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I'm gay, I'm into IDM and live in London

Guest trananhhung

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might have better results here: http://watmm.biz/


Lol! wow someone went to the trouble of creating a fake website just for a witty response. i salute you sir!


*signs up anyway*



Sometimes I feel like being married as made me miss out on a great opportunity, this is one of them.



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Guest trananhhung

this thread makes watmm go all :catbed:



I'm on the guardian soulmates thingy and have been dating lots of people. Results: either great sex or terrible sex. I never want to see them again, though. I think I'm going down this inconsequential sex spiral, but that's just because I don't find the guys interesting enough to see them afterwards.


It's hard being an IDMGAY.


I have a date tomorrow and another on Sunday. I'll write here their favourite music so that we can all facepalm.


My cinism kills me.


And still not one single private message from WATMM.

I'm moving to london in a few weeks.


Maybe I can turn gay for you

We can try!

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Guest trananhhung

And now the few IDMWATMMERGAYS will avoid me because I misspeled. My life is ruined. ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE GUYS, AS IF THAT WASN'T CLEAR ENOUGH.

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Guest trananhhung

OKCupid worked for me

The London community on OKCupid was pretty good (although this was 5 years ago)

But you're straight, right? I think people are now using soulmates a lot. And all the hundreds of sex apps for quick anonymous sex (which I'm a proficient user of).


I just need some IDM love.

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I'm a pansexual genderqueer and an honest cop with nothing left to lose. I left my wife for an androgynous Filipino but changed my mind an hour later so I robbed a bank and got a face change like in Face/Off. The Cartel has been doing everything in their power to stop me. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife, and I will have my vengeance in this life or the next.

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