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Yeah no I obv don't actually think that but still... why exactly do you think you're exempt?

It's a bit of a cliche but I think it apples to a few cities north of the Watford Gap. I think Liverpool was hit pretty hard in the 80s by the conservative government, compounded by the Toxteth riots caused by police discrimination, then there was the whole Hillsborough tragedy where the government cooked up a story with the police and Rupert Murdoch to blame it all on Liverpool fans (accusing them of stealing from the crushed victims etc). It's very socialist and anti-fascist (which is why it was left to rot by the tories). I guess all of that adds up to a spirit of defiance against Westminster, but not against other northern cities which suffered similar fates, economically.


Tories are currently fucking the lives of working class folk in all areas.



Yep. It's their entitlement to squeeze every last drop of cash and happiness out of hardworking folk - then blame it on people on benefits/immigrants.

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I view the UK as America's whipping boy and total lackey but with much more draconian laws for the press and also the drug laws are worse than the united states. Just the title of Burials 'rival dealer' EP gives me shivers thinking of how depressing it must be to have to buy weed from an actual drug dealer (we are super spoiled here in the states in terms of pot access)

they generally have much better comedy than the US though

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- America's relative (as others have said, maybe uncle, maybe way older half brother)

- Ultra high per-capita ratio of innovative/great musicians in the 20th/21st century (though most of the genres originated elsewhere)

- Good comedy (that is relatively more comfortable with the uncomfortable truths of life)

- Grey skies, green grass

- Stoicism

- Plenty of white/whatever trash that surprises in contrast to the aforementioned stuff. Most places are like that though, I think.

- Good science documentaries

- A large amount of people I know have at least some ancestry from there (though it isn't as "cool" to claim as Irish or Scottish)

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I was born in England. Lived there again as an adolescent. RAF Lakenheath/RAF Mildenhall. So rural East Anglia is what I automatically associate with.


It's unique and special to me in that regard. My parents have told me about the mid-80s there (and shared pictures and mementos from the era) and how it seemed a lot more behind than the US in luxuries and amenities, was a lot more dreary, cold and foreign, but that everyone they met were friendly and pleasant. Funny enough, most of my baby and toddler toys are English (Postman Pat & Paddington Bear specifically).


That's partly why I view England as a far more culturally fascinating, rich and complex place than many of my fellow Americans who call themselves Anglophiles, who basically just exude their enthusiasm for this:













I kinda miss the 90s wave of anglophile nonsense, Cool Britannia...












As far as the government goes, England seems a bit more stable but also constraining than US in terms of social and economic opportunity. I can't imagine how frustrating "New Labour" was in it's Iraq participation.


As much as England produces and even embraces absolute drivel (reality shows like Big Brother & Only Way Is Essex, novelty club singles, junk food, etc.) there seems to be a higher quality overall in all forms of pop culture. The top 40 charts often seem more interesting and diverse, comedies and tv series are generally better.


I love English (or I guess UK) candy and chocolate. Prefer the local cuisine of Texas by a huge margin though.


I almost always prefer UK show theme songs and opening shots. Usually shorter, simpler, more melancholy.



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The Brits I've encountered mostly looked like Wayne Rooney, moved around in packs of 5, were drunk and loud and obnoxious, and basically were on their holidays. So in my experience, Brits outside Britain are drunken clones of some football player, operating in cliques half the size of an actual football team.


O, and something about bad teeth. And if you see people from Cambridge University you should shout "farmer!" every now and then. They all start to lie on the ground if you do that. Something about some backstory how people from Cambridge pretend to be cabbages on a field when a farmer is near.


Edit: and theyre pretty laidback people with a good sense of humor. Contrary to those english speaking across the ocean ;D

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The Brits I've encountered mostly looked like Wayne Rooney, moved around in packs of 5, were drunk and loud and obnoxious, and basically were on their holidays. So in my experience, Brits outside Britain are drunken clones of some football player, operating in cliques half the size of an actual football team.


O, and something about bad teeth. And if you see people from Cambridge University you should shout "farmer!" every now and then. They all start to lie on the ground if you do that. Something about some backstory how people from Cambridge pretend to be cabbages on a field when a farmer is near.


Edit: and theyre pretty laidback people with a good sense of humor. Contrary to those english speaking across the ocean ;D

Never heard of that. Oh how satisfying it would be to take a shotgun to that situation. Fucking Cambridge cabbage cunts.


Yeah I lived in Netherlands for years and formed a similar perception of my own kind.

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The Brits I've encountered mostly looked like Wayne Rooney, moved around in packs of 5, were drunk and loud and obnoxious, and basically were on their holidays. So in my experience, Brits outside Britain are drunken clones of some football player, operating in cliques half the size of an actual football team.


O, and something about bad teeth. And if you see people from Cambridge University you should shout "farmer!" every now and then. They all start to lie on the ground if you do that. Something about some backstory how people from Cambridge pretend to be cabbages on a field when a farmer is near.


Edit: and theyre pretty laidback people with a good sense of humor. Contrary to those english speaking across the ocean ;D

English football fans are an embarrassment. 90% of English men look like potatoes wearing baggy jeans and stripy polo tshirts - and think they're somehow better than other people in Europe (these are the twats that rad The Sun and vote UKIP). The Dutch are definitely taller. When I've been over to Amsterdam everyone looks really tall, well dressed and handsome. The urinals are higher up on the walls too, my mate had to stand on tip toes to stop his knob touching the porcelain.

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tauboo do you work for the postal service? and are you still living in Bristol? If so, I need you to get me a job.


I love London but the rent is killing me.

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I'm afraid the answer to both those questions is no. Sorry mate. I'll probably be returning to Bristol soon... and actually a job in the postal service isn't a bad idea, pay for night shifts and weekends is OK considering that yeah, it is possible to find cheap rental accommodation.

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