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French mag Charlie Hebdo attacked by gunmen, 12 dead


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Dear Brian,


Err... why are you antisemitic yourself ? because that's the conclusion i got from your posts. Truly sorry if i misunderstood you & let me apologize if you're are not but well that's what i understood from what you wrote. So just out of curiosity, i'd like to know... as your posts are trying to defend dieudonné & revisionists so called historians who are obviously antisemitics and always fighting against jewish people.

Maybe you should learn one thing or two from "journalists, intellectuals, politicians", or learn by yourself :

Here's what Dieudonné recently said about the french journalist Patrick Cohen it's in french but i'm quoting him "When i hear him speaking, Patrick Cohen, i'm thinking to myself : Gaz chambers... that's too bad.." like he regrets this journalist did not die in gaz chambers.


Please watch that vid & tell me he's not antisemitic. Telling Dieudonné is not antisemitic is like saying "Autechre do not make electronic music", well you might found one or two weirdos who truly believes Autechre are actually making polka music but come on...

i didnt said that moron was not influencial, i said you lied when you were writting he's the most popular comedian in france.


Best regards,



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i just want to contribute to this discussion by mentioning that everything cwmbrancity said about french comedian Dieudonné is complete bullshit.

Dieudonné is the most popular comedian in France, the establishment needs him as a scapegoat for their incompetence and hypocrisy.

Dieudonné does not criticize jewish people for what they biologically are, but for what they do.

by some kind of miracle, in france, being jewish gives you total immunity against criticism, which is irrational, unfair and undemocratic. what does freedom of speech mean if you can't criticize a person's acts because of his/her ethnic origin? preventing to do so is an act of racism, not the other way around.

also, the jewish community is presented by the french establishment as eternal victims of irrational antisemitism, and the holocaust became the unofficial state religion. nothing can be said in france, that contradicts the official history of the holocaust, and i believe this needs to stop. what is historical research if you're not allowed to draw different conclusions from others? what kind of censorship is this?

i could go on but that'll do for now.

No way. Most people cant stand dieudonné in france. i spent years there, & he's totally nuts & known as a complete weirdo. He hates jewish people and everybody knows it. even by watmms bullshits standards your post is HISTORY. Speaking about History, 6 millions of jewish people were killed in europe during ww2 & since that, you're not allowed to express antisemitic or racists views in France. As its not considered as an opinion anymore, but as a crime that can lead to other crimes. Makes sense as racist freedom of speech helped to kill 6 millions of innocent victims in Europe. Its not only "official" history, it's History done by specialists, scientits, historians, witnesses not ignorants weirdos/haters posting on some conspirationists subforums. If your different "conclusions" on racism & antisemitism do not reckon or respect historical facts, well it should be fought by all intellectuals means. Leave that to historians. & please never repeat that Dieudonné is the most popular comedian in France as its totally false. Its like saying Come to Daddy is the biggest EVER selling record in the UK. Well you can write it on some forum but errr that's bullshit.


first, who said Dieudonné has antisemitic views? journalists, intellectuals, politicians etc. i personally think his views aren't antisemitic, and i don't need the intelligentsia to tell me what things are or aren't.

secondly, you can't be punished for your opinion in france. you have the right to contradict history, oh wait, you used to have that right but then the gayssot act was voted, enabling you to be punished for crime of opinion.

thirdly, revisionists contradict the conclusions drawn by "specialists" regarding the holocaust and they strongly disagree with what was established as "historical facts". you might disagree with their conclusions, their methods etc., but i believe they should have a right to exercise their freedom of opinion. i don't want the thought police to tell me what's right or wrong.

and last, Dieudonné is one huge phenomenon in france, nobody can seriously deny that. i'm perfectly ok with people disagreeing with his views, or thinking he's not funny, but you can't present him like he has no influence on public opinion. imo, he's probably the single most influent person on french public opinion.


you've got cause and effect wrong here. the people who tend to question those widely accepted findings are first and foremost blatantly anti semitic, and that's why they try to undermine anything jewish, including a history of suffering. that's why their "science/history" is bullshit that should fuckk off from the public sphere. pretending like they're trying to find some truths that are hidden from us by the (jewish) forces that be is just laughable. there are no serious revisionist studies contradicting the widely accepted figures and facts, you just want them to exist because you're closeted anti-semite yourself, something you keep hinting at with your posts here and in the past.
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i just want to contribute to this discussion by mentioning that everything cwmbrancity said about french comedian Dieudonné is complete bullshit.

