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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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My post was meant to be light hearted and humorous but I sincerely mean that unless you have tripped, there's just no way of imagining what it can reveal to you. This is because we only come up with ways of communicating for the state of mind we are in during our normal everyday lives. Words can really fail us here.


We're walking a very narrow path right now.

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I like to imagine the idea of complete communication without language. An idea brought to me through a trip. Like, the universe doesn't speak with language. It's tactile, emotional, and energetic. So if you listen to those sense receptors and try to be open to communication you can have some very interesting and illuminating experiences. I've had some indescribable things happen in the absence of any drugs after tuning myself to this approach.

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I like to imagine the idea of complete communication without language. An idea brought to me through a trip. Like, the universe doesn't speak with language. It's tactile, emotional, and energetic. So if you listen to those sense receptors and try to be open to communication you can have some very interesting and illuminating experiences. I've had some indescribable things happen in the absence of any drugs after tuning myself to this approach.

I like what I'm reading here.

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I like to imagine the idea of complete communication without language. An idea brought to me through a trip. Like, the universe doesn't speak with language. It's tactile, emotional, and energetic. So if you listen to those sense receptors and try to be open to communication you can have some very interesting and illuminating experiences. I've had some indescribable things happen in the absence of any drugs after tuning myself to this approach.


Yup, this is legit stuff that exists, yo. I'm all about vibez, because that is the truest that is gets. The written word can be good for communication, but modern society has brought written word to the level of god-word. Because of this, man-made laws- using the "god-word"- are seen as infallible truths, and much violence has been used to uphold the written word; right or wrong is irrelevant, upholding the "truth of the word" is more important than life itself. Of course, this has been used to spread lies (using a lie to spread lies), etc., and people are trained so well to not feel- to not pick up on vibez- that they believe something simply by being uttered or written.


Anyway about the direct communication... One training method to experience pure vibez more, is so simply sit and perceive. If done long enough, one can get past descriptive voices, and getting even further, one can get to pure impulse. Then, one has to release all expectation. Expectation has a way of skewing what's right in front of us, so the only way to experience pure vibez is to rid oneself of expectation. If you get good at this, you can basically perceive your whole day before it even unfolds, because all the impulsive precursors to the actions of yourself and others that will craft your day, are already flowing through the ether. All psychic phenomenon is based on such principles, and if you practice for years, you'll get more into the multi-dimensional aspect of this world, simultaneously occurring dimensions, etc.

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I never do any psychoactive drugs and I rarely drink alcohol. Never enough to get drunk, though. Mind-altering substances seem kind of pointless to me. Not worth it, anyway.



Eat an eighth of strong mushrooms and realize that time is experienced subjectively and that your buzzkill attitude is merely a pattern that your synapses are desperately clinging to in order to reinforce your fragile ego and sense of self that is hanging by a thread over a bottomless fractal of abstraction before plunging into a waterfall of love while your ancestors teach you how to start a fire on a floating island in the sky.





Fuck off and don't tell me how to live my life. I've seen what shrooms can do to a person and I don't want it.


I'm not angry about drugs, I'm indifferent about them. What I'm angry about is people telling me that my life is meaningless unless I'm on drugs. It's never acceptable to preach to strangers about how superior your lifestyle is compared to others. I'm perfectly fine with the way my life is. I've been emotionally stable for once and that's more than I could ever wish for. I haven't told anybody else how they should spend their time, so I don't appreciate others doing so to me.


so, a guy walks into a "drugs are fun!" thread and says drugs are pointless and "not worth it"... then another user tells him what the point of tripping is and how one might appreciate it... then the guy tells the second user to fuck off and that shrooms can mess you up.


the next day, the guy returns, posts again saying he's indifferent about drugs, not angry at drugs. he's only angry at people who tell him that his "life is meaningless unless I'm on drugs" (which no one said). he says he doesn't tell anyone how to spend their time (but he did say that the way they spend their time is "pointless," not a subtle diss exactly).


based on these series of events, i have to ask, drillkicker, what are you even doing in this thread at all? what did you expect anyone to say to your statement about drugs being pointless... in a drugs thread? people didn't agree, and you took that as some personal attack, that someone was telling you how to "live your life," which was a huge overreaction in my opinion. not to mention, spilling all this personal information, like someone you know got fucked up on shrooms, you're emotionally stable for the first time in your life, etc... ok? how is that relevant? do you want us to comfort you after you're telling us to fuck off and that our interest/hobby/lifestyle or whatever is pointless?


what do you see coming from this exchange? because, from my perspective, you're just filling this thread with negative, pointless shit that isn't advancing any discussion. if you want to talk about how drugs are bad, maybe link some studies, some research done on the outcomes of drug use, and i bet people will be more than willing to engage in a discussion. if you want to talk about how drugs have affected you or people you know, i'm sure users would be willing to listen if you didn't take comments so personally and respond in such an aggressive manner.


but i don't think you're interested in doing that. you dropped in to vent, maybe provoke people a little, or act the victim. that's not cool, productive, or interesting, and i want you to be aware of that.

I can see now that it's going to be pointless to try and explain to you what's really happening, because you are obviously a very narrow-minded individual and can't think with an unbiased mindset. I'll keep that in mine for future reference. My advice is to read the OP, because you apparently only saw the word "marijuana" and nothing else.



My post was meant to be light hearted and humorous but I sincerely mean that unless you have tripped, there's just no way of imagining what it can reveal to you. This is because we only come up with ways of communicating for the state of mind we are in during our normal everyday lives. Words can really fail us here.


We're walking a very narrow path right now.

