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9 year old girl kills instructor by accident with an uzi


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I'm saddened by the fact that this girl will have to live the rest of her life feeling guilt for taking a life. I can't imagine the toll that would take on me.

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Guest bitroast


can't believe how stupid some people are. can't you guys (where 'you guys' = stupid people) take a hint????

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From an outsider perspective (i.e not american) this seems pretty normal and family appropriate in US standards. The only thing that seems weird to me is how she lost control of the weapon if the instructor was standing right besides her. Bad reflexes I guess.

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From an outsider perspective (i.e not american) this seems pretty normal and family appropriate in US standards. The only thing that seems weird to me is how she lost control of the weapon if the instructor was standing right besides her. Bad reflexes I guess.


The mistake was taking his hands off the weapon at all. It isn't normal to own weapons with this kind of fire rate, and i would say it would be near impossible to react fast enough to take control in this instance. It was really dumb to hand a child a weapon with a fire rate like this.

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I guess I'll just blame this one on bad parenting. I understand Vegas has gun ranges that rent full-auto gats for on-site use only.

Oh well. Seems like we ought to have a separate Gun Debate subforum under GenBan by now.

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I grew up respecting fire arms and seeing them as a tool for countryside use that did a job. I never saw them as a weapon for harming people.


I understand the whole right to bear arms thing, but I just don't get the ways the Americans go about it.


Burgers and Bullets I believe this was called?




Nice way of buttering it up as being fun day out for the kids.


You should call it Gun Risk Control Exam or some shit and play it deadly serious. If you are going to give your kids guns to shoot then it needs to be a strict exam that teaches respect, not a fun day out with burgers.


America got it all wrong, from a UK perspective your country looks fucked. Sorry if that offends anyone.

And yes, that poor girl is doomed. And any other kids who witnessed it.

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I've actually never brought food to a gun range. Nor was anyone harmed during the times I've gone.

Regardless, I'm done feeling ashamed of my nationality, because it is merely a condition of birth. And when other Yanks I don't even know make poor life decisions, I'm not responsible.

But carry on.

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I'm saddened by the fact that this girl will have to live the rest of her life feeling guilt for taking a life. I can't imagine the toll that would take on me.


Yeah, that's the part that bothers me about this... I feel no sympathy for the idiot instructor, and whoever else was involved in the process that thought it would be a good idea to put of the most unstable fully-automatic guns in the hands of a nine year old with absolutely no arm strength to handle it.


:cisfor: "Fucking recoil, how does it work?"

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all kinds of wrongness with this Bullets and Burgers outfit. look at the target in the video. its a human, not a bullseye.


their website makes it look like you're going to an amusement park, like Six Flags or Disneyland.


oh, and those burgers look pretty fucking tasty! and you get to fire really cool weapons. rad. like in Rambo II and Terminator even. lol

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I'm saddened by the fact that this girl will have to live the rest of her life feeling guilt for taking a life. I can't imagine the toll that would take on me.

at least it will teach her alot more about what guns actually do to people than an idiotic american gun instructor teaching kids to shoot.

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