards. Its probably a rather twisted distortion of the "average" but that's how the U S of A are portrayed.


no media report can twist the facts here:


fact: 9 year old was given a fully automatic submachine gun to fire in fully automatic mode

fact: the US has an establishment where you can go to eat burgers and fire fully automatic weapons. for fun.


there's no media intervention required to see that those facts, even separated, are completely fucked.


those facts dont change the fact that a 9yr old firing an uzi is not your average family in the US, and someone literally posted here saying that their media has given them that exact type of idea. it also doesn't change the fact that if i wanted to i could cherry pick plenty of facts about your country, or any country, and if i was a dishonest asshole, i could frame those facts in a way to make your country sound like a piece of shit. and the fact is, that it's the trendy thing to do just that with the US. but i'm sure i could do it all day long with england or any euro country. but im not a dick in that particular way.


please do single out instances where, in a document made hundreds of years ago, it gives our citizens in England carte blanche to be completely fucking irresponsible.


Bullets and Burgers


Bullets N' Burgers

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From an outsider perspective (i.e not american) this seems pretty normal and family appropriate in US standards. The only thing that seems weird to me is how she lost control of the weapon if the instructor was standing right besides her. Bad reflexes I guess.

so in your warped mind, you think that it's normal for american 9 yr old girls to be firing uzis.


your monumentally stupid post seems pretty normal and appropriate for this place


btw u sure you werent confusing the US with places in africa or the middle east? even there it would be an exaggeration since girls in those places probably aren't allowed to do pretty much anything, and not *every* 9yr old boy is taught how to fire weapons with the specific purpose of killing people.



First of all, calm down and watch your language. Second, no I don't approve it, I don't think it is appropriate and I would never do it, I have never handled a gun myself in my whole life. But in perspective, america is fucked up in a lot of ways, so to me this is kind of a normal practice coming from it. Also, it was not intended to be completely serious, you should've got the hint through that sentence but I guess I should be more obvious next time.


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I know I've been cracking gags on here, but just want to say I feel genuinely sad for the girl. What a fucking horrendous thing to have to live with for the rest of your life.

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