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No comment on Prince Andrew gettin his dick sucked by a minor? Alan Dershowitz had me lolling last nite on CNN, never seen a Jewish lawyer so up in arms.




As I understood the argument, he can't do shit until one of the accusers actually makes a statement to the media, until then it's just rumors of statutory rape. And the lawyers are protected by some lawsuit rule that prevents them from being disbarred for working on a case.

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I was frankly shocked by last Black Friday catching on over there. I thought Britons were more stoic than that.


Some are, some aren't. There's always plenty of mugs who get sucked into media sensationalism, and there's plenty who give it the two fingers! I'm not really sure it caught on as much as you may be led to believe tbh.


Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Golden Hour? Shove it right up your ass Media Mongloid! Hahah

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My favourite part of that episode was where they were saying that whilst having a ton of money isn't everything "it solves a lot of problems". Also, i've learnt that apparently you don't smile at other russians until they know you. Of course that lady's husband in russia could be a gangster and all his associates, douch trolls trying to out rigid and mechanical each other in the perceived tough tough stakes, so she may have a skewed view of russian social behaviour. After all when you see shots from electronic gigs there everyone seems rather friendly (ie smielanating).


As to that woman being wrong footed by the english, it's just at her age she's having an hard time making friends. I'll be her friend if her hubby doesn't wack me.

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funny but confusing thread


i'm half Cymraeg (Welsh) & half Irish & the FIRST thing to remember about the English is that there were Africans & Arabs in Roman legions posted here 6-8 centuries before the Anglo-Saxon hordes arrived circa 600-750AD. Not only that but Welsh used to be spoken across the entirety of mainland Britain, up as far as the Scottish highlands. You still find traces of it in place names....River Avon/Afon, Derwent in Derbyshire/White Water, Mam Tore/Mother Mountain.....you get the point. So the question is - how British are the English? Ask any UKIP candidate you meet that. The bottom-line is that, while there is a deeper indigenous vein among northern & western populations, we're all essentially island people have been for 10,000 years; spaghetti lineages of boat people and previous hunter-gatherers who re-populated this region after the last ice-age. Today, even after the 60's & Acid House, England is still a deeply class-based cuntry ;) , but Britain as a whole is now more post-colonial than ever....the infra-structure is creaking, the population is aging & the NHS might be @ a cross-roads. Under New Labour the wealth gap grew even wider and because they surfed the housing bubble until its eventual collapse, the country if effectively bankrupt. If i was a foreigner i couldnt help but view Brits as ever so slightly cunty. The English establishment was directly responsible for carving up the world and much of the chaos we see globally, in the middle-east/far-east/Africa/American christian bs, is directly related to the activities of these elites and their admin classes <--- disclaimer - British sacrifices in WWII went some way in countering that baggage heritage & today America should be wise in learning from the mistakes of British foreign policy.


That said - Britain & the wanker English bit ;) has traditions of pure genius in literature, in music, in not moaning/being stoic/using humour to self-deprecate, cos no-one is gonna do it for you, some of the best ancient landscapes in the world, GREAT FOOD, London is just a universe unto itself (in a good way ie: the old saying if a man cant do whatever in London then he cant at all or is a cunt, i forget), armies of drunks & near lethal pubs. What more do you want? Heat & the Sun? Rain is fuckin character building, you soft foreign cunts.







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one of the things i miss about the uk most is the weather




it's beautiful now i live near the equator and it's fucking boring 12 hours a day sunlight for eternity



want to move back to the uk but the place is such a financial blackhole atm and i'm not going back to squandering $20k a year on rent

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one of the things i miss about the uk most is the weather




it's beautiful now i live near the equator and it's fucking boring 12 hours a day sunlight for eternity



want to move back to the uk but the place is such a financial blackhole atm and i'm not going back to squandering $20k a year on rent

only 20k?


ohhhh Canada..............

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Yes. A whole house even.


Not even rent. "Mortgage".



Our house prices are through the roof though. I read my city is something like 3rd most expensive in the world (next to Paris and Tokyo).



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I'd love a mortgage but imagine signing a bit of paper that commits you live in the same place for that long. Argh.


Instead I'm going to blackmail my mum here is the letter I am sending her.



Hi Mum,


Sell the house or you son gets it.



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Yes. A whole house even.


Not even rent. "Mortgage".



Our house prices are through the roof though. I read my city is something like 3rd most expensive in the world (next to Paris and Tokyo).




Calgary is maybe the third most expensive city in Canada.



Back on track, the one thing I really didn't like about the UK is the weather.

I loved the hot weather in Burma. Loved it. Fuck all that nonsense about the rain toughening you up.

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you were in buma for a month or so right?



novelty soon runs off. travelled up to laos recently where it was cold and i was like omg relieved.



not to mention moscow airport, 4 hour layover i spent on the smoking deck shivering for fun.



it's the change in weather that i like about the uk, seasons etc, no real extremes in the south, never _really_ cold or _too hot_ [despite what everyone says]


which makes the passage of time have its ups and downs... seeing people refer to albums on here as 'winter albums' etc when all i have is sweltering tropical humidity, would be less depressed out in the cold rain waiting for a bus than knowing exactly how long each hot day or night will be all year round




not sure i want to be in a country with either extreme cold or extreme hot either


fuck extremes bring me mediocrity

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you were in buma for a month or so right?



novelty soon runs off. travelled up to laos recently where it was cold and i was like omg relieved.



not to mention moscow airport, 4 hour layover i spent on the smoking deck shivering for fun.



it's the change in weather that i like about the uk, seasons etc, no real extremes in the south, never _really_ cold or _too hot_ [despite what everyone says]


which makes the passage of time have its ups and downs... seeing people refer to albums on here as 'winter albums' etc when all i have is sweltering tropical humidity, would be less depressed out in the cold rain waiting for a bus than knowing exactly how long each hot day or night will be all year round




not sure i want to be in a country with either extreme cold or extreme hot either


fuck extremes bring me mediocrity


I was in Burma for four months. Loved it. Fine if that's not enough - I lived in South Korea for 10 years where the summers got hot and humid much like in SE Asia, and I loved them all the time. Yes air conditioning is a necessity at times, but I'll take 12 months of heat over 12 months of shitty grey skies and rain any day of the week. Coming back to the cold, rainy winter in Vancouver (and Vancouver is not cold by any stretch for Canada) sucked balls.

If you want to escape the heat, travel up north in Burma into Shan state (I don't think there's any fighting going on there, so should be a relatively easy-peasy trip). Very cool up there in the plateaus, lovely scenery and great food.

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UK weather has been disappointing this winter. nowhere near cold enough and no snow yet where i am...

M8 dunno about Lundun but where I was at last two winters have been really mild. Only 1 week of actual cold tops. I don't care, if u wear less clothes it's cold enough.

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