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Fuck the polar vortex!


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Pretty much. Don't worry OP soon enough the artic will be so warm that this won't happen anymore. It is pretty frightening what's happenning with the jet stream though. Tangible effects of global warming in effect.

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Time to get out your official IDM EditionTM North FaceTM jackets, and activate the FM Synthesis Warming Module!


Then, just plug in your integrated headphones that make tones based on how the wind, freezing rain, and snow pummel the jacket, while it also creates off kilter beats created using the jacket's natural crinkle divided by the rhythm of your steps. You'll be the envy of 0.3% of the general population!

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i don't mind the cold. it's the goddamn wind. really though, to the above comment about changing jet streams and global warming in effect: yes. it is frightening! and even scarier that so many people see this cold as "proof" climate change is a hoax!

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i don't mind the cold. it's the goddamn wind. really though, to the above comment about changing jet streams and global warming in effect: yes. it is frightening! and even scarier that so many people see this cold as "proof" climate change is a hoax!




Even if it is just a natural occurence, I don't understand why people get so pissed about climate change happening or not happening. I'm in the camp of "it doe exist in some form", but I don't do anything differently in my daily life. I just accepted it & moved on. It's like "you fucking liberals won't deceive me!!! rar rar rar". Even though these people probably haven't read one page of documentation of evidence for it. The left wing media effect I gather. I tend to listen to people far more learned than me on the subject instead of some hack media affiliates. But who knows, maybe it's a giant conspiracy to make energy efficient lightbulbs.


What's Richard's view on the subject?

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Well he moved to Scotland, probably in expectation of its sunny future. hehe if there's nowhere cold left in this world I'm building an epic sized freezer in a long winding canyon running down a mountain valley, powering it on solar and geothermal with a transparent roof covering the lot. Inside it will be an arc for cold weather species, like me.

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i don't mind the cold. it's the goddamn wind. really though, to the above comment about changing jet streams and global warming in effect: yes. it is frightening! and even scarier that so many people see this cold as "proof" climate change is a hoax!

It's something you see in geological history - in warmer periods of Earth's history, the pole-equator temperature gradient is a lot lower. The equator will be a bit warmer, but the poles will be a lot warmer (well, this works for the north pole during the mesozoic, and the south pole during the paleozoic, so it depends partly on idiosyncracies of the contemporary positions of continents). I'm no meteorologist but I think the Jet Stream is partially controlled by this temperature gradient, and a lower gradient would make the Jet Stream more wonky? Thus leading to a higher likelihood of more extreme weather (more extreme precipitation anyway) on a season-on-season basis. Which itself is something you also see in the sedimentary record (evidence of increased weathering rates, more flooding events etc). We're not there yet, but we probably should expect to see it in the future


Science: it's not all rosy (but it is IDM)


PS I loved the weather! I melt in anything over 25C, so a cooler summer was much appreciated

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scary thing for europe is southern europe getting dryer as that belt where the sahara is moves north. And pakistan is getting the monsoon now, which is causing all these floods, and their dry belt has pushed into russia which is seeing traditional cropping areas burn. Met office modelled all this in the early 70's late 60's, so we kind of knew what would happen a long time ago. -sie- what's going to happen when the food bowl in the middle of the US dries out as the southern deserts move north wiping out that massive bread basket in the middle of america!! ka-ching for canada i guess, if the US can afford to pay for the food by then.

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I don't know if France applies for SE too but we're getting that dry effect too. It's not that cold right now, we actually barely get snow during winter now and the last time we did it was pretty scarce. But it is very dry. Every winter my hands just get skeletal.


Overall it feels like seasons are becoming more and more similar, hence irrelevant. Temperature changes get postponed and they're less and less noticeable each year. It's like the Earth doesn't endure a global warming but a global standardising instead. Not that I deny the ice caps melting of course but I don't even feel the "oh wow it's winter/oh wow it's summer" effect that much anymore really.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time to get out your official IDM EditionTM North FaceTM jackets, and activate the FM Synthesis Warming Module!


Then, just plug in your integrated headphones that make tones based on how the wind, freezing rain, and snow pummel the jacket, while it also creates off kilter beats created using the jacket's natural crinkle divided by the rhythm of your steps. You'll be the envy of 0.3% of the general population!

Classic reply!

i bet this coat would be designed by those German dorks that made the RJDJ app

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I love winter.


It gives me an excuse to buy overpriced (but lovely) winter jackets!


Fuck man, I can't afford shit. congrats.


It's like 6 degrees F in Detroit ,and windy, which makes it far worse. F this shit.

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Buffalo NY just got a years worth of snowfall in 3 days. I live about 20 miles north of Buffalo and we have had clear skies with less than an inch on the ground. It only just snow started snowing here in Niagara. It will be 60 degrees on Monday.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

Saw that in the news earlier, crazy shit. Weather is definitely getting more unstable even here in the UK. Frequency of thunder storms has gone up massively, I've lost count of them this year

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Buffalo NY just got a years worth of snowfall in 3 days. I live about 20 miles north of Buffalo and we have had clear skies with less than an inch on the ground. It only just snow started snowing here in Niagara. It will be 60 degrees on Monday.


Buffalo is grim. Good job on living 20 miles north.



Saw that in the news earlier, crazy shit. Weather is definitely getting more unstable even here in the UK. Frequency of thunder storms has gone up massively, I've lost count of them this year


There was just some article that lightning strikes should increase by 50% by the end of the century. Gonna be like living in the intro of Flash Gordon.

I've definitely noticed more lightning, stronger thunderstorms this past summer.

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Buffalo NY just got a years worth of snowfall in 3 days. I live about 20 miles north of Buffalo and we have had clear skies with less than an inch on the ground. It only just snow started snowing here in Niagara. It will be 60 degrees on Monday.


Buffalo is grim. Good job on living 20 miles north.




unfortunately 20 miles north is exponentially more grim. niagara falls was recently ranked the number 1 most dangerous city in NY State based on crime per capita. Granted, a lot of those stats are not very accurate.. but yeah. shit hole.

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Buffalo NY just got a years worth of snowfall in 3 days. I live about 20 miles north of Buffalo and we have had clear skies with less than an inch on the ground. It only just snow started snowing here in Niagara. It will be 60 degrees on Monday.



Buffalo is grim. Good job on living 20 miles north.




unfortunately 20 miles north is exponentially more grim. recently ranked the number 1 most dangerous city in NY State based on crime per capita. Granted, a lot of those stats are not very accurate.. but yeah. shit hole.



No worries man, I live near Detroit & drive through the city everyday. I drive by a block that has the highest murder rate in the city. Basically because it's like 2 lived in houses & the rest abandoned.. people are taken there to be killed a/o dumped.


edit: wasn't implying anything bad about Buffalo, just the current snow shat was grim.

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