Dieudonné is the most popular comedian in France, the establishment needs him as a scapegoat for their incompetence and hypocrisy.

Dieudonné does not criticize jewish people for what they biologically are, but for what they do.

by some kind of miracle, in france, being jewish gives you total immunity against criticism, which is irrational, unfair and undemocratic. what does freedom of speech mean if you can't criticize a person's acts because of his/her ethnic origin? preventing to do so is an act of racism, not the other way around.

also, the jewish community is presented by the french establishment as eternal victims of irrational antisemitism, and the holocaust became the unofficial state religion. nothing can be said in france, that contradicts the official history of the holocaust, and i believe this needs to stop. what is historical research if you're not allowed to draw different conclusions from others? what kind of censorship is this?

i could go on but that'll do for now.


No way. Most people cant stand dieudonné in france. i spent years there, & he's totally nuts & known as a complete weirdo. He hates jewish people and everybody knows it. even by watmms bullshits standards your post is HISTORY. Speaking about History, 6 millions of jewish people were killed in europe during ww2 & since that, you're not allowed to express antisemitic or racists views in France. As its not considered as an opinion anymore, but as a crime that can lead to other crimes. Makes sense as racist freedom of speech helped to kill 6 millions of innocent victims in Europe. Its not only "official" history, it's History done by specialists, scientits, historians, witnesses not ignorants weirdos/haters posting on some conspirationists subforums. If your different "conclusions" on racism & antisemitism do not reckon or respect historical facts, well it should be fought by all intellectuals means. Leave that to historians. & please never repeat that Dieudonné is the most popular comedian in France as its totally false. Its like saying Come to Daddy is the biggest EVER selling record in the UK. Well you can write it on some forum but errr that's bullshit.



thirdly, revisionists contradict the conclusions drawn by "specialists" regarding the holocaust and they strongly disagree with what was established as "historical facts". you might disagree with their conclusions, their methods etc., but i believe they should have a right to exercise their freedom of opinion. i don't want the thought police to tell me what's right or wrong.

I honestly hope you are just defending the right to be an idiot here.

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i just want to contribute to this discussion by mentioning that everything cwmbrancity said about french comedian Dieudonné is complete bullshit.

Dieudonné is the most popular comedian in France, the establishment needs him as a scapegoat for their incompetence and hypocrisy.

Dieudonné does not criticize jewish people for what they biologically are, but for what they do.

by some kind of miracle, in france, being jewish gives you total immunity against criticism, which is irrational, unfair and undemocratic. what does freedom of speech mean if you can't criticize a person's acts because of his/her ethnic origin? preventing to do so is an act of racism, not the other way around.

also, the jewish community is presented by the french establishment as eternal victims of irrational antisemitism, and the holocaust became the unofficial state religion. nothing can be said in france, that contradicts the official history of the holocaust, and i believe this needs to stop. what is historical research if you're not allowed to draw different conclusions from others? what kind of censorship is this?

i could go on but that'll do for now.


