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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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On 12/8/2021 at 8:06 AM, Rubin Farr said:

She really does look like stepmom porn, Kimmel was right.


NSFL video of brutal drive by shooting/triple homicide in puerto rico. full auto weapons. for some reason the above image came to mind. 


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1 hour ago, thefxbip said:

The more i look into the USA the more i think its some kind of nightmarish land of insanity.

it's getting worse because now dems don't deserve christmas gifts


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1 hour ago, ignatius said:

mega cringe "AmericaFest" lols.. wtf. get a life. 


Whatever one thinks of the trial, this kid literally killed two people with a gun that he was talking about killing people with the night before for stealing toilet paper or whatever from a convenience store. How is there not more shame here?  


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11 minutes ago, apriorion said:

Whatever one thinks of the trial, this kid literally killed two people with a gun that he was talking about killing people with the night before for stealing toilet paper or whatever from a convenience store. How is there not more shame here?  


Turning Point USA is a pro-capitalist outlet that promotes fascism.  This kid is a fascist vigilante.  It all makes very much sense

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1 minute ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

Turning Point USA is a pro-capitalist outlet that promotes fascism.  This kid is a fascist vigilante.  It all makes very much sense

yeah.. charlie kirk is mega douchebag. 



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Funny how the whole scandal you see everywhere about everything that gets called ''woke''.

''cant say anything anymore'' '' woke movement undermine authority, teachers have no authority anymore'' ''these days its all about minority acting like they are the victims'' is basically a reaction against losing power and privilege.

Have these people no self-reflection? arent they seeing all that is happening is them projecting BS for not wanting to give even an inch?

There was an article about a teacher complaining about their authority being undermined by so called ''woke'' and bunch of replies by boomers agreeing.

Oh sorry you're not an absolute ruling overlord in your class anymore, im so sad for you. Maybe you love the teacher power trip just a bit too much boss, you know?

Its not something that discussed a lot, everyone is always praising school and how awesome it is but VERY OFTEN teachers love power. They get high on the power to shut down anyone that disagree with them in a class. I drop out of school for that exact reason. The hierarchic structure of school is hardly ever criticized. It is presented as the only way to function and learn: obey the teacher, they know everything. Can't stand the power dynamic. 

Fuck power relationships.


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9 minutes ago, thefxbip said:

Funny how the whole scandal you see everywhere about everything that gets called ''woke''.

''cant say anything anymore'' '' woke movement undermine authority, teachers have no authority anymore'' ''these days its all about minority acting like they are the victims'' is basically a reaction against losing power and privilege.

Have these people no self-reflection? arent they seeing all that is happening is them projecting BS for not wanting to give even an inch?

There was an article about a teacher complaining about their authority being undermined by so called ''woke'' and bunch of replies by boomers agreeing.

Oh sorry you're not an absolute ruling overlord in your class anymore, im so sad for you. Maybe you love the teacher power trip just a bit too much boss, you know?

Its not something that discussed a lot, everyone is always praising school and how awesome it is but VERY OFTEN teachers love power. They get high on the power to shut down anyone that disagree with them. I drop out of school for that exact reason. The hierarchic structure of school is hardly ever criticized. It is very often presented as the only way to function and learn: obey the teacher, they know everything.

Fuck power relationships.


by turning the worker into a commodity being sold on open labor markets, their slavery is hidden from plain view.  but inside they know they are lined up against the wall begging for some wage labor that can be taken at a moment's notice.  any bit of power they can get they use against their fellow workers when they lack class consciousness.

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Power corrupts.

As long as humans will not get rid of the idea of hierarchy and superiority shit will never change. Every single structure and relationship that strenghtens hierarchic and power based interactions gives energy to the statu quo and oppression.

If i would have to single out the one most toxic idea that exist it would probably be that: i am superior so i have the RIGHT to dominate other humans and/or creatures (including animals, nature).

Every relationship with heavy power dynamics is based on this ignorant and foolish belief no matter how efficiently camouflaged. People that love power simply think they are superior and that it give them the right to dominate other beings.

