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What's wrong with Florida?


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Tito and Amanda Watts were arrested over the weekend for selling golden tickets to heaven to hundreds of people. The couple, who sold the tickets on the street for $99.99 per ticket, told buyers the tickets were made from solid gold and each ticket reserved the buyer a spot in heaven simply present the ticket at the pearly gates and youre in.




=> http://www.snopes.com/media/notnews/goldentickets.asp


source: http://stuppid.com/

Edited by triachus
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Tito and Amanda Watts were arrested over the weekend for selling golden tickets to heaven to hundreds of people. The couple, who sold the tickets on the street for $99.99 per ticket, told buyers the tickets were made from solid gold and each ticket reserved the buyer a spot in heaven simply present the ticket at the pearly gates and youre in.




=> http://www.snopes.com/media/notnews/goldentickets.asp


source: http://stuppid.com/



welp, considering the story supposedly happened in florida, i'm sure it's still true :emotawesomepm9:

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"... the other reason that you're being stopped is because it appeared as though the young lady was giving you fellatio while you were driving, so we're also going to investigate that"


i'd be really curious how you investigate something like that. do you swab the lips of the accused fellator for semen residue?

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out of curiosity, is there an explicit law forbidding road head?


i'm guessing part of it falls under the public indecency law, but a big part of it could be against endangering road safety due to being distracted from the fellatio whilst attempting to abide by regional traffic code

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While the hardware the Gainsville PD were equipped with seemed excessive, and the circumstances under which they made the stop are equally ridiculous, at least they let the dude off with a warning. Prior military background may have something to do with it.

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But this thread pertains to Florida specifically, which is a wacko state.


For grievances regarding the country as a whole, see http://forum.watmm.com/topic/86083-how-does-the-world-view-america-these-days/page-17

love how nonchalant you sound here haha


I just played a bloke in an online game who was apparently from northern florida who soon claimed his controller wasn't working and basically rage quit as I was beating him. the plot thickens

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Old man pretending to be a cop pulls over two real cops, gets arrested duhhhh



What a stupid old bastard. Theres not much defence for the old cock blocker unless he tells the court he'd viewed repeated viewings of Nate Dawg T Phillips' seminal magnus opus Extropy: Speedhack and the biomechanics of life merged him into his Crown Victoria at which point he went a little T-1000. That's his only chance of getting bail.

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I knew there was a reason Florida was shaped like a dong. In terms of general societal dysfunction, that is.

Edited by ambermonk
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