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shouldn't the thread maybe be titled 'so what does the rest of the western world think of england'?

*notices that misterE has been in this thread a long ass time without saying anything





better not be jackin' it to my photos yo


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I don't really care, you make some of the best music and movies on the planet, in my opinion.

David Cameron is a steaming piece of dog shit, so is his party, but that isn't any different from other countries.

England has a very bad cuisine for the most part, I have made the experience, but I have only been around London, Dover, Ramsgate and Hastings.

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I have a love/hate relationship with London. Lived here for 25 years and would like to move away from the city as it's quite demanding and stressful. It's very expensive though so buying a house takes quite a lot to fund.


Canada would be an interesting place to move to, I just want to be surrounded by trees and mountains yo.

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In terms of musical talent, the UK pretty much rapes the rest of the world.


I opened the thread and this was the first thing I saw, i'm happy with this.


thats an interesting and also true statement considering how much of the UK's music culture was raped from the african world and how much of UK dance music culture was raped from african american culture in the US.

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In terms of musical talent, the UK pretty much rapes the rest of the world.


I opened the thread and this was the first thing I saw, i'm happy with this.


thats an interesting and also true statement considering how much of the UK's music culture was raped from the african world and how much of UK dance music culture was raped from african american culture in the US.



Oooh its gone chilly in here. wow you sound really, really bitter lol.


We just add our own very twist unique twist to the universe of music, be it sourced from Africa or America, or be it our own. Things would be really dull without our unique deft touch. Most of the African/American genres would become as dull as ditch-water without us.


You need to realise, respect and appreciate that. If you don't then you stand to look a complete fool mate.


PS your heavy handed use of the word rape is a bit odd.

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thats an interesting and also true statement considering how much of the UK's music culture was raped from the african world and how much of UK dance music culture was raped from african american culture in the US.



I detest this meme that "cultural appropriation" is a bad thing. You can't "rape" culture - it's a category error. All culture belongs to all of humanity and ought be ( = is, fuck you Hume) available to all of humanity to enjoy and build upon. Fuck this stone-age gobshite where arbitrarily-defined cultural traits are the exclusive preserve of an arbitrarily-defined group of people.


Happy new year lawl

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I've heard this bollocks before, years ago from a black geezer (before I could face him up, because I was too young and not clued up). Going on about how Africans were banging drums while snooty Europeans were doing victorian ballroom dancing. And how if it wasn't for them we would not have modern music as we now know it.


So you think the fucking Vikings, Celts and Germanic tribesmen weren't banging drums? You are talking horseshit of the highest order.


They all recorded their lyrics in fucking English and recorded on technology made by Europeans/Japs/Whoever.


So fuck off with the African tribal bullshit 'we invented everything' bullshit

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I've heard this bollocks before, years ago from a black geezer (before I could face him up, because I was too young and not clued up). Going on about how Africans were banging drums while snooty Europeans were doing victorian ballroom dancing. And how if it wasn't for them we would not have modern music as we now know it.


So you think the fucking Vikings, Celts and Germanic tribesmen weren't banging drums? You are talking horseshit of the highest order.


They all recorded their lyrics in fucking English and recorded on technology made by Europeans/Japs/Whoever.


So fuck off with the African tribal bullshit 'we invented everything' bullshit

I agree, but see it a bit differently. Even if drums were somehow a uniquely African invention, I wouldn't see anything wrong with non-Africans taking the drum and using it in other ways. Just like non-Scots should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want with bagpipes (except stick them up their bumhole, anyway).

You can't hold a copyright on a vague cultural trait.

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I've heard this bollocks before, years ago from a black geezer (before I could face him up, because I was too young and not clued up). Going on about how Africans were banging drums while snooty Europeans were doing victorian ballroom dancing. And how if it wasn't for them we would not have modern music as we now know it.


So you think the fucking Vikings, Celts and Germanic tribesmen weren't banging drums? You are talking horseshit of the highest order.


They all recorded their lyrics in fucking English and recorded on technology made by Europeans/Japs/Whoever.


So fuck off with the African tribal bullshit 'we invented everything' bullshit

I agree, but see it a bit differently. Even if drums were somehow a uniquely African invention, I wouldn't see anything wrong with non-Africans taking the drum and using it in other ways. Just like non-Scots should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want with bagpipes (except stick them up their bumhole, anyway).

