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9 year old girl kills instructor by accident with an uzi


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I wonder what they make the burgers from?



I know I've been cracking gags on here, but just want to say I feel genuinely sad for the girl. What a fucking horrendous thing to have to live with for the rest of your life.


I know right, she will never enjoy Cs or CoD.

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First of all, calm down and watch your language. Second, no I don't approve it, I don't think it is appropriate and I would never do it, I have never handled a gun myself in my whole life. But in perspective, america is fucked up in a lot of ways, so to me this is kind of a normal practice coming from it. Also, it was not intended to be completely serious, you should've got the hint through that sentence but I guess I should be more obvious next time.



first off, 'watch my language'? ok gramma

2nd off, its not normal. little girls with uzis is not normal.

i repeat: little girls with uzis is not normal.


you're making my country sound a lot more like an awesome cyberpunk fantasy world than it actually is.


but what country do you live in? tell me so i can find an example of something incredibly stupid that one or two complete idiots did (or does your country have 0 complete idiots?), and then use that to judge your country in the same idiotic way you're doing. because this thing happening took a few people being incredibly stupid. i'm pretty confident when i say that the vast majority of people i know of would probably easily agree that giving a little girl an uzi is a totally stupid idea. so for you to call it normal is just you being an ass. and your saying america is fucked up in a lot of ways just goes to show that you do in fact have a biased perception of the country, probably due to the way your media talks about it. what country isn't 'fucked up in a lot of ways' or doesn't have crazy/evil things in its history? yours? fucking please.


you wanna talk about gun control, ok fine. i think anything is totally fair for debate. but how about if the gun control advocates get honest for a change and focus on where the vast overwhelming majority of gun deaths in the US are actually happening, since they/you supposedly care so much about people dying by gun. here's a hint- it's urban areas. its not crazy gun wielding, maniacal rednecks. it's also not rampage shootings which are only a tiny miniscule % of overall gun related deaths. and it sure as fuck isn't little girls with uzis. accidental gun deaths seem to be less than 10% of gun deaths by sources im seeing, and ok fair enough, bring those onto the table for debate, but don't go trying to act like now i have to watch out for uzi wielding 9yr old girls every time i go outside, because i absolutely do not.

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First of all, calm down and watch your language. Second, no I don't approve it, I don't think it is appropriate and I would never do it, I have never handled a gun myself in my whole life. But in perspective, america is fucked up in a lot of ways, so to me this is kind of a normal practice coming from it. Also, it was not intended to be completely serious, you should've got the hint through that sentence but I guess I should be more obvious next time.



first off, 'watch my language'? ok gramma

2nd off, its not normal. little girls with uzis is not normal.

i repeat: little girls with uzis is not normal.


you're making my country sound a lot more like an awesome cyberpunk fantasy world than it actually is.


but what country do you live in? tell me so i can find an example of something incredibly stupid that one or two complete idiots did (or does your country have 0 complete idiots?), and then use that to judge your country in the same idiotic way you're doing. because this thing happening took a few people being incredibly stupid. i'm pretty confident when i say that the vast majority of people i know of would probably easily agree that giving a little girl an uzi is a totally stupid idea. so for you to call it normal is just you being an ass. and your saying america is fucked up in a lot of ways just goes to show that you do in fact have a biased perception of the country, probably due to the way your media talks about it. what country isn't 'fucked up in a lot of ways' or doesn't have crazy/evil things in its history? yours? fucking please.


you wanna talk about gun control, ok fine. i think anything is totally fair for debate. but how about if the gun control advocates get honest for a change and focus on where the vast overwhelming majority of gun deaths in the US are actually happening, since they/you supposedly care so much about people dying by gun. here's a hint- it's urban areas. its not crazy gun wielding, maniacal rednecks. it's also not rampage shootings which are only a tiny miniscule % of overall gun related deaths. and it sure as fuck isn't little girls with uzis. accidental gun deaths seem to be less than 10% of gun deaths by sources im seeing, and ok fair enough, bring those onto the table for debate, but don't go trying to act like now i have to watch out for uzi wielding 9yr old girls every time i go outside, because i absolutely do not.