No way. Most people cant stand dieudonné in france. i spent years there, & he's totally nuts & known as a complete weirdo. He hates jewish people and everybody knows it. even by watmms bullshits standards your post is HISTORY. Speaking about History, 6 millions of jewish people were killed in europe during ww2 & since that, you're not allowed to express antisemitic or racists views in France. As its not considered as an opinion anymore, but as a crime that can lead to other crimes. Makes sense as racist freedom of speech helped to kill 6 millions of innocent victims in Europe. Its not only "official" history, it's History done by specialists, scientits, historians, witnesses not ignorants weirdos/haters posting on some conspirationists subforums. If your different "conclusions" on racism & antisemitism do not reckon or respect historical facts, well it should be fought by all intellectuals means. Leave that to historians. & please never repeat that Dieudonné is the most popular comedian in France as its totally false. Its like saying Come to Daddy is the biggest EVER selling record in the UK. Well you can write it on some forum but errr that's bullshit.



thirdly, revisionists contradict the conclusions drawn by "specialists" regarding the holocaust and they strongly disagree with what was established as "historical facts". you might disagree with their conclusions, their methods etc., but i believe they should have a right to exercise their freedom of opinion. i don't want the thought police to tell me what's right or wrong.

I honestly hope you are just defending the right to be an idiot here.


I tell you he has the right to be stupid here in france, there's no problem at all !

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i just want to contribute to this discussion by mentioning that everything cwmbrancity said about french comedian Dieudonné is complete bullshit.

Dieudonné is the most popular comedian in France, the establishment needs him as a scapegoat for their incompetence and hypocrisy.

Dieudonné does not criticize jewish people for what they biologically are, but for what they do.

by some kind of miracle, in france, being jewish gives you total immunity against criticism, which is irrational, unfair and undemocratic. what does freedom of speech mean if you can't criticize a person's acts because of his/her ethnic origin? preventing to do so is an act of racism, not the other way around.

also, the jewish community is presented by the french establishment as eternal victims of irrational antisemitism, and the holocaust became the unofficial state religion. nothing can be said in france, that contradicts the official history of the holocaust, and i believe this needs to stop. what is historical research if you're not allowed to draw different conclusions from others? what kind of censorship is this?

i could go on but that'll do for now.


No way. Most people cant stand dieudonné in france. i spent years there, & he's totally nuts & known as a complete weirdo. He hates jewish people and everybody knows it. even by watmms bullshits standards your post is HISTORY. Speaking about History, 6 millions of jewish people were killed in europe during ww2 & since that, you're not allowed to express antisemitic or racists views in France. As its not considered as an opinion anymore, but as a crime that can lead to other crimes. Makes sense as racist freedom of speech helped to kill 6 millions of innocent victims in Europe. Its not only "official" history, it's History done by specialists, scientits, historians, witnesses not ignorants weirdos/haters posting on some conspirationists subforums. If your different "conclusions" on racism & antisemitism do not reckon or respect historical facts, well it should be fought by all intellectuals means. Leave that to historians. & please never repeat that Dieudonné is the most popular comedian in France as its totally false. Its like saying Come to Daddy is the biggest EVER selling record in the UK. Well you can write it on some forum but errr that's bullshit.



first, who said Dieudonné has antisemitic views? journalists, intellectuals, politicians etc. i personally think his views aren't antisemitic, and i don't need the intelligentsia to tell me what things are or aren't.

secondly, you can't be punished for your opinion in france. you have the right to contradict history, oh wait, you used to have that right but then the gayssot act was voted, enabling you to be punished for crime of opinion.

thirdly, revisionists contradict the conclusions drawn by "specialists" regarding the holocaust and they strongly disagree with what was established as "historical facts". you might disagree with their conclusions, their methods etc., but i believe they should have a right to exercise their freedom of opinion. i don't want the thought police to tell me what's right or wrong.

and last, Dieudonné is one huge phenomenon in france, nobody can seriously deny that. i'm perfectly ok with people disagreeing with his views, or thinking he's not funny, but you can't present him like he has no influence on public opinion. imo, he's probably the single most influent person on french public opinion.


Yeah, that's right, Dieudonné he's not racist, or antisemite. And next you will say that he is just antisionist.


