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Just introducing myself


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Hi guys! I'm kinda new here. I was a member on the forum way back in 2001 but I signed up again when I heard Aphex Twin talking about the watmm kickstarter. Anyway, about me: I live in Japan, I make electronic music mainly using Logic and Ableton and I enjoy listening to Björk, Matthew Herbert and sometimes I indulge in a little pop music. I'm looking forward to hanging out here again and I did read the rules! If you want to know anything more, just ask!


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Wow! I didn't expect such a wonderful welcome. Reading the rules really paid off I guess! >_<!

To everyone who said hi! Hi right back at you! こんにちは!よろしくお願いします!etc


jasondonervan - All the music I have on the net is on my Soundcloud, which i will conveniently place a link to right here... https://soundcloud.com/takuyabgt


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