In extreme cases that it give them the right to kill and exploit at will.

Refuse power, dominance positions and refuse oppression and obedience everytime you can. 

Edited by thefxbip
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1 hour ago, thefxbip said:

Power corrupts.

As long as humans will not get rid of the idea of hierarchy and superiority shit will never change. Every single structure and relationship that strenghtens hierarchic and power based interactions gives energy to the statu quo and oppression.

If i would have to single out the one most toxic idea that exist it would probably be that: i am superior so i have the RIGHT to dominate other humans and/or creatures (including animals, nature).

Every relationship with heavy power dynamics is based on this ignorant and foolish belief no matter how efficiently camouflaged. People that love power simply think they are superior and that it give them the right to dominate other beings.

In extreme cases that it give them the right to kill and exploit at will.

Refuse power, dominance positions and refuse oppression and obedience everytime you can. 

the state is used as a tool for one class to oppress another. whilst hierarchical structures require power which corrupts, creating a power vacuum that reactionaries will happily fill is not a good thing either. you need to safeguard progress

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8 hours ago, milkface said:

the state is used as a tool for one class to oppress another. whilst hierarchical structures require power which corrupts, creating a power vacuum that reactionaries will happily fill is not a good thing either. you need to safeguard progress

IMHO power ITSELF is inherently reactionary. There is no true progressive power or power concerned with justice. 

Power is the playing ground of the easily corruptible. You will not win on their playground. And this is one of the weakness of politics and democracy, it is the descendant of the structures that were invented by pathological psychopaths, tyrants and military leaders. Who invented states? law? military? Through history, in some places it got diluted by opposing forces and replaced in parts but the basic structures, the skeleton is a reflection of the way of thinking of people that proceed from a power hungry perspective. It's there in the structure and it breeds this way of thinking from the start, it creates a feedback loop of domination. If you play the game you end up feeding the structure.

I'm advocating for total dissolution of the merit of power itself in the human mind. It may sound utopian but the alternative is this state of affairs we find ourselves in right now. 

If there is no one to lead, dominate or obey, there lies the potential for freedom and equality and cooperation. This is why i will never ever believe in communism. It wants to take power and thus will be also corrupted all the same. Which is what happens every time they take government. You cannot use the mentality and concepts of power based structures, you cannot seize a state have power and hope to be that different from predecessors. The structure of power itself direct the outcome. It will always corrupt. There is of course degrees of love for power but in itself why is it not questioned as a concept? why power itself is rarely even taken apart has one of the root of misery? Even in democracy there is very little talk about this. It is taken as a given that some people must direct and give orders and some others should follow and that's it. I strongly object to this.

Humans have to unlearn the desire to dominate and unlearn the acceptance of being dominated. I personally do not believe it to be a natural process in us. Cooperation on equal ground, or at least respect based relationships and leadership is far easier for everybody. If you have participated in group projects where one person constantly dominates everyone without any regards (ex: a really shitty boss) VS a project where cooperation is central, and leadership is based on listening and respect you will know its possible.

The way i see things, it is absolutely no coincidence to see the high level of unhappiness through society. This whole deal is highly uncomfortable for the majority of human beings. Whether in dominance or servitude, I dont believe one second you can be happy either way. 

My highschool teachers were as miserable as me in class. It's quite shocking to witness 30 students and one teacher all hating a course but still doing it for a whole year for some mysterious reason. And no one even willing to ask or answer this question. Why the hell are we doing this? is there no other way? 

I lost trust in society at large and adults in general right there. When i was a kid i thought adults had things figured out and then i realized most people have no idea what they are living for and what they are doing with their lives. And they are too afraid to even ask questions about the meaning of it all. And they slowly die inside. It's a fucking sad thing to witness.

What is needed is complete change of paradigm, and to realize power ITSELF is to be avoided and rejected. Both from a dominance and obedience perspective.

True leadership lead by respect alone not by fear or menace and imbalance in the relationship.

