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"The Big Lebowski 2" announced


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Not sure about outright deletion of this thread. Why not just rename The Coen Brothers? Still relevant.

Speaking of which, O Brother Where Art Thou and No Country For Old Men are probably my top two by them. A "Dude" sequel doesn't seem feasible anyway, considering it's been about sixteen years. Because there would be limitations on what the original cast could do age-wise, or a whole new one would just plain ruin it.

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I thought Burn After Reading was great, only Coen film that I didn't enjoy from what I've seen was A Serious Man. I'm actually from the town they based it on and grew up in (St. Louis Park, MN). I graduated from the same high school the brothers went to, there used to be a little plaque dedicated to them in one of the hallways, but it got removed during some remodelling.

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I watched Inside Llewyn Davis last night and it didn't really work, for me anyway. It's probably much more enjoyable if you like sitting through full performances of folk songs by a pedestrian singer-songwriter. I just wanted to fast forward those bits. The whole cat thing didn't work either, it was hard to empathise with Llewyn's character too.


In conclusion, nowhere nears as good as Lebowski, Blood Simple, O Brother, Fargo or No Country For Old Men.

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I watched Inside Llewyn Davis last night and it didn't really work, for me anyway. It's probably much more enjoyable if you like sitting through full performances of folk songs by a pedestrian singer-songwriter. I just wanted to fast forward those bits. The whole cat thing didn't work either, it was hard to empathise with Llewyn's character too.


In conclusion, nowhere nears as good as Lebowski, Blood Simple, O Brother, Fargo or No Country For Old Men.

I agree, but you forgot Barton Fink (the best film).
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