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Nice to see sigils getting mentioned in the mainstream press.

Anyone else use them?

i've done 'em from time to time, i find them an artistic way of stating my intent and bringing what i intend to do to the forefront of my experience/consciousness.

I don't believe in them.

Most of them have worked.
How i define 'working' i'm not so sure but strange outcomes have occurred and i'm in a better place than I would have ended up had i flapped around not focusing on what I intended to do and just floating rudderlessly thru life only doing what I thought others expected of me. Not sure if that is 'magick' or just decision making. Or maybe 'deciding to do magick'.

As I said, I don't believe in them but i can see the merit of actually doing them.
It's not mandatory to believe in anything, so i don't.

Intent and the creative process seem to me to work outside of (or parallel to,) consensus reality, they are personal and subjective and, if successful, they result in actualizations that can seem a bit strange and synchronistic.

I don't usually go around telling people I enjoy a spot of witchcraft now and again but I thought i'd use this opportunity to share my experience.

Like i said, no-one has to believe anything they don't want to.
Here's an example of some i made a few years back and that have only just recently resurfaced (in a service manual for an 808 no less.)








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very cool artwork man, I used to do a very similar style of art. That's about the extent of what I can contribute to this conversation but yeah.


Maybe I'll take some pictures and put em up. =)


edit: that very last one is my favorite, very very very nice


2nd edit: in fact would you consider selling the original?

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We have an artwork thread. I'll let this stand because it has expanded relevance, especially in light of the revelations from a certain forum deity about his projected magics.

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the relevance is that the phex himself mentioned this stuff in an interview (imo to trigger these threads so he could laugh at them, but maybe he's actually a crazy tho too, who knows)

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Yeah I like myself a bit of confirmation bias every now and then



Well at least he didn't try to promote the book "the secret" heheh. It's funny there were some christian missionary people set up under a tarp along the promenade called the strand in townsville when i was up there, and as i was walking by with my mum, (ie. therefore slowly so i could hear a conversation snippet) past this christian dude who was using a line on some woman selling icecreams across from where they were nested. He was telling her, "you just have to pray for something, really really want it to come to pass and you can control what happens, if you really believe."


Seems like it doesn't matter whether it's old magics, christianity, or new age crystal hugging plugged into the alien multiverse, the same hooks are trotted out to capture those wishful minds.


the relevance is that the phex himself mentioned this stuff in an interview


I didn't know that.


which interview was that?



lol, you been under a rock boy !!

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well, to contribute to the original post, yeah, I use sigils. in a way they all worked, it's almost funny. it started when I was 16 with me reading The Invisibles by Grant Morrison and then I slowly mastered the skill. I found out that you can materialise your intent not just with sigils but with any art whatsoever (writing worked for me). it really changes how you look at your surroundings. it is stupid really: you have to consciously think about your intent and then go the other way, so you do something totally mindlessly, something that will release this intent deep into your unconscious, where it somehow fruits into reality. basically all rituals work this way. in the example of sigils it is widely known that you have to look at them when you are least conscious about them - Aphex talked about it. so many people jerk off - at the moment of orgasm they look at their sigil with a stupid look on their faces and the sigils burns into their temporary-empty head. Dpek out

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well, to contribute to the original post, yeah, I use sigils. in a way they all worked, it's almost funny. it started when I was 16 with me reading The Invisibles by Grant Morrison and then I slowly mastered the skill. I found out that you can materialise your intent not just with sigils but with any art whatsoever (writing worked for me). it really changes how you look at your surroundings. it is stupid really: you have to consciously think about your intent and then go the other way, so you do something totally mindlessly, something that will release this intent deep into your unconscious, where it somehow fruits into reality. basically all rituals work this way. in the example of sigils it is widely known that you have to look at them when you are least conscious about them - Aphex talked about it. so many people jerk off - at the moment of orgasm they look at their sigil with a stupid look on their faces and the sigils burns into their temporary-empty head. Dpek out


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only really stumbled onto this recently after watching a Grand Morrison talk, find it extremely interesting - sure, it could be as simple as positive thought affirmation, but i'm a big believer in that - tell yourself what you want and you'll get it, think positive and you'll feel positive.


Has anyone done more than one at a time?


here's the part where he talked about sigils:


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I've done positive programming stuff that I invented for myself and mentioned on here a couple of years back. This was more about altering mood. For getting somewhere though life mostly involves not being lazy when faced with an hard slog. You can't magic that away.


also I kind of feel that the first rule of magics is that you dont mention the magic. Heheh.

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  • 1 year later...

Tried once, but got rid of it within minutes. I don't think that I should play around with this kinda shit. There's something about magick that is very alluring but there is a very sinister energy surrounding it.

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I subscribe to the mindset that, "that which we give power to becomes powerful." So I believe in the power of developing tools to keep your intentions and attention honed in on whatever it is you desire. I also believe in the concept of immortalizing thoughts and ideas through different mediums. I believe these are powerful tools for a person. Intending to influence others using these methods I have less faith in. It all starts from you and moves outward.

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I believe in the power of placebo and the human mind. Honestly.


No, not the band.

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