It didn't have a light hearted tone at all. It had a strictly imperative tone, so you can't expect me to assume that you weren't being serious. What you fail to take into account is that you don't need to have drugs to experience different states of mind. But different states of mind don't mean much because ultimately everything is meaningless. Everything that we experience with our senses and conceive of with our minds is veiled with a flawed "wall of words", for lack of a better phrase. Not until the mind and the body are completely destroyed will anything have any meaning.

Edited by drillkicker
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Guest Atom Dowry Firth


But different states of mind don't mean much because ultimately everything is meaningless.


this is just lol on so many levels


guys, i've never been on a nature retreat

but i know it's a waste of time

because everything is meaningless



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Yeah, I have contemplated suicide many times in the past. Right now I'm just sort of waiting around for death, and that's the way it's been for a while.


this will be a great post to read in the morning to start a brand new day

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Yeah, I have contemplated suicide many times in the past. Right now I'm just sort of waiting around for death, and that's the way it's been for a while.


I appreciate your honesty, man.


Depression is evil. Robert Sapolsky said that "basically, depression is the worst disease you can get."







Dude you need to eat some shrooms immediately








Mushrooms really are as magical and therapeutic as all of its many advocatates suggest. Drillkicker, track some down if you can, man. They break your deeply-ingrained pattern of negative ideation and give you a huge, literally life-altering dose of perspective.


Also, consider checking out a psychiatrist. (Currently, I'm on a low dose of setraline. I haven't had a major depressive episode in a long time.)


But whatever you do, don't resign yourself to thinking that "well, this is just my personality, I guess." You didn't reason yourself into depression, and you can't reason yourself out of it.

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I like to imagine the idea of complete communication without language. An idea brought to me through a trip. Like, the universe doesn't speak with language. It's tactile, emotional, and energetic. So if you listen to those sense receptors and try to be open to communication you can have some very interesting and illuminating experiences. I've had some indescribable things happen in the absence of any drugs after tuning myself to this approach.


Yup, this is legit stuff that exists, yo. I'm all about vibez, because that is the truest that is gets. The written word can be good for communication, but modern society has brought written word to the level of god-word. Because of this, man-made laws- using the "god-word"- are seen as infallible truths, and much violence has been used to uphold the written word; right or wrong is irrelevant, upholding the "truth of the word" is more important than life itself. Of course, this has been used to spread lies (using a lie to spread lies), etc., and people are trained so well to not feel- to not pick up on vibez- that they believe something simply by being uttered or written.


Anyway about the direct communication... One training method to experience pure vibez more, is so simply sit and perceive. If done long enough, one can get past descriptive voices, and getting even further, one can get to pure impulse. Then, one has to release all expectation. Expectation has a way of skewing what's right in front of us, so the only way to experience pure vibez is to rid oneself of expectation. If you get good at this, you can basically perceive your whole day before it even unfolds, because all the impulsive precursors to the actions of yourself and others that will craft your day, are already flowing through the ether. All psychic phenomenon is based on such principles, and if you practice for years, you'll get more into the multi-dimensional aspect of this world, simultaneously occurring dimensions, etc.




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Also, @drillkicker, depression, mostly a physiological problem. Get healthy, supplement properly, exercise. Depression will diminish greatly. Heavy and purposeful supplementation is a good way to begin to overcome this issue. You can build from there with altering nutrition, if necessary, and then once in a more stable healthy state you can begin exercise. Other good options for starting and maintaining this process are regular visits to the sauna and cold shock therapy, be it cryo or ice baths.


If you are going to use psychedelics to disrupt deep depression and suicidal thoughts you need a guide/chaperon/friend while you do it. Please don't do it alone.

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I'm perfectly fine with the way my life is. I've been emotionally stable for once and that's more than I could ever wish for.


Right now I'm just sort of waiting around for death, and that's the way it's been for a while.


Sounds like a blast, man. Whatever you do, don't smoke pot. You might accidentally enjoy yourself a little.

Edited by autopilot
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One thing to note about depression, is that the negative/boring/etc. feelings of depression shouldn't be used in determining one's value in this world, or state in life period, or even actual life quality. Western medicine would have you believe otherwise, though; implying that one's life quality should be determined by how one feels at every moment. If this were true, cocaine and heroine addicts would have the best lives of all.


And I know that depression is just brain chemicals, because I have a pretty good life, yet, I also feel depressed at times (telling from my parents and how I've felt growing up until now, it seems in my DNA to be prone to sometimes feeling fucked). But since I've been at this shit for eons, I do know that my life is good, and I maintain contentment and a sense of happiness that is beyond mere emotion. This is one human strength that other animals rarely possess, and this ability to act in a way that doesn't directly reflect emotion is one of the ways in which humans can spread goodness through the world, even when feeling like shit. Emotion is everything, but it is also nothing. We have to really have a solid foundation of values, and with these values in place, everything else can be determined as "real" or "not real". So no matter how much my brain tells me my life is shit due to some hormonal imbalance, I know that it's wrong. Even my brain telling me I feel like shit, that is also wrong. I feel good, even when I can't perceive it euphorically.


And in some sort of irony, making oneself sort of feel like shit through hard physical or mental effort, generally sorts out hormones to make one feel pleasant during waking hours. So basically, push to some hard limit, rest hard, and in-between during casual times, things will be good. The greater the gamut of effort and rest, the better overall life quality seems to be. This is why lazy hedonism does not work as a life concept.


Everything is out there just spattered in the ether all willy nilly, but we're fortunate to have the ability choose how we want it to "actually be". Your whole life is in your head.

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