Dieudonné has surrounded himself with people like Alain Soral (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alain_Soral), who thinks he has figured out everything that is wrong in the world and how to solve it (and you guessed it, Jews being a big part of the problem), or Laurent Louis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurent_Louis), who is a complete whacko who tries to self promote himself by any means (even accusing other politicians of pedophilia without any evidence), just to name a few. He tries to rally every politician underdog, including antisemitic, segregationist (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellio_Capo_Chichi), or "whatever your trouble is" personalities.


At one point, i really want to know what Dieudonné really wants in the end, but it's impossible cause he's always using irony and cynism. I saw him live a couple years ago and , as in most of the videos he makes for Youtube, there are "wink-wink" moments jokes about jews or the "higher powers" in place. A big part of his speech is about "The Man", and how he is a victim of "the system", like Alain Soral and a lot of his peers.The only tangible facts he can talk about are all his legal suits. Rest of the time, it is just standard conspiracy theories. We know that proven conspiracies exist (random reddit thread http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2hckuq/what_crazy_conspiracy_theory_turned_out_to_be_true/), but i won't follow anyone who believe most of the actual conspiracy theories without concrete facts.


For fuck sake, he didn't even wait for the cadavers of Charb, Cabu, and all the others to get cold to get himself talked about. He really is a professional attention whore, and, good for him, he's making a confortable living out of it.


I agree that a lot of our politicans are scumbags, but i don't think Dieudonné have the answers to fight them, and i really don't want to be on his side with all the people that surround him.

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i just want to contribute to this discussion by mentioning that everything cwmbrancity said about french comedian Dieudonné is complete bullshit.

Dieudonné is the most popular comedian in France, the establishment needs him as a scapegoat for their incompetence and hypocrisy.

Dieudonné does not criticize jewish people for what they biologically are, but for what they do.

by some kind of miracle, in france, being jewish gives you total immunity against criticism, which is irrational, unfair and undemocratic. what does freedom of speech mean if you can't criticize a person's acts because of his/her ethnic origin? preventing to do so is an act of racism, not the other way around.

also, the jewish community is presented by the french establishment as eternal victims of irrational antisemitism, and the holocaust became the unofficial state religion. nothing can be said in france, that contradicts the official history of the holocaust, and i believe this needs to stop. what is historical research if you're not allowed to draw different conclusions from others? what kind of censorship is this?

i could go on but that'll do for now.


No way. Most people cant stand dieudonné in france. i spent years there, & he's totally nuts & known as a complete weirdo. He hates jewish people and everybody knows it. even by watmms bullshits standards your post is HISTORY. Speaking about History, 6 millions of jewish people were killed in europe during ww2 & since that, you're not allowed to express antisemitic or racists views in France. As its not considered as an opinion anymore, but as a crime that can lead to other crimes. Makes sense as racist freedom of speech helped to kill 6 millions of innocent victims in Europe. Its not only "official" history, it's History done by specialists, scientits, historians, witnesses not ignorants weirdos/haters posting on some conspirationists subforums. If your different "conclusions" on racism & antisemitism do not reckon or respect historical facts, well it should be fought by all intellectuals means. Leave that to historians. & please never repeat that Dieudonné is the most popular comedian in France as its totally false. Its like saying Come to Daddy is the biggest EVER selling record in the UK. Well you can write it on some forum but errr that's bullshit.



I lol'd

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i just want to contribute to this discussion by mentioning that everything cwmbrancity said about french comedian Dieudonné is complete bullshit.

Dieudonné is the most popular comedian in France, the establishment needs him as a scapegoat for their incompetence and hypocrisy.

Dieudonné does not criticize jewish people for what they biologically are, but for what they do.

by some kind of miracle, in france, being jewish gives you total immunity against criticism, which is irrational, unfair and undemocratic. what does freedom of speech mean if you can't criticize a person's acts because of his/her ethnic origin? preventing to do so is an act of racism, not the other way around.

also, the jewish community is presented by the french establishment as eternal victims of irrational antisemitism, and the holocaust became the unofficial state religion. nothing can be said in france, that contradicts the official history of the holocaust, and i believe this needs to stop. what is historical research if you're not allowed to draw different conclusions from others? what kind of censorship is this?

i could go on but that'll do for now.


