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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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nobody wants to admit it but weed is as addictive as masturbation, once the heavy use rewires your brain its over, you are a slave to this drug but the good news is that its an easy habit to quit after two months of no use your brain is back to normal

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nobody wants to admit it but weed is as addictive as masturbation I smoke weed and masturbate all day long, once the heavy use rewires your brain its over, you are a slave to this drug but the good news is that its an easy habit to quit after two months of no use your brain is back to normal



What?  My brain always gets sharp as fuck after 1~2 weeks.  I've realized recently that one way to use this fine plant is to go deep into it, then clear one's system of it.  It's a really good reset ting, for making everything sharp as lazer.  Not to be used a perma-stone ting.

Edited by peace 7
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Drinking nuclear waste would also kill bacteria


If you drink de-ionized water, it will kill your digestive flora and you'll have to get a poop injection to get back up to speed. If Morgan Freeman knew to get his hands on some when he was in Shawshank, he could have busted outta there the same time as Tim Robbins if he played his cards right. 

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nobody wants to admit it but weed is as addictive as masturbation, once the heavy use rewires your brain its over, you are a slave to this drug but the good news is that its an easy habit to quit after two months of no use your brain is back to normal


Weed and masturbation go together like peanut butter and jelly.

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Drinking nuclear waste would also kill bacteria

If you drink de-ionized water, it will kill your digestive flora and you'll have to get a poop injection to get back up to speed. If Morgan Freeman knew to get his hands on some when he was in Shawshank, he could have busted outta there the same time as Tim Robbins if he played his cards right.

'I've been known to locate poop injections from time to time...'

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planned parenthood cuts and all that US pro-life bs might be one area Trump wouldnt negotiate on


but state revenues for "legal" shrubberies must be fairly substantial by now, cant see his Apprentice persona kicking this into the long grass no pun intended with the $£$ involved


i fuckin hope he keeps his paws off it cos theres more chance of possible transatlantic pollination in this realm if things keep moving forward state-side

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It's bad for your short term memory isn't it tho ey?


I'm pretty sure in the original research that tied the phrase to marijuana, "short term memory loss" meant "memory loss that was short term" (i.e. while you were actually stoned and maybe a bit for a short period after), not "loss of short term memory."

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It's bad for your short term memory isn't it tho ey?


I'm pretty sure in the original research that tied the phrase to marijuana, "short term memory loss" meant "memory loss that was short term" (i.e. while you were actually stoned and maybe a bit for a short period after), not "loss of short term memory."


I hope so as I've recently stopped injecting copious amounts of skunk everyday.


It's certainly got better without the perma-stone but doubt it will return to pre-ganjapirate levels. That could easily be age+fx of the internet though. Don't think we'll ever know.



Personal evidence shows that the memory aspect is directly linked to simply not caring about the retention of information whilst in stoned-mode-9000.  Also, in recent years I've been learning a lot about various things, and that alone has increased my memory retention overall.  When I was living the perma-stone life about 10 years ago, one of the main aspects was that I wasn't really pushing myself in any area; except drawing and music, but even those I was lazy about.


Ganj can be positive or negative, but the results of smoking can only be estimated by taking into account life context.  Like a new father who just bought a house and has a good job, if he smokes, he's fine, because he's proven to himself that he is responsible with his actions.  But if some kid is smoking instead of going to work, well, then the results of that are going to be bad.

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Yeh it's not all bad - I wrote a lot of music to go with all the dreamstix I smoked last year between the hours of 10pm-5am but all other aspects of life suffered as a consequence.
Like with anything else balance is the key but I tend to swing between extremes, on a different type of lemon tip now.

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I have a weed drink that I bought last June that I've yet to use. Haven't had an extended amount of time in order to really enjoy it, but may have a go at it this weekend.

Edibles are great, but they last a long time and I haven't taken them when I'm around other people yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like a quick cash grab now that they're on borrowed time. Everyone knows how unpopular this would be. Hail Mary

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Washington is moving to make it legal for adults to grow up to 6 plants in their own home. I have always wanted to run an HID-assisted light-deprivation greenhouse in my backyard. You can basically run any crop all year round in one and I would love to not only grow my cannabis out there, I'd love to grow certain cultivars of fruit and vegetables year-round. 


Hang on USA, it's coming within the next 10-15 years. Not that everyone should be a raging pot-head, but it'd be really nice to see alcohol abuse slow down in some people. My dad got back into smoking weed after I graduated high school and upon doing so he lessened his alcohol intake and has become much more relaxed when he smokes a few nights a week. 


Toke on, watmm. 

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