Well, it seems you have literacy problems even though english is your main language. I don't think it is normal, or acceptable to give an automatic gun to a 9year old girl but it sure is in america as has been exemplified here. I don't think of it as some cyber punk fantasy world, I think of it as the place where these kind of videos come about every month, either being a kid shooting up a school or some unarmed black kid being shot 6 times by a cop.

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Ya it's simply not smart to give a kid an automatic weapon. Stupid move on the parents' part.

And now we're gonna hear about how Yanks always walk around with a gat in one hand and a partially-eaten burger in the other for the next week or so. Yay.

But what the news outlets don't give a shit about is how traumatized the girl is. All they care is exploiting the tragedy for sensationalism and milking it for all its worth, perpetuating American stereotypes in the process. It's little different from labeling followers of Islam as kamikaze maniacs, when most Muslims aren't. But I guess blanket labels are easier than getting to know people.

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I wonder what went wrong apart from giving an automatic firearm to a nine year old child


the recoil from the gun is what made her lose control. the gun range operator said they even have 5-8 year olds come there to shoot guns. i don't get what someone is thinking when they think there is a benefit to giving a child a gun- so that's the first mistake. actually putting the gun in their hands in the second.



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I have video of myself shooting one of these into a river. I wish it wasn't VHS so I could upload it.




Also shot a variant of this.




Also, shot Ak47, AR15, MP5, UMP, M14, M16, and a glock. Shit's fun as fuck so I understand why people enjoy it. Holo sights are just as ridiculous in real life as they are in video games.

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This story makes me want to play some Operation Wolf

arcade of that was about as classic as galaga or pole position. i like how the death screen was at least polite enough to apologize to youoperation-wolf-3.png

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This story makes me want to play some Operation Wolf

arcade of that was about as classic as galaga or pole position. i like how the death screen was at least polite enough to apologize to youoperation-wolf-3.png



you can buy this on the nintendo store for your wii.


we bought it for 5$ it's just as awesome as it was on the amiga

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I'd have no problem going for 'bullets and burgers' but I sure as hell wouldn't be anywhere near it if a little girl was given a gun without restraint. That's just very silly.

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Ya it's simply not smart to give a kid an automatic weapon. Stupid move on the parents' part.

And now we're gonna hear about how Yanks always walk around with a gat in one hand and a partially-eaten burger in the other for the next week or so. Yay.

But what the news outlets don't give a shit about is how traumatized the girl is. All they care is exploiting the tragedy for sensationalism and milking it for all its worth, perpetuating American stereotypes in the process. It's little different from labeling followers of Islam as kamikaze maniacs, when most Muslims aren't. But I guess blanket labels are easier than getting to know people.

I really hope they don't put the poor child through a "and how do you feel after this" type interview scenario. That would surely turn out as equally exploitative, and would most likely not scrape the surface further than the "I feel terrible" surface emotions that should be painfully obvious to anyone familiar with the initial story.

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Guest skibby


NOT FUNNY IN THE LEAST.Loli_Gun_Platform_by_sachsen.jpggun-mary2.jpgKIDS AND GUNS SHOULD NEVER MIX, NEVER AGAIN.5193551e2c41824069.jpg




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Ya it's simply not smart to give a kid an automatic weapon. Stupid move on the parents' part.

And now we're gonna hear about how Yanks always walk around with a gat in one hand and a partially-eaten burger in the other for the next week or so. Yay.

But what the news outlets don't give a shit about is how traumatized the girl is. All they care is exploiting the tragedy for sensationalism and milking it for all its worth, perpetuating American stereotypes in the process. It's little different from labeling followers of Islam as kamikaze maniacs, when most Muslims aren't. But I guess blanket labels are easier than getting to know people.

I really hope they don't put the poor child through a "and how do you feel after this" type interview scenario. That would surely turn out as equally exploitative, and would most likely not scrape the surface further than the "I feel terrible" surface emotions that should be painfully obvious to anyone familiar with the initial story.


True. I can understand her wanting to be left alone by (social) media, not unlike Zelda Williams after her dad's passing.


I'm just frustrated by the people who forced her into that situation in the first place, as well as every other idiot with a gun being either careless or malicious and making the rest of us look bad.


Also, as Skibby mentioned...Zardoz.




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