No way. Most people cant stand dieudonné in france. i spent years there, & he's totally nuts & known as a complete weirdo. He hates jewish people and everybody knows it. even by watmms bullshits standards your post is HISTORY. Speaking about History, 6 millions of jewish people were killed in europe during ww2 & since that, you're not allowed to express antisemitic or racists views in France. As its not considered as an opinion anymore, but as a crime that can lead to other crimes. Makes sense as racist freedom of speech helped to kill 6 millions of innocent victims in Europe. Its not only "official" history, it's History done by specialists, scientits, historians, witnesses not ignorants weirdos/haters posting on some conspirationists subforums. If your different "conclusions" on racism & antisemitism do not reckon or respect historical facts, well it should be fought by all intellectuals means. Leave that to historians. & please never repeat that Dieudonné is the most popular comedian in France as its totally false. Its like saying Come to Daddy is the biggest EVER selling record in the UK. Well you can write it on some forum but errr that's bullshit.



I lol'd



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on the next hebdo cover should be "the holocaust never happened" with picture of a netanyahu sitting on a pile of money. heh such humor!


lern a inglishz, moron!


scientits ah ah that's all me :-P

i'd been caught up by my fantasies about naked scientists under their white coat...


yes! science is the answer. especially in history.

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One thing that I find somewhat ironic about the French during this time of crisis - the French used to bag on the USA for the 'Murrica-ness and patriotism bullshit that spawned from 9/11... But now it's like super cool for them to have intense nationalistic views and hate for Muslims. I remember even in 2007 when I was in Paris I had to speak with an Irish accent to make sure I got treated like a person @ a restaurant because of how much the French (specifically Parisions) hated the USA. I'm not saying that they shouldn't have a sense of nationalistic pride, but fuck off for treating the USA like idiots after 9/11 and still being more xenophobic and just as loser-ish with your national pride.


Oh and for what it's worth - We've been doing that for over a decade here, it doesn't end well. At least your country didn't participate in elaborate demolition and goebbles-style propaganda while starting a war for blood money ... Yet.

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*wipes brow"


phewwww, i honestly couldnt believe some of the shit i just read from you, Mr Brian Tregaskin, until the articulate & arrowed responses from some folks who know the score & actually have a clue answered your bs for me.




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One thing that I find somewhat ironic about the French during this time of crisis - the French used to bag on the USA for the 'Murrica-ness and patriotism bullshit that spawned from 9/11... But now it's like super cool for them to have intense nationalistic views and hate for Muslims. I remember even in 2007 when I was in Paris I had to speak with an Irish accent to make sure I got treated like a person @ a restaurant because of how much the French (specifically Parisions) hated the USA. I'm not saying that they shouldn't have a sense of nationalistic pride, but fuck off for treating the USA like idiots after 9/11 and still being more xenophobic and just as loser-ish with your national pride.


Oh and for what it's worth - We've been doing that for over a decade here, it doesn't end well. At least your country didn't participate in elaborate demolition and goebbles-style propaganda while starting a war for blood money ... Yet.


this. im enjoying watching all this fanfare. americans were torn apart by europe during bush admin for the same shit

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i just want to contribute to this discussion by mentioning that everything cwmbrancity said about french comedian Dieudonné is complete bullshit.

Dieudonné is the most popular comedian in France, the establishment needs him as a scapegoat for their incompetence and hypocrisy.

