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Boko Haram razes 16 villages, 2,000 feared dead

Rubin Farr

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It's weird that the president of Nigeria basically doesnt give a fuck.

From what I gather Boko Haram seem to plug into a lot of Nigeria-specific stuff that the outside world doesn't seem to understand. Where "Boko Haram" literally means "western education is forbidden", apparently it's a dig at the southern Nigerian education system, which is apparently quite the elitist circle-jerk and where most government people come from. There's a huge north/south thing going on in Nigeria - the south has all the money and wants to keep it that way, while the north is obviously jealous. I's probably this that fuels Boko Haram more than the religious stuff. However most of the generals come from the north. So the government doesn't really fight them properly since some of the military top brass are semi-sympathetic to them, while some in the govt are happy to let them mess up the rival part of the country.


That's what I half-remember from chatting with a few Nigerian fellas about this, anyway - no guarantees of accuracy...

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LOL even terrorists can't get along,


Boko Haram: hey ISIS, we'll join you! Since our influence is waning and all...


ISIS: no thanks, you're black


That about sums it up.

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the Black Hawk Down incident in Somalia left such a bad taste in America, we don't like to lose; (see Vietnam) that US Marines will probly never go into Africa as ground forces again.


Actually...there are more deployed there now than there have been for decades. Djibouti is a huge sprawling base, it's strategically near the high piracy areas, not far from Northern Africa, Somalia, and the Arab peninsula. and military advisers have been doing non-classified training and observation in countries like Uganda and Kenya. We're perpetually deploying covert forces and/or have them on the ready.


Mostly in that region (Horn of Africa). Likewise the French have been involved in their former colonies: they deployed and actually attacked the Islamist militants in Mali and Chad recently. I have no idea if there are observers in Nigeria, as the African Union seems to be heading military action.

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