I have met a few real leaders in my life and when they talk they can speak very softly and the whole room will go silent by share respect. They don't force anyone to do anything or be anything but they have people attention because their words and actions are valued. It's quite a beautiful thing.

Anyway this will probably never happen at a global level because of the instability of the human race and the many uncertainty of life, tyrants always have existed, but it is an ideal i personally strive for at more human scale.

Anyway what do i know. I might be just a fool. I don't know shit probably.

But bottom line is society is highly dysfunctional right now, all the hard questions should be asked and should be asked quick.

How do we live? why do we live? is this way of living is creating happiness or misery? if so why? 

We face existential threat, we have to ask ourselves these questions urgently.

The challenge we face goes deeper than political or social change, it concerns the very fabric of our thoughts, our way of life, our way of thinking.

There is a need for a complete philosophical readjustment to our relationship to what life itself means, all of of our inner mental processes. Climate change is coming full speed and is gonna hit us if we don't ask ourselves questions.

lol sometimes, you know, i think humanity demise is caused by the avoidance of the important philosophical questions. Our cowardice to faces these questions have cost us a lot.



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50 minutes ago, thefxbip said:

IMHO power ITSELF is inherently reactionary. There is no true progressive power or power concerned with justice. 

Power is the playing ground of the easily corruptible. You will not win on their playground. And this is one of the weakness of politics and democracy, it is the descendant of the structures that were invented by pathological psychopaths, tyrants and military leaders. Who invented states? law? military? Through history, in some places it got diluted by opposing forces and replaced in parts but the basic structures, the skeleton is a reflection of the way of thinking of people that proceed from a power hungry perspective. It's there in the structure and it breeds this way of thinking from the start, it creates a feedback loop of domination. If you play the game you end up feeding the structure.

I'm advocating for total dissolution of the merit of power itself in the human mind. It may sound utopian but the alternative is this state of affairs we find ourselves in right now. 

If there is no one to lead, dominate or obey, there lies the potential for freedom and equality and cooperation. This is why i will never ever believe in communism. It wants to take power and thus will be also corrupted all the same. Which is what happens every time they take government. You cannot use the mentality and concepts of power based structures, you cannot seize a state have power and hope to be that different from predecessors. The structure of power itself direct the outcome. It will always corrupt. There is of course degrees of love for power but in itself why is it not questioned as a concept? why power itself is rarely even taken apart has one of the root of misery? Even in democracy there is very little talk about this. It is taken as a given that some people must direct and give orders and some others should follow and that's it. I strongly object to this.

Humans have to unlearn the desire to dominate and unlearn the acceptance of being dominated. I personally do not believe it to be a natural process in us. Cooperation on equal ground, or at least respect based relationships and leadership is far easier for everybody. If you have participated in group projects where one person constantly dominates everyone without any regards (ex: a really shitty boss) VS a project where cooperation is central, and leadership is based on listening and respect you will know its possible.

The way i see things, it is absolutely no coincidence to see the high level of unhappiness through society. This whole deal is highly uncomfortable for the majority of human beings. Whether in dominance or servitude, I dont believe one second you can be happy either way. 

My highschool teachers were as miserable as me in class. It's quite shocking to witness 30 students and one teacher all hating a course but still doing it for a whole year for some mysterious reason. And no one even willing to ask or answer this question. Why the hell are we doing this? is there no other way? 

I lost trust in society at large and adults in general right there. When i was a kid i thought adults had things figured out and then i realized most people have no idea what they are living for and what they are doing with their lives. And they are too afraid to even ask questions about the meaning of it all. And they slowly die inside. It's a fucking sad thing to witness.

What is needed is complete change of paradigm, and to realize power ITSELF is to be avoided and rejected. Both from a dominance and obedience perspective.

True leadership lead by respect alone not by fear or menace and imbalance in the relationship.

I have met a few real leaders in my life and when they talk they can speak very softly and the whole room will go silent by share respect. They don't force anyone to do anything or be anything but they have people attention because their words and actions are valued. It's quite a beautiful thing.

