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The Asshole Bucket List


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I'll just start off with an example:


I accidentally spoiled the surprise party of a friend of mine.




"Ruining the surprise party of a friend which his girlfriend has meticulously been planning for a while now"


WATMM can be vile and funny at the same time, so I wonder what you guys dream up

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Make the most popular, friendly and kindest kid in your class cry by making jokes about his recently deceased uncle.


I have done this, crossed it off the list and hope I never do it again. Few very valuable lessons were learnt: funny voices don't necessarily make everything funny. And that certain topics are serious, so stop trying to be funny all the time. Why I did it at all is a matter I have reflected on for twenty or so years. How other people be assholes all the time on purpose...I can't fathom how they do it.


Joke answer: pretend to die > wake up in coffin > wait for the crescendo of hate to peak > then kill yourself > funeral filled with mourners who hate you

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i went on a 4month stealing spree in college. stole everything i could. never stole a thing 13 years running since that time. i do download stuff, (feel guilty there).


i also pretended to hate milli vanilli when i didnt neend toe.,. it was good music

said a couple shitty things about phil collins that i shouldnt have


good topic

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Got wasted at a dangerous level and just asked a random girl if she wanted to fuck. That's more of a pathetic lol now but I honestly still feel so bad about this.


Also I dearly hate my sister's best friend for pretty much no reason except her being herself. She just annoys me. Yet she lives a terrible life, has asshole parents and now lives in an awful flat in one of the worst districts in Paris. Still I don't like her. I think it's pathological.

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The earth is overpopulated as it is. It's greedy bullshit causing damage to non-participants (everyone around you) to haphazardly turn your body into a baby factory and just churn out baby after baby that you won't be able to provide ample attention to since you have so many damn kids, statistically at least some of them would grow up to be criminals or murderers etc.


end rant



thankfully I'm not an asshole so won't be punching any pregnant women. :flower:


edit: so yeah, it was more a hypothetical as to what I would do if I was an asshole. I wouldn't really do it.

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I do what I can Tri. I do what I can. :cattears:

One thing I would ACTUALLY do.



I don't go a day driving in my area of town without being cut off, someone trying to change lanes into me, or pulling out of a parking lot right into my path.


I'd love to do the same to one of these people just to show them how much of an asshole they're being. I can't bring myself to do it though.

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Abducting my teenage daughter and trapping her for 25 years in a concrete bunker I built specifically for this purpose in the basement of our family home, all the while forcibly inseminating her and rearing our seven incested offspring in pitch darkness with no access to the outside world.

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Abducting my teenage daughter and trapping her for 25 years in a concrete bunker I built specifically for this purpose in the basement of our family home, all the while forcibly inseminating her and rearing our seven incested offspring in pitch darkness with no access to the outside world.



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Abducting my teenage daughter and trapping her for 25 years in a concrete bunker I built specifically for this purpose in the basement of our family home, all the while forcibly inseminating her and rearing our seven incested offspring in pitch darkness with no access to the outside world.





To be clear I just aped Josef Fritzl to win the thread of most asshole: I asked myself what is the worst thing you could do to a person and I have trouble conceiving of anything worse than what Fritzl did to his daughter and children/grandchildren.





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I've felt bad about any time Ive been an asshole to someone who didnt deserve it.


Having said that, being an asshole to some who did deserve it felt rather good.

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omg that actually happened... jesus


Friztl was proper organized for a daughter fucking/breeding mad man, to the extent that i'd thought his "brand" had gone global ;)


There's a really good Greek film called Dogtooth (2009) that explores a lot of that isolation/family secrets/intense weirdness

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bottle of port dude bought in portugal when his son was in the womb, was gonna give it to him on his 18th birthday (his son is 15 now)... i drank it


so, it was unlikely that port would be worth any significant amount.. it wasn't stored properly so it corked really badly.. the mother remarried with a super rich guy so the kid will have champagne n the best coke on his yacht birthday party, fuck him anyway


blah, felt really bad about it though


(i have so many,cant think of new ones doh)

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