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Boko Haram razes 16 villages, 2,000 feared dead

Rubin Farr

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the scale of this makes me ill. homes razed or burned some with people alive inside. They reportedly killed a woman in labor. I wish Obama would give a fuck. Look at the before and after satellite images.




old but relative:



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I don't see why this kat can't get wacked. Complete human garbage & would never be rehabilitated in the best facilities in the world. My bleeding heart only goes so far. Using little girls as suicide bombers, among what's been said already, death is too easy for this waste of oxygen. disgusting nobody steps up on this fuck.


edit: Obama please...oh wait, you're worried about internet speed in the US. never mind...

Putin please..

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Every time I see this fucker smile it makes me sick, he is so proud of himself for killing civilians, abducting and I'm sure raping female children, burning people alive, burying people alive, stoning children to death, the list goes on. He's basically dared Obama to try to kill him, and several discredited reports of his death last year. There isn't a spot in Hell hot enough for him.



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Wish somebody would send in some Apaches and splatter those pukes, just like they did all those civilians.

Normally I'm not one for meddling in the affairs of others, but why the hell do the UN and the world's most powerful governments seem complacent?

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Wish somebody would send in some Apaches and splatter those pukes, just like they did all those civilians.


Normally I'm not one for meddling in the affairs of others, but why the hell do the UN and the world's most powerful governments seem complacent?


It is probably in nobody's interest to intervene there. No resources, no strategical positions...

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Wish somebody would send in some Apaches and splatter those pukes, just like they did all those civilians.


Normally I'm not one for meddling in the affairs of others, but why the hell do the UN and the world's most powerful govern/ments seem complacent?


It is probably in nobody's interest to intervene there. No resources, no strategical positions...



Yeah they don't have any oil or other resources we want.

I realize that, but does that mean we should keep letting those fuckers get away with their massacres?


Maybe it's up to the African Union. I'd imagine they're in the best position to intervene militarily.

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Don't you ninjas remember Rwanda? Nobody gives a flying one about Africans killing each other.


The Nigerians do have large oil reserves, but they let American companies operate in their country, so we cool.

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Yeah the Hutus tried to wipe out the Tutsis back in 1994. That's what the movie Hotel Rwanda was about.

If I'm not mistaken, the UN did fuck-all about it, and the same goes with the atrocities being committed by Boko Haram. Again, I think if the Nigerian government fails to act on this, then the AU should have the capability to send peacekeepers, at least in theory.

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Nigeria has large oil reserves, as someone mentioned.


This will be a test of the Responsibility to Protect mandate of the UN for sure.


The situation of course, is a little more complicated than just "go in there and kill them all". Domestic politics come into play, as do available military resources (the UN has limited resources), and of course just good old-fashioned abuse of power.



On Sunday, Nigerian archbishop Ignatius Kaigama told the BBC that the West hasn’t done enough to counter the extremists. But it was [Goodluck] Jonathan who ordered the cancellation of a Pentagon program designed to create a special battalion capable of beating back Boko Haram. The United States had been training Nigerian fighters, but hadn’t been arming them because of earlier human rights violations by the Nigerian army, including mass killings and rapes.[/quotes]


More should be done of course, and the UN has stepped up pressure on Nigeria to deal with it first.

Cameroon has already launched airstrikes on the group after they attacked military bases in Cameroon.

Hopefully more will be done sooner rather than later.



The Rwanda genocide was a fucking travesty of justice. For a really good documentary on it, I highly recommend "Ghosts of Rwanda".

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I'm sure I read once (not in a tabloid newspaper lol) that the Americans and Brits really don't like marching into Africa because of all the stuff thats gone on in the past (slave trade, colonialism) It's bad vibes all round. Like when the Americans went to Somalia and all the warring tribes preferred to kill Navy Seals that afternoon instead of each other. I'm pretty sure they discuss it in Whitehall and The Pentagon and just decide its best to leave the hornets nest well alone. And I think I'm inclined to agree.

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the pope said its not ok what they are doing i hope this helps.

No seriously why the hell is no one doing anything, countries have huge hi tech armies with incredible Power they could kill them all in a few weeks or at least catch some leaders.

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Guys, don't be naive. Nobody is going to intervene there until a French colony or American's resources are in danger. All they can hope for (in Nigeria) are humanitarian missions by non-profit organizations. Nothing else I am afraid.

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An order distributed to the country’s judges and prosecutors by the Justice Ministry said that freedom of expression does not include hate speech or calls to violence. Those convicted of inciting terrorism could face up to five years in prison, while inciting terrorism online can result in a seven-year sentence.


Oh boy. Slippery slope, here we come.

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