Anyway this will probably never happen at a global level because of the instability of the human race and the many uncertainty of life, tyrants always have existed, but it is an ideal i personally strive for at more human scale.

Anyway what do i know. I might be just a fool. I don't know shit probably.

But bottom line is society is highly dysfunctional right now, all the hard questions should be asked and should be asked quick.

How do we live? why do we live? is this way of living is creating happiness or misery? if so why? 

We face existential threat, we have to ask ourselves these questions urgently.

The challenge we face goes deeper than political or social change, it concerns the very fabric of our thoughts, our way of life, our way of thinking.

There is a need for a complete philosophical readjustment to our relationship to what life itself means, all of of our inner mental processes. Climate change is coming full speed and is gonna hit us if we don't ask ourselves questions.

lol sometimes, you know, i think humanity demise is caused by the avoidance of the important philosophical questions. Our cowardice to faces these questions have cost us a lot.

it sounds like you are an anarchist.  can you explain why you aren't also a communist?  it sounds like you are critiquing Marxism-Leninism specifically, not communism in general which has other veins like anarcho-communism, which actually critiques Marxism-Leninism in the same way you did.  Communism is quite simply the abolition of private property, money, the state, wage labor, the commodity form, etc.

Edited by ilqx hermolia xpli
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5 hours ago, thefxbip said:

IMHO power ITSELF is inherently reactionary. There is no true progressive power or power concerned with justice. 

Power is the playing ground of the easily corruptible. You will not win on their playground. And this is one of the weakness of politics and democracy, it is the descendant of the structures that were invented by pathological psychopaths, tyrants and military leaders. Who invented states? law? military? Through history, in some places it got diluted by opposing forces and replaced in parts but the basic structures, the skeleton is a reflection of the way of thinking of people that proceed from a power hungry perspective. It's there in the structure and it breeds this way of thinking from the start, it creates a feedback loop of domination. If you play the game you end up feeding the structure.

I'm advocating for total dissolution of the merit of power itself in the human mind. It may sound utopian but the alternative is this state of affairs we find ourselves in right now. 

If there is no one to lead, dominate or obey, there lies the potential for freedom and equality and cooperation. This is why i will never ever believe in communism. It wants to take power and thus will be also corrupted all the same. Which is what happens every time they take government. You cannot use the mentality and concepts of power based structures, you cannot seize a state have power and hope to be that different from predecessors. The structure of power itself direct the outcome. It will always corrupt. There is of course degrees of love for power but in itself why is it not questioned as a concept? why power itself is rarely even taken apart has one of the root of misery? Even in democracy there is very little talk about this. It is taken as a given that some people must direct and give orders and some others should follow and that's it. I strongly object to this.

Humans have to unlearn the desire to dominate and unlearn the acceptance of being dominated. I personally do not believe it to be a natural process in us. Cooperation on equal ground, or at least respect based relationships and leadership is far easier for everybody. If you have participated in group projects where one person constantly dominates everyone without any regards (ex: a really shitty boss) VS a project where cooperation is central, and leadership is based on listening and respect you will know its possible.

The way i see things, it is absolutely no coincidence to see the high level of unhappiness through society. This whole deal is highly uncomfortable for the majority of human beings. Whether in dominance or servitude, I dont believe one second you can be happy either way. 

My highschool teachers were as miserable as me in class. It's quite shocking to witness 30 students and one teacher all hating a course but still doing it for a whole year for some mysterious reason. And no one even willing to ask or answer this question. Why the hell are we doing this? is there no other way? 

I lost trust in society at large and adults in general right there. When i was a kid i thought adults had things figured out and then i realized most people have no idea what they are living for and what they are doing with their lives. And they are too afraid to even ask questions about the meaning of it all. And they slowly die inside. It's a fucking sad thing to witness.

What is needed is complete change of paradigm, and to realize power ITSELF is to be avoided and rejected. Both from a dominance and obedience perspective.

