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antivirus software


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Guest fiznuthian

IMO Eset Nod32 is hands down one of the best on the market. It has low memory footprint and generally just stays out of the way. It has good heuristic based (identifies techniques rather than signatures) scanning as well as signature database.

Windows SE is not bad though, actually quite nice and totally free.

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Whack BitDefender on there just to be safe, completely free so can't hurt - http://www.bitdefender.co.uk/solutions/free.html


Looks awesome, thanks, shall I use this alone or alongside the Microsoft one?


IMO Eset Nod32 is hands down one of the best on the market. It has low memory footprint and generally just stays out of the way. It has good heuristic based (identifies techniques rather than signatures) scanning as well as signature database.


Windows SE is not bad though, actually quite nice and totally free.


Free is of the essence I'm afraid otherwise I'd give it a shot.

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I'd use it on its own - two antivirus softwares on the same machine don't play well together


Didn't think so but as is painfully obvious I am quite clueless on these matters, thanks again!

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N.B. when you install it it'll ask you if you want to trial the super-special-mega-hyper version for 30 days, just click 'no' and you'll be good to go. It'll ask you for an email, but you can just use a mailinator.com account if you don't want it to spam you !

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Guest fiznuthian

install linux like ubuntu along side windows. use linux for internet stuff


yeah this is probably the ultimate isn't it? sandbox a copy of whatever linux distribution you like inside of a Virtualbox or VMWare Player virtual machines then just click or alt-tab in and go internet crazy.

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Guest fiznuthian

av software = snake oil


depends on what kind of user you are. for the average layman using windows viruses are common, mostly because they don't know any better and click/download things wildly without consideration. but for the techie types or someone more aware it almost isn't necessary. i haven't installed one on my windows computers for years now and to date have had zero malicious infections. i occasionally install a few different antivirus applications and run them just to check things out but nothing ever comes up. :shrug:

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depends on what kind of user you are. for the average layman using windows viruses are common, mostly because they don't know any better and click/download things wildly without consideration. but for the techie types or someone more aware it almost isn't necessary.

Well even myself who is pretty tech savvy still thinks it's necessary on my machine. Even the most innocent of sites can get some nasty xss things on the ad banners and that sort of thing. The ways they can get in nowadays is pretty sneaky sneaky.


But I'd never pay for an antivirus - I'm mostly protectly with having NoScript in my browsers (which then became NotScript) (which then became Scriptblock) but it's nice to just be the in't background.

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IMO Eset Nod32 is hands down one of the best on the market. It has low memory footprint and generally just stays out of the way. It has good heuristic based (identifies techniques rather than signatures) scanning as well as signature database.


Windows SE is not bad though, actually quite nice and totally free.


Agreed, Eset Nod32 is great

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MSE used to be top in detecting stuff, but read that it has now falled behind some other. But I like it because it's unobtrusive and not such a resource hog as some others. I think it should be alright if you are smart with your internetting.

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I don't think I've ever been infected by a virus in about 20 years of PCing. I can count on one hand the times when the antivirus detected something and quarantined it.

I have twice - Once was on a PC Gamer CD where the menu application (back when everything used Macromedia Director) was infected with Marburg. Made this appear on't screen:




The second was (and I'm such an idiot, just plain idiocy) was when I tried to apply a crack to an AVG anti-malware programme. Knew I was in trouble when a dos box appeared and the hard drive went mental.

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I've must just have been lucky with my PCing, since I also have just lost one HDD to mechanical failure over the years. Which reminds me that should perhaps buy an external HDD to backup my musics. I ain't going to rip my whole CD collection again.

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Yeah lost 1 HDD too back at uni due to drive failure. Luckily was about to recover 90% of my documents by hooking it up to a friend's machine and copying stuff manually whilst crossing fingers !

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Whack BitDefender on there just to be safe, completely free so can't hurt - http://www.bitdefender.co.uk/solutions/free.html

I put BitDefender on my old laptop last year - must have been last August or September. Haven't gotten around to putting it on my new one yet though. But I've been avoiding all potentially unsafe websites with the new laptop and thus have been safe so far.


Some Chinese yahoo hijacked my twitter last nite & sent Baidu links to everyone I've ever followed lol. Thanks China!

Weird...my Twitter account got hacked yesterday too. Coincidence?

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speaking of twitter, i follow about 300 ISIS members on twitter.


anyway, i had one virus get me. Usually shit goes down cause i fucked up something all by myself.


biggest issue i have i s old external HD is a spinning disc and it goes on and off. trying to restart. sometimes it works. very frustrating. hard to back that up.

glad they are makin SS drives now

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