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Russia tears down Steve Jobs monument to protect against public sodomy


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Really? nothing on this? Come on WATMM you're slipping.


The question I really have in this whole thing though, is why the fuck was there a monument to Steve Jobs in St. Petersburg to begin with?

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Guest skytree

Poor Russia...somehow they keep making our bullshit here in the States look pretty tame in comparison, whether it's intolerance, corruption or invasion. It'd be comical if there weren't innocent people being beaten on the streets because of it.

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Guest transmisiones ferox

Not surprised, there's no place in Motherland for homosexual propaganda, go back to the West, there you belong ! :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest skytree

Saw an appropriate joke recently basically saying that modern Russia is pretty much a hardcore American conservative's wet dream, and I couldn't find many holes in that argument. Good job guys. Mark of progress right there.

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Guest skytree

is the logic here that if anyone passes this statue and sees steve jobs, they will harken to tim cook's current "status" and immediately convert to being a homosexual?

Not sure logic has much to do with it. Lots of recent studies have been pointing out that it's quite likely there's a genetic component to conservatism, often marked by knee-jerk reactionary tendencies and a paucity of systemic or logical thinking. There's a self-serving cold intelligence in there somewhere, sure, but it's serving only a select group, not the whole system itself.

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Poor Russia...somehow they keep making our bullshit here in the States look pretty tame in comparison, whether it's intolerance, corruption or invasion. It'd be comical if there weren't innocent people being beaten on the streets because of it.

Don't give into to your empire's propaganda. For example look into those 'contraversial anti gay laws' the media was bleating about pre socchi. Look beyond phoney left wing establishment news outlets.


They are arresting priests for feeding the poor in tampa, Have the world's largest prison population, bailed out the criminal banking class to the tune of trillions in a never ending credit line, and on and on for pages. Russia is not worse than the US.

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russia is much worse than us in every single way you can think of, but especially when it comes to the treatment of own people. it's mindbogglingly idiotic to think otherwise.


(though i do renew my russian passport in case america pulls the plug on israel and things go real bad in here, wololo)

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Guest skytree


Poor Russia...somehow they keep making our bullshit here in the States look pretty tame in comparison, whether it's intolerance, corruption or invasion. It'd be comical if there weren't innocent people being beaten on the streets because of it.

Don't give into to your empire's propaganda. For example look into those 'contraversial anti gay laws' the media was bleating about pre socchi. Look beyond phoney left wing establishment news outlets.


They are arresting priests for feeding the poor in tampa, Have the world's largest prison population, bailed out the criminal banking class to the tune of trillions in a never ending credit line, and on and on for pages. Russia is not worse than the US.


Eh I don't put much stock in mainstream media. This country is getting shittier by the day but poor Russia is not exempt from some of its own ridiculous atrocities, esp as of late...out of the two I'd still rather be here. Have a few Russian friends who are gay and they've said they pretty much live in fear every day, and a lot of their peers don't even leave their houses anymore. So yeah I don't consider that propaganda. Just a sad truth of their situation.


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lol, I wouldn't really call that a monument, could easily be mistaken for an iPhone 6 plus. I think this is a common phone robbery.

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Vice is a media arm of the government, psyops for lefties. The got welcomed into the fold before the founder went on colbert, since then they've suddenly had heaps of money to be going around making documentaries around the world.


A good litmus for my position on something to do with international politics is if eugene says I'm wrong, I'm actually incredibly more right than you can believe.

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Have a few Russian friends who are gay and they've said they pretty much live in fear every day, and a lot of their peers don't even leave their houses anymore. So yeah I don't consider that propaganda. Just a sad truth of their situation.



unlucky coming out?

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Vice is a media arm of the government, psyops for lefties.

Us government is so proud of how much Vice has used US state funded media content that they list it on their auditing reports (radio free europe, an outlet which Vice seems to like to use content of a lot is a formerly CIA ran 'white propaganda' operation by the US gov)




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