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Quarter life crisis or something


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I'd suggest throwing everything you got at the lottery. Powerball, mega millions, whatever you got in your area. That'll sort out your issues when you win. Just cut me a check for 50G for the advice. Totally could hit the reset button with 50G...

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You'll never know til you get there. And different "career" jobs have vastly different stress levels. My brother graduated from law school a couple of years ago. Most of his peers went into entry level jobs at firms, working ridiculous hours for big money. He is clerking for a judge, making a totally decent salary (tho less than half what the corporate kids are making), and has a respectable personal life. (He also likes what he's doing, which is huge.)


So, my basic advice is, look at the options and see if there's something that can make you happy in both ways. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

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Thanks for the advice all! I see WATMM is a bunch of pretty grown up people after all :)


I decided I will probably do it like this: Finish my thesis around the end of this year. Then take a sabbatical until September next year. Make a lot of music, maybe go on a small trip and think stuff over without the hectic shit playing in the background.


After that I'm going to apply for jobs in my field, and I'm fairly positive now there are jobs that I'll like

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I'd also like to add something. You have to create the life that is going to make you happy if you desire to be happy during your life. You don't have any choice in the matter. Your soul will always beckon you to be your true self, and these elements that make up your identity become more apparent as you get older. There is no good way to settle for something other than yourself, and you will regret it if you attempt to, because the voice will keep calling you.


It's sometimes hard to determine what you really want though. It's easier to see what you don't want.

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Funnily enough, since it ties in to that, my dad started piano lessons at 58 and he's quite good now . . it's really awesome to see him happily (but aggravatedly, since that's his nature) playing away at an intermediate piece. (He'd be even better if he didn't get so frustrated with himself!)

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Funnily enough, since it ties in to that, my dad started piano lessons at 58 and he's quite good now . . it's really awesome to see him happily (but aggravatedly, since that's his nature) playing away at an intermediate piece. (He'd be even better if he didn't get so frustrated with himself!)

That's great, where there's a will, there's a way :beer:

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I'd also like to add something. You have to create the life that is going to make you happy if you desire to be happy during your life. You don't have any choice in the matter. Your soul will always beckon you to be your true self, and these elements that make up your identity become more apparent as you get older. There is no good way to settle for something other than yourself, and you will regret it if you attempt to, because the voice will keep calling you.


It's sometimes hard to determine what you really want though. It's easier to see what you don't want.



It's not really complicated. People are relatively simple when it comes to satisfying needs. You just have to be honest with yourself. My advice would be just to do something, and do it well. If you make good decisions it isn't that difficult to make changes in the future.

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Just so you know it, mindless jobs kill your creativity.


I'll tell you more about this during my lunchbreak.

I practise guitar during my lunch break, I can't disagree with you though. The oppressive atmosphere engendered by the mindless schlubs I work with, people that don't care to mentally improvise on anything or have any sense of empathy for their fellow man and actively demean anyone that doesn't conform to these soul crushing criteria, this does tend to put a dent in the relaxed fluidity of thought required to achieve a basic level of everyday creativity.




*Coworker looks over your shoulder* "Whatcha writing?"

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Kind of a tangent point..... But I always thought it'd be cool to see Ricky Gervais super fit and healthy and sparkly, as an older man. It's weird how people become their self perceived image and reflection of inner heart over time... Good looking people can become ugly (axl rose), and vice versa. Cuz as all of you know from having this poster up on your wall right above your modular synths, he used to be quite pretty:




And back to this thread and reiterating previous points: Yah- you can choose what to make of your life and self-- whether that be going from pretty poor person to average fat rich famous person, or going from rich pretty person with good morals, to sucking dick for crack with no teeth. The power..... IS YOURS! *Captain Planet*

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