True leadership lead by respect alone not by fear or menace and imbalance in the relationship.

I have met a few real leaders in my life and when they talk they can speak very softly and the whole room will go silent by share respect. They don't force anyone to do anything or be anything but they have people attention because their words and actions are valued. It's quite a beautiful thing.

Anyway this will probably never happen at a global level because of the instability of the human race and the many uncertainty of life, tyrants always have existed, but it is an ideal i personally strive for at more human scale.

Anyway what do i know. I might be just a fool. I don't know shit probably.

But bottom line is society is highly dysfunctional right now, all the hard questions should be asked and should be asked quick.

How do we live? why do we live? is this way of living is creating happiness or misery? if so why? 

We face existential threat, we have to ask ourselves these questions urgently.

The challenge we face goes deeper than political or social change, it concerns the very fabric of our thoughts, our way of life, our way of thinking.

There is a need for a complete philosophical readjustment to our relationship to what life itself means, all of of our inner mental processes. Climate change is coming full speed and is gonna hit us if we don't ask ourselves questions.

lol sometimes, you know, i think humanity demise is caused by the avoidance of the important philosophical questions. Our cowardice to faces these questions have cost us a lot.



Yeah that's great but as I said there's always gonna be someone who wants to be in power so it needs to be us instead of them.

Besides how do you expect to feed, house, vaccinate and care for millions/ billions in your country without centralisation? You need organisation. I guarantee you deaths and suffering under anarchism would be insanely high due to pure disorganisation and inadequacy.

Edited by milkface
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15 hours ago, thefxbip said:

Power corrupts.

As long as humans will not get rid of the idea of hierarchy and superiority shit will never change. Every single structure and relationship that strenghtens hierarchic and power based interactions gives energy to the statu quo and oppression.

If i would have to single out the one most toxic idea that exist it would probably be that: i am superior so i have the RIGHT to dominate other humans and/or creatures (including animals, nature).

Every relationship with heavy power dynamics is based on this ignorant and foolish belief no matter how efficiently camouflaged. People that love power simply think they are superior and that it give them the right to dominate other beings.

In extreme cases that it give them the right to kill and exploit at will.

Refuse power, dominance positions and refuse oppression and obedience everytime you can. 

The history of the Caucasian race will not be looked on favorably.

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2 hours ago, milkface said:

Yeah that's great but as I said there's always gonna be someone who wants to be in power so it needs to be us instead of them.

Besides how do you expect to feed, house, vaccinate and care for millions/ billions in your country without centralisation? You need organisation. I guarantee you deaths and suffering under anarchism would be insanely high due to pure disorganisation and inadequacy.

Well i would simply say the problem is not who is in power, the problem is that there is someone in power.

It's what we see in democracy. ''those who are in charge are corrupted we need new people in charge''

Well good luck with that. You put people in charge they will get corrupted. Period. The only thing that varies is the degree of corruption. It's a constant through history.

There is no us or them.

You get power you become them. You might be the most well intentioned person in the world, the most well intentioned party in the world, you start looking for some big scale power it shapes you.

A single man has no power in itself. People give it to them. Vladimir Poutine has 0 power by himself. All his powers are built artificially on the concept of power being legitimate and having millions following this logic. If tomorrow every single russian person stop believing this is a legitimate way to organize society Poutine is just another man like any other.

Organisation can be achieved without big scale centralisation. Minor functional leadership can be achieved without race for total control. How do you deal with people on day to day basis? with your friend, family? do you give orders to everyone? Probably not. There is possibility for cooperation.

But this current human society has been built up to such a high degree of dependency to big power structures, hierarchy and bureaucracy it is mindblowing. How to untangle this whole mess? I do not know.

A starting point it seems to me, is to start questioning the legitimacy of the concept of power itself and a re-evaluation of what are the main values in society.


