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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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5 hours ago, Candiru said:

I don’t understand alcoholism. It takes a lot of effort to drink that much and at some point, you feel like stopping or you get too tired. Self explanatory. Just hit a vape pen and chill, easy. 

Unfortunately one doesn’t always feel like stopping. It’s honestly a struggle. 

I will say that true alcoholism Uhm... well you don’t get tired or feel like stopping. It’s like a heroin rush where you hit this point and you actually need more and more and more to feel satisfied. Given it works on similar receptors in the brain I’m not surprised... but true alcoholics get a much bigger “rush” than your casual drinker that gets sleepy and incoherent. Despite alcohol being a depressant there is a huge “high” associated with drinking. I’ve truly hit certain points (maybe about 25-30oz of hard alcohol) where it feels like I’m on amphetamines or cocaine etc. I don’t think the casual drinker can really relate because their brain isn’t wired the same as they lack the history of abuse...

It’s very dangerous and alcohol is the worst drug I’ve ever done hands down. 

Edited by Hugh Mughnus
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I’ve had my bad times for sure, but I’ve been eating very low carb/whole 30ish and the most I can drink now is 2 shots. I think it’s because you get dehydrated faster but also changes in gut bacteria. 

A little over a year ago I blacked out during a company outing, and regained consciousness an hour on foot away with scrapes on my knees and elbows like I’d been skateboarding or something. No harm done, no one had any idea. But ever since I’ve barely touched it. 

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6 minutes ago, dingformung said:

You are lucky that you don't process alcohol well. I for one can drink enormous amounts without having too bad of a hangover the next day. That makes alcoholism more likely for me.

Same case for me. No matter how fucked up I get I feel right as rain the next morning. Not the biggest fan of alcohol though.

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19 hours ago, Candiru said:

I don’t understand alcoholism.

It’s very moreish x time x volume x trauma x culture. If you can understand detox, you can understand alcoholism. You have to taper with alcoholism (or risk seizures), or introduce tapered benzos as part of managed withdrawal program altogether. How does anyone get this far? See the above excuse for an equation.

You don’t get this with cannabis, although it can trigger psychosis in certain users. You might not know of your susceptibility until you consume. You will get a proven lucidity of dreaming bounce-back too, but I’m sure most people would choose colourful dreams over psychosis. Problem is psychosis can choose you before you know it. All the more reason for education and high cbd %’s, to reduce exposure and blows against the soul.

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  • 2 weeks later...
19 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

wasting your edibles on kids? who does that? they're hard enough to get where I live, I'm not sharing those with people I don't know.

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That kind of propaganda is dumb as hell. I've never once been dosed or even pressured into any drug because drugs are hard to get and expensive and you want them for yourself anyway.

:::smokes a blunt:::

:::chugs 12 beers:::

:::drops acid:::

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figured I'd post this here since this thread has become the defacto drug discussion thread. 

Oregon votes today on legalizing shrooms for medical purposes. but the catch is in order to get a prescription, you have to be observed while tripping. sounds like a fun job. I'm sure the "observers" will see a bunch of whacky shit. 




The measure would legalize the production and distribution of psilocybin, but not recreational use. The actual administration of the drug would be done under supervision.

The process involves three steps. A preparation session in which facilitators look for risk factors, the administration session, when the client consumes the psilocybin under supervision for as long as six hours, and the integration session in which they reflect on the experience.


Edited by zero
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So during the previous month of quarantine I've had an idea to buy 25 grams of weed, curl up in my study and do some personal projects, and just generally chill. Well, I mostly chilled. Random mundane stuff and drawing weird shit becomes too interesting when high, and so, besides some work, this is all I basically did in October. This was after I haven't smoked since March. So I have this weird weed binging thing: when I have it, I can't stop, but then I ran out and I've had just enough of it so I feel a bit sick of weed, followed by another several months of no smoking, then repeat. But really, as long as I have it with me, I can't stop, which is what I don't like about myself. I tell to myself: OK, today, the first joint I smoke will be in the evening, or maybe before I go to bed, and then read a book or something. Nope. Who can resist a morning coffee after breakfast, with a freshly rolled joint? I know I can't.

"I'm goin' out, need anythin'?"


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Vape/distillate and freezer vodka is the only responsible way to go through life.  So efficient, so brisk and tantalizing. Scintillating, even. It’s Election Day, I already early voted but I look forward to my icy, misty combo of escape from the madness of this world when I get home from work later. Yes. 

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This covid shutdown is perfect for weed binging lol. And yeah, being sober is really great, specially during spring and summer when I'm much more active, be outside and enjoy the lushness of warmth and and sun. Weed and outdoor activity does not mix well, however, weed and outdoor chilling is cool as hell. But I like to make most of the spring and summer days, whereas these grey, dark and cold days of autumn and winter just call for a bit of lazy weed slacking.

21 minutes ago, dingformung said:

I went to doing pauses regularly because taking a break after 2 years of non-stop smoking was sort of hard and almost felt like a withdrawal, and I don't want that again

A longer period of smoking can truly affect your chemical balance, and withdrawal is a real thing. Cold shivers, trouble falling asleep and weird agitation is what I don't like at all, so I don't do that anymore. Also longer periods of smoking induces tolerance, and things just aren't as fun anymore. So regular pauses are very welcome, I agree.

30 minutes ago, dingformung said:

The last batch of weed I got was incredibly cheap. I paid 3€ a gram and it was the most low-cost weed I ever got here. It was kinda weak, though, and I needed almost double of what I'd normally need and the buds were really small. Still a good deal. Low prices arouse me, I'm cheap like that. So cheap.

Dude that's really cheap lol, I think I never was able to buy 1g for 3€. I get 10g for 60€, which is still quite expensive in my book, and I feel kinda bad giving out so much money for a vice like this. I really need to find a secluded place and learn how to grow some proper kush. It's so stupid to buy stuff can it's basically, well.... weeds lol

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I only recently came back into the fold after 7 years of abstinence from thc. I feel like a newbie again with all these new technologies available to partake. vapes, dabs, all that shit was not around when I was first learning the ropes. it's pretty amazing how far this has all come in the past 10 years or so. 

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3 hours ago, zero said:

figured I'd post this here since this thread has become the defacto drug discussion thread. 

Oregon votes today on legalizing shrooms for medical purposes. but the catch is in order to get a prescription, you have to be observed while tripping. sounds like a fun job. I'm sure the "observers" will see a bunch of whacky shit. 


They already do this with ketamine... 

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                                                                         New Jersey, Montana, South Dakota and Arizona voted to legalize Cannabis:)

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  • 5 weeks later...

My stash has run out and I've haven't smoked any in a week and my dreams have been so vivid. It seems cannabis suppresses the REM phase of sleep. I dunno if it's a good thing or a bad thing since it's unknown what purpose REM/dreaming has. I guess it must have some use since we are doing it or then it is just an emergent property.

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