Dieudonné does not criticize jewish people for what they biologically are, but for what they do.

by some kind of miracle, in france, being jewish gives you total immunity against criticism, which is irrational, unfair and undemocratic. what does freedom of speech mean if you can't criticize a person's acts because of his/her ethnic origin? preventing to do so is an act of racism, not the other way around.

also, the jewish community is presented by the french establishment as eternal victims of irrational antisemitism, and the holocaust became the unofficial state religion. nothing can be said in france, that contradicts the official history of the holocaust, and i believe this needs to stop. what is historical research if you're not allowed to draw different conclusions from others? what kind of censorship is this?

i could go on but that'll do for now.


No way. Most people cant stand dieudonné in france. i spent years there, & he's totally nuts & known as a complete weirdo. He hates jewish people and everybody knows it. even by watmms bullshits standards your post is HISTORY. Speaking about History, 6 millions of jewish people were killed in europe during ww2 & since that, you're not allowed to express antisemitic or racists views in France. As its not considered as an opinion anymore, but as a crime that can lead to other crimes. Makes sense as racist freedom of speech helped to kill 6 millions of innocent victims in Europe. Its not only "official" history, it's History done by specialists, scientits, historians, witnesses not ignorants weirdos/haters posting on some conspirationists subforums. If your different "conclusions" on racism & antisemitism do not reckon or respect historical facts, well it should be fought by all intellectuals means. Leave that to historians. & please never repeat that Dieudonné is the most popular comedian in France as its totally false. Its like saying Come to Daddy is the biggest EVER selling record in the UK. Well you can write it on some forum but errr that's bullshit.



thirdly, revisionists contradict the conclusions drawn by "specialists" regarding the holocaust and they strongly disagree with what was established as "historical facts". you might disagree with their conclusions, their methods etc., but i believe they should have a right to exercise their freedom of opinion. i don't want the thought police to tell me what's right or wrong.

I honestly hope you are just defending the right to be an idiot here.



Not really, he's absolutely right about dieudonne. He's a provocateur. His current public image comes from long line of wrongfull media coverage. Of course, it is his fault, because he plays with fire, he puts himself on the line, it's what he does. By playing with ambiguity he exposes every side of the question and through provocation he shows who the real bullies are. At some point he messed with jews and got his ass kicked and prosecuted, but that only motivated him to keep insisting on that, he's said it in several interviews, he started this war against the jew lobby because he saw their power and he saw there was a double standard protecting that minority. Now I don't agree with everything he says and I understand your right to opose it, or even defend measures against him but a perfect example of what I'm talking about is his arrest from last week for allegedelly "condoning terrorism". But he didn't condone terrorism or hate speech, that was a total lie, the meaning of the quote he used was very clear and smart, he even over explained it after posting it. So the accusation and the arrest were based on an intentional misunderstanding of that quote. It's obviously a case of political persecution. In the past, the Prime Minister and the minister of internal affairs have declared publicly they were at "war" with dieudonné. This arrest was actually an attempt to impeach him from performing on a spectacle he had the next day, as he has started a new tour (every single one of them sold out, by the way). So the whole situation is quite ironic because the quote really represents the situation. He really is treated like a public ennemy by the same people who pay hommage to Charlie Hebdo, hence the quote "I feel like Charlie Coulibaly".




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I personally sympathize with him because I think he is very talented and courageous, like a real life troll. He can even make a living out of it and I don't reprehend him, I think it's smart and also necessary, because of the situation. His stuff about the jews isn't my favourite, far from it, but I understand where he's coming from due to what happened with him, I can understand the humor behind it and how he plays with those things. It's harmless anyway.

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a misguided statement and illustrates the naivety of the human race:


he is a hate-preacher attempting to disguise his actions through the front of semi-comedic/ironic post-post-modernist bullshit and if you want to buy into that, crack on. This isnt the progressive satire of Charlie Hebdo, its the gutter jibing of a bitter, vicious antisemitic cunt.


shame on you for being fooled by it on any kind of intellectual level, or that its even needed by society.

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to me your post seems more extreme and hate-filled than any sketch i've seen from dieudonne and i've seen many

Also, charlie hebdo was smart but rarely funny. Dieudonne however, makes me laugh frequently and easily.

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