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The Asshole Bucket List


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Hating Women because they won't put out.

Dumping your trash in nature because why not?

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Donkey punching Janine Lindemulder
Shoving Mitch McConnell into the hollowed-out shell of a giant tortoise
Setting a scarecrow on fire on the doorstep of Don Young's house

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bottle of port dude bought in portugal when his son was in the womb, was gonna give it to him on his 18th birthday (his son is 15 now)... i drank it


so, it was unlikely that port would be worth any significant amount.. it wasn't stored properly so it corked really badly.. the mother remarried with a super rich guy so the kid will have champagne n the best coke on his yacht birthday party, fuck him anyway


blah, felt really bad about it though


(i have so many,cant think of new ones doh)


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Okay, to seriously contribute to this thread (in contrast to the sick Fritzl shit I made light of on page 1) here's something that actually happened:


My sister and I were in the backyard, both very young. I spotted a bald-faced hornet crawling in the grass near her feet and contrived a game I explained to her called 'Stand Over Here' wherein she would shift her position to a spot on the lawn I determined. Guess where I suggested she stand...



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When I'm anywhere near an arrogant, loud mouthed asshole, I think about breaking both of his arms and curb stomping him. But I'd mostly just like to see the complete 180 of the look on his face from smug confidence to sheer terror after he learns he is completely helpless and about to be permanently disfigured.


Have a nice day :)

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convinced the bullied kid to shoot up the school, the day he did it he warned me so I didn't go there. He killed himself after the rampage, nobody ever knew it was me behind all of it.

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bottle of port dude bought in portugal when his son was in the womb, was gonna give it to him on his 18th birthday (his son is 15 now)... i drank it


so, it was unlikely that port would be worth any significant amount.. it wasn't stored properly so it corked really badly.. the mother remarried with a super rich guy so the kid will have champagne n the best coke on his yacht birthday party, fuck him anyway


blah, felt really bad about it though


(i have so many,cant think of new ones doh)


don't forget the poor lady whose chicken you kicked across the street, you utter monster.

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was at my friends house a week or two ago, he turned on that new robocop movie

i got drunk and talked through the whole thing with his wife because it fucking sucked

topic was mostly to do with how much the movie sucked

he liked it

but fuck his shit taste and him for subjecting me to it

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