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That Rotherham Child Prostitute ring consisting of PakiBrits which was able to run for 20 years without police intervention because it might inflame anti-islam tendencies was fucked up.


The fact that the government is putting a ban on certain pornographic outings is weird.

All in all, I perceive british authorities to be really authoritarian and pedantic, but seeing how much of a disaster neo-libertarian tendencies are, I can sympathize.


You have funny humour though. And I like your language.


Most British WATMM'rs are pretty funny. And you produce some banging dance music.


Lush landscapes from what I can remember. I should visit again soon

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Face sitting is getting so out of control that they had to put a law in to try and quell people being influenced to do it (doubt it have much effect tho). Nothing against female sexuality really. It's just like, Id rather have a girl sit on my face all day than be a productive and useful member of society and most English chaps feel the same

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<p>I'm actually gonna put money on this thread having like 3/4 posts being English self-hating</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Haha or apologising, rather. STOP SAYING SORRY SO MUCH!! You don't even mean it.</p>

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Also I would like to apologise for Ricky Gervais, you can keep him over in America. And Jonathan Ross. And Russell Brand.

See that's not really an apology is it? you are happy for them to suffer him. i guess if you're apologising to the rest of the world then fair enough.


anyway this thread is for opinions of foreign scum only please

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I thought they liked him? If they don't, please send him back. We'll send him to work in costcutters or Aldi.


Also I should state I do love England and living here, not one of the self-loathers (apart from certain exports like Iraq 'war', Dresden bombing + Brand). Just can't stand some of the entitledness some Englishmen (not necessarily people on this forum) have, assuming that being an Englishman somehow grants them certain birthrights. This is probably the same for all countries though so perhaps a moot point.

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Inferiority complex toward US, Germany and even France

Good TV

Good music

Bad food

crazily expensive

Crap infrastructure for what you pay in taxes

Moderately xenophobic

All around one of the better places a person could be born

Even worse tourists than Americans.

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My experience growing up in England and travelling around it:


The West Country and the North are great fun, full of spectacular booze, buxom wenches, comical accents and breathtaking landscapes (except the Northern cities which could do with another Luftwaffe flyover or two). The Midlands and East are ok but a bit dull, although you can get a stunning curry in the Midlands cities. The southeast is uncomfortably crowded and full of poshos that don't know anything about the other bits, but think they own them nevertheless


(Sorry if I offended anyone)

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Birmingham is pretty much smack in the Middle of England, isn't it? I therefore refer all my impressions of the country to the works of Napalm Death, Judas Priest and Black Sabbath

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My experience growing up in England and travelling around it:


The West Country and the North are great fun, full of spectacular booze, buxom wenches, comical accents and breathtaking landscapes (except the Northern cities which could do with another Luftwaffe flyover or two). The Midlands and East are ok but a bit dull, although you can get a stunning curry in the Midlands cities. The southeast is uncomfortably crowded and full of poshos that don't know anything about the other bits, but think they own them nevertheless


(Sorry if I offended anyone)

I like this and agree.


I'm from Liverpool so consider myself exempt from these criticisms (and compliments).

Oh god do Liverpudlians somehow think they're separate and special too? FFS. No. This about the whole of England.


(I had a customer enquiry from a Liverpudlian saying the parcel never arrived, please send it.. the fucking parcel had tracking and had been signed for.. when I told them that they didn't say anything else. TYPICAL.. do you agree with the stereotype?)

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I'm from Liverpool so consider myself exempt from these criticisms (and compliments).

Oh god do Liverpudlians somehow think they're separate and special too? FFS. No. This about the whole of England.


(I had a customer enquiry from a Liverpudlian saying the parcel never arrived, please send it.. the fucking parcel had tracking and had been signed for.. when I told them that they didn't say anything else. TYPICAL.. do you agree with the stereotype?)



That all people from Liverpool are thieving cunts? No, I don't.

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I'm from Liverpool so consider myself exempt from these criticisms (and compliments).

Oh god do Liverpudlians somehow think they're separate and special too? FFS. No. This about the whole of England.


(I had a customer enquiry from a Liverpudlian saying the parcel never arrived, please send it.. the fucking parcel had tracking and had been signed for.. when I told them that they didn't say anything else. TYPICAL.. do you agree with the stereotype?)



That all people from Liverpool are thieving cunts? No, I don't.


Yeah no I obv don't actually think that but still... why exactly do you think you're exempt?

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I have a generally positive view of England.


Pros: Deep history that was integral in shaping the world

Unbelievable amount of talented and innovative artists

Usually funny, pleasant, and fun


Cons: Pissing on the US when you are usually involved in shady dealings as well

Has white trash that rivals or surpasses the US (i know this is a small element, not all people)


I consider England as an uptight uncle who lets his hair down often. You love it when he comes to visit.

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Yeah no I obv don't actually think that but still... why exactly do you think you're exempt?

It's a bit of a cliche but I think it apples to a few cities north of the Watford Gap. I think Liverpool was hit pretty hard in the 80s by the conservative government, compounded by the Toxteth riots caused by police discrimination, then there was the whole Hillsborough tragedy where the government cooked up a story with the police and Rupert Murdoch to blame it all on Liverpool fans (accusing them of stealing from the crushed victims etc). It's very socialist and anti-fascist (which is why it was left to rot by the tories). I guess all of that adds up to a spirit of defiance against Westminster, but not against other northern cities which suffered similar fates, economically.

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As scotch I think the world likes England to a certain extent, i think they have a government who are 80% muppets. Eton educated tubes trying to appeal to the GB masses. It's interesting that tauboo separated London from the rest of the England, i think it is it's own island to certain extent, there are all walks of life there as there are everywhere, but i recognise the common chav more there than in other parts, they're running amok. At the other end of the annoyance spectrum there is a bunch of wankers who think they're into film. They're not. They're call centre workers who watched Eraserhead one day and are passing themselves off as the new Jacques Renaut. ''I really enjoyed Deakins cinematography in his last piece but the lighting was too profound for Mendes direction''. Wankers of the highest order who are fooling no-one about how clueless they are. Hangers on.

Beyond the wankers, England is a hive of talent. Gervais, Rob Gittins, James Watkins, Jenkinson bros. It is a creative heaven...you just need to wade through a bit of shite to get to it.

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Yeah no I obv don't actually think that but still... why exactly do you think you're exempt?

It's a bit of a cliche but I think it apples to a few cities north of the Watford Gap. I think Liverpool was hit pretty hard in the 80s by the conservative government, compounded by the Toxteth riots caused by police discrimination, then there was the whole Hillsborough tragedy where the government cooked up a story with the police and Rupert Murdoch to blame it all on Liverpool fans (accusing them of stealing from the crushed victims etc). It's very socialist and anti-fascist (which is why it was left to rot by the tories). I guess all of that adds up to a spirit of defiance against Westminster, but not against other northern cities which suffered similar fates, economically.


Tories are currently fucking the lives of working class folk in all areas.

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