You can't hold a copyright on a vague cultural trait.


I think beerboss is agreeing with you m8, his post was at John I think

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In terms of musical talent, the UK pretty much rapes the rest of the world.


I opened the thread and this was the first thing I saw, i'm happy with this.


thats an interesting and also true statement considering how much of the UK's music culture was raped from the african world and how much of UK dance music culture was raped from african american culture in the US.



PS your heavy handed use of the word rape is a bit odd.



He's being snarky, the OP used the word "rape"


Anyway I disagree. UK music culture was pretty liberating - rave actually broke a lot of class and ethnic divides in England, even if it was on a superficial druggy level. And it should be noted than many early UK dance DJs and producers were not only non-white but also working-class and untrained musicians, and the ease in making such music with the introduction of samplers was critical to that.


Also, that's also just one example from the UK - 60s skinhead culture appropriated ska and rocksteady from Jamaica BEFORE reggae and dub and ragga existed, and likewise those were appropriated in rave and drum n' bass and dubstep. And the original apolitical skinhead look was appropriated by neo-nazis and other racist-tinged scenes.


Pop culture is immensely complicated and nuanced. You can't play the race card when African-American, Caribbean, and Latino music culture and art itself no longer traditional nor true to it's origins in African or Indigenous music. Jazz, blues, R&B, etc. is ROOTED in blending African musical traditions with European traditions. It's a hybrid. All the stuff mostly middle-class white kids have been appropriating in post-war England has already been molded shaped and modified across the Atlantic and across various social and ethnic divisions over and over again for centuries.


The real blame lays in the commercialization and watered down forms of any pop music AND the vast ignorance that is brought in fold when that happens: not those who initially re-appropriated the music.


Also, imo, I would still hesitate to say that the English have more talented people, superior musicianship, or better music overall, even though I am very, very inclined to do so. What I would say is that England is the most pop music friendly country in the world, because of some unique circumstances. The U.S. has always been a better incubator or new and progressive music (jazz, rock, R&B, hip-hop, techno, footwork...hell even reggae/ska in Jamaica was influenced by locals listening to American R&B) and the U.K. has always managed to embrace and expand upon it with more enthusiasm. People are better and more curious fans there. Likewise, I think the arts are better funded and supported overall than in the U.S., where a lot of aspiring musicians have to work a 8 to 5 for a living or aren't encouraged in schools at a younger age. In fact, the UK is more clinical and almost too good at it sometimes - early dubstep was pretty formulaic in its original scene and "prog house" was ironically anything but in the mid-00s. Likewise I'd say that I'd find the American underground more exciting and interesting because our country is less inclined to diverse and progressive pop music. Ex. techno came out of Detroit and some of the best metal bands have creeped out of the American South or Pacific NW. But things like IDM, drum n' bass, punk and post-punk, industrial, trip-hop, etc. came to being in England.

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I've heard this bollocks before, years ago from a black geezer (before I could face him up, because I was too young and not clued up). Going on about how Africans were banging drums while snooty Europeans were doing victorian ballroom dancing. And how if it wasn't for them we would not have modern music as we now know it.


So you think the fucking Vikings, Celts and Germanic tribesmen weren't banging drums? You are talking horseshit of the highest order.


They all recorded their lyrics in fucking English and recorded on technology made by Europeans/Japs/Whoever.


So fuck off with the African tribal bullshit 'we invented everything' bullshit

I agree, but see it a bit differently. Even if drums were somehow a uniquely African invention, I wouldn't see anything wrong with non-Africans taking the drum and using it in other ways. Just like non-Scots should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want with bagpipes (except stick them up their bumhole, anyway).

You can't hold a copyright on a vague cultural trait.


Um I'll stick a bagpipe wherever I bloody well like m8

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In terms of musical talent, the UK pretty much rapes the rest of the world.


I opened the thread and this was the first thing I saw, i'm happy with this.


thats an interesting and also true statement considering how much of the UK's music culture was raped from the african world and how much of UK dance music culture was raped from african american culture in the US.


lol. this is the worst thing you've ever said. jesus.

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