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7 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

it sounds like you are an anarchist.  can you explain why you aren't also a communist?  it sounds like you are critiquing Marxism-Leninism specifically, not communism in general which has other veins like anarcho-communism, which actually critiques Marxism-Leninism in the same way you did.  Communism is quite simply the abolition of private property, money, the state, wage labor, the commodity form, etc.

To my understanding, communism has too much a materialistic vision of everything. And is too concerned with the acquisition of power and the antagonism of class warfare. I don't buy this.

I feel communism doesn't face the most basic questions of all, the question of happiness and suffering, and what it means to be human with enough inquisitive energy. It stays on the superficial realm of political terms which only deal with issue of power and acquisition of power and doesn't deal with the most urgent existential questions which are truly, it seems to me, the basis of all personal and societal neurosis.

If you have no sense of inquiry into what truly brings happiness and what causes suffering how can you make any sense of how to deal with the world?

So i prefer to have the starting point being spiritual or philosophical instead of political. I think it both encompass yet transcend politics. For the simple reason that it looks at things from a point of view that goes deeper into basic existential questions.

I have spent some time with traditional Innu people and it shaped a lot of my views of the world. I am still far from being as patient and have equanimity as the people who were good enough to teach this white boy a few things about life but lets say i have learned with time that there is a sense of beautiful equality and compassion that can comes from a feeling of pantheism. And that truth is beyond any political division. The essence of what humanity is transcend it all. If you start having a feeling that every single living being possesses some kind of sacred essence it changes you deeply. Who ever you are there is a common ground to us all. That is all i will say about this as i don't feel getting esoteric on the internet is proper.

If i would describe myself in political terms it would be something like radical mystical anarchism or something i don't even know (or fatalist? depending on days hahaha)

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5 hours ago, thefxbip said:

To my understanding, communism has too much a materialistic vision of everything. And is too concerned with the acquisition of power and the antagonism of class warfare. I don't buy this.

I feel communism doesn't face the most basic questions of all, the question of happiness and suffering, and what it means to be human with enough inquisitive energy. It stays on the superficial realm of political terms which only deal with issue of power and acquisition of power and doesn't deal with the most urgent existential questions which are truly, it seems to me, the basis of all personal and societal neurosis.

If you have no sense of inquiry into what truly brings happiness and what causes suffering how can you make any sense of how to deal with the world?

So i prefer to have the starting point being spiritual or philosophical instead of political. I think it both encompass yet transcend politics. For the simple reason that it looks at things from a point of view that goes deeper into basic existential questions.

I have spent some time with traditional Innu people and it shaped a lot of my views of the world. I am still far from being as patient and have equanimity as the people who were good enough to teach this white boy a few things about life but lets say i have learned with time that there is a sense of beautiful equality and compassion that can comes from a feeling of pantheism. And that truth is beyond any political division. The essence of what humanity is transcend it all. If you start having a feeling that every single living being possesses some kind of sacred essence it changes you deeply. Who ever you are there is a common ground to us all. That is all i will say about this as i don't feel getting esoteric on the internet is proper.

If i would describe myself in political terms it would be something like radical mystical anarchism or something i don't even know (or fatalist? depending on days hahaha)

I see, I don't agree overall, communism is very radical despite Marxism, a dominant ideology behind communism, being materialist.  something very concrete for the masses of people facing real material harm from capitalism rather than idealistic notions.  as Marx said:

>In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which arises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness. The mode of production of material life conditions the general process of social, political and intellectual life. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness. At a certain stage of development, the material productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of production or – this merely expresses the same thing in legal terms – with the property relations within the framework of which they have operated hitherto. From forms of development of the productive forces these relations turn into their fetters. Then begins an era of social revolution. The changes in the economic foundation lead sooner or later to the transformation of the whole immense superstructure.


4 hours ago, thefxbip said:

@ilqx hermolia xpli Also i just want to take this opportunity to say im sorry for the aggressive action in China thread, we may have massive disagreement on some things, its no excuse to lack basic respect.

Sorry to high school teachers too, high school was traumatic to me and it gets me emotional.

For what it's worth.

haha it is fine, I don't remember

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