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The Selfie Stick


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Nintendo was around in the 1960s??

Granted that was well before game consoles were developed, but still...

EDIT: New page / response to Rubin Farr's "Ultra Hand" post

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Guest bitroast


Nintendo was around in the 1960s??


Granted that was well before game consoles were developed, but still...


EDIT: New page / response to Rubin Farr's "Ultra Hand" post



founded in 1889!



yep! they used to do toys and cards and weird shit like that.

i think they first got started with videogames with the game and watch LED mini game things, and also making arcade games.


when they launched the nintendo entertainment system in america it was pretty much immediately after that videogame crash of the 80s that atari done and did, so the whole videogame console thing had a pretty stigma around it. when they launched the NES in america it originally came bundled with the ROB robot toy and zapper gun and all this wacky shit to make it appear more like a toy and hardly anywhere refers to itself as a videogame console but more as "entertainment system". nintendo were wacky before they got into videogames :)







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I'm reading about the light gun now. It's one of those inventions that makes me wonder how they even thought of making it in the way they did. I guess it was born out of necessity and not having good enough technology to do it efficiently..

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Nintendo was around in the 1960s??


Granted that was well before game consoles were developed, but still...


EDIT: New page / response to Rubin Farr's "Ultra Hand" post



founded in 1889!



yep! they used to do toys and cards and weird shit like that.

i think they first got started with videogames with the game and watch LED mini game things, and also making arcade games.


when they launched the nintendo entertainment system in america it was pretty much immediately after that videogame crash of the 80s that atari done and did, so the whole videogame console thing had a pretty stigma around it. when they launched the NES in america it originally came bundled with the ROB robot toy and zapper gun and all this wacky shit to make it appear more like a toy and hardly anywhere refers to itself as a videogame console but more as "entertainment system". nintendo were wacky before they got into videogames :)








1889...that was only about 20 years after the Meiji Restoration - basically when Japan ended centuries of shogun rule and modernized, along with reinstating symbolic power under the Emperor.


Also it seems the name Nintendo itself literally means "the Temple of Divine Duty", if you decipher the kanji. Apparently they ran love hotels too, back before they got into video games.



the light gun was invented exclusively for this son of a bitch: :duckhunt:


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Guest bitroast

i just figured there was another mass sized packed arena behind them and the angle of the floor was off centre to the ground..

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I think real life should be like that old Canadian show You Can't Do That On Television where if you say certain words then something gets dumped on your head. Saying hashtag aloud should get scalding hot water dumped on your noggin.

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I overheard some girl shout HASHTAG #SWAGSHOES in a clothing shop once. What point was I making again? Oh yeah selfie is a dumb word and I hate kids.


I think real life should be like that old Canadian show You Can't Do That On Television where if you say certain words then something gets dumped on your head. Saying hashtag aloud should get scalding hot water dumped on your noggin.

Hahaha. Who the hell verbally announces hashtags?

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its no more narcissistic than using a timer function on your camera, just easier to make fun of cause it looks funny.[/size]

True to an extent, but the subject matter with selfies has shifted a bit. With timer photos they're usually saying 'here's a picture of me and my girlfriend in front of the Eiffel tower' etc. With a lot of selfies the intent is 'tell me how beautiful' I am.

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These ego-sticks are only useful when you're at the top of some extremely high thing where you want to be able to make a picture of yourself. That's the only valid situation to use it. Everything else I assume to be a sign of some psychpathological stuff which is referred to as narcissism.


Edit: also, use a drone if you want to be ahead of the curve.

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it's fucking retarded, the people using them are plainly narcissistic idiots. unless you're using it for slow-motion snowboarding shots, in deep powder.. then you're just a showboating narcissistic ass. unless, ultimately, you're marketing for a business/industry, trying to get people up to the ski resorts. then i understand and forgive you.

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My cousin has one, it's retractible and ends up being pretty small, so it really is portable. It makes selfies infinitely easier (and better). So yeah, as a device, 10/10. Now about the Instagram culture, narcissism and all that jazz, well you may like it or not. But the device itself is great.

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I overheard some girl shout HASHTAG #SWAGSHOES in a clothing shop once. What point was I making again? Oh yeah selfie is a dumb word and I hate kids.

I think real life should be like that old Canadian show You Can't Do That On Television where if you say certain words then something gets dumped on your head. Saying hashtag aloud should get scalding hot water dumped on your noggin.

Hahaha. Who the hell verbally announces hashtags?
same people who can't keep a five minute conversation without saying "lol" aloud.
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