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Why is life no longer exciting?


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it's easy for a thoughtful and intelligent person to feel deeply affected by the state of the world we live in, and the often meaningless existence we are forced to pursue within it. like, oh i don't know. being stuck in a really shit job you absolutely hate, yet being unable to find another and having to stay to pay the bills.

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wow i thought you were banned.

michael jackson, banned? why?



you know,,,,,,,,cos of the "lil friends in bed" routines,,,,,,,,,allegedly


here on watmm we don't discriminate, rules the read!!!


let's all just calm down and have some jesus juice

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Yes sort of going thru this the past few years. thinking that years in childhood and teenhood and 20 -hood were so crazy because it was my first time doing things. Also, I am a TX dude and east coast winter really REALLY effects me. (I dont want to go outside, i get depressed thinking outside isnt an option, depressed leaving work cuz i know ill just go home and not leave.)


There have got to be things you've wanted to do but have not done. Go explore those things.

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Guest fiznuthian

sooo, i didn't read all the way through this but I'd throw something else out there - lots of media is very tricky and aimed at making you feel the way you said, because it can keep you predictable and ready to buy things, etc. or else it aims to shame and embarrass everyone from everybody else's POV, to keep people nervous so they need to look to media to know how they're 'allowed' to act (like, especially sit coms, etc. they may very well be funny, but there's a 'knife behind the curtain') it also does things to shift the balance of power to the most obnoxious people to keep everyone alienated and unable to .... (i mean, I'd go on for hours)


also all the 10,000 pop songs telling you either 'you used to be happy' or 'this is what happy is' . also you might start blurring moments from movies, etc you saw years ago and subconsciously count those toward your own 'positive' experience, even though they never happened to you.


anyway so that's a thing, you (may) have been tricked in all kinds of ways into feeling inadequate, bored, poor-me, long-gone, etc. the other thing is, everybody else you know may be tricked too, so they become boring and thus no fun for anyboday! also lots of people use this martyr thing to justify being boring and selfish, or self-centered and needy. or use it to justify bad things for them like too much food (ex they just want to eat tons of ice cream but when they tell everyone they are sad they are allowed to eat ice cream...) or too much pr0n. (they also might just be pr0n addicted...)




soooo now you need time just not to expect anything. just plan next sunday to not even do anything fun or anything, just go outside and look at moss & lichen and parallel lines and literally expect nothing will happen. then go to bed. if you run around like " WTF? NO FUN !" its like stomping around in a boat being like "WTF?? NO FISH !!!" (you scare all the fish away with the stomping)


idk I'm being insensitive maybe, but long story short, reclaim your time! you don't have to feel any sort of way! and definitely don't feel bad about not feeling good. hang in there, get in touch with yo selllffffff give your self more time to be "in between" and soon you'll find its not really "in between" its actually just what you've been missing :)




also i just turned 27 2 months ago!




also feel free to pm me also! also I'll give you my new album fo free !



also smok wed :P


good advice right here. is this why i want to blow my brains out every time i watch HGTV? it's endless happy couples looking for million dollar homes in big cities and tropical islands.





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Guest fiznuthian


what the hell is HGTV?


Sounds like HGH but different.


Also go listen to the aphex soundcloud stream.


Home and Garden TV



just don't go there

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what the hell is HGTV?


Sounds like HGH but different.


Also go listen to the aphex soundcloud stream.


Home and Garden TV




ahhh right. yeah dont go there lol

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I think you guys are being willfully ignorant of the fact that suicide is one of the most effective cures that exists for the first world problem known as depression. It's a scientific fact that 100% of dead people are not suffering from depression, boredom, or existential ennui. There are no known pills or psychiatric methods that can boast those kinds of numbers.

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