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Where is Vladimir Putin?

Rubin Farr

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LOL guys let's point and laugh at mag to demonstrate which opinions are acceptable and which aren't


Fuck feminism

exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if Mag is 100% correct regarding the sense of freedom an average individual feels on a day-to-day basis. Hell, I live in China, and while you can criticize the country on any number of global comparison metrics, the experience on the ground - minus the pollution (!!!) - is much more enjoyable than in the US.


I went back to the US recently (Hawaii and San Francisco) and experienced: an obese native concierge in a hotel giving me attitude; an obese native tattooed guy in the restroom near the beach growling and acting strange and somewhat threatening; a guy in a pickup truck getting road rage and flipping me off for just slowing down slightly to take a picture; rude drivers blocking me into my parking space and only reluctantly agreeing to move; every parking area being zoned with street sweeping etc; extremely high parking rates; extremely high public transportation rates; constant panhandlers; constant weed vapor everywhere; surly black female employees of Best Buy acting like they were doing me a favor by taking my money; etc.


Most of this stuff never happens in China, people are largely courteous or minding their own business. The streets are safe. No drama, no attitude, no identity politics.


Edit: to bring it back around to Putin, I've always kind of liked him in interviews, I find him charming. Same with Assad, for that matter: a smooth, intelligent speaking style without all the posturing that American presidents do. Now, Putin may be a royal authoritarian prick with blood on his hands, I'm just talking about appearances for now. He is articulate and likable, and sometimes cuts through the bullshit nicely:




You're unbanned? After it's known you've been making unironic holocaust denying threads on beak? And in the first return post you make you complain about fat natives and black people?



Seems this type of threads really brings them out of the woodwork.



Welp, for real now:












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yeah lumpy give it a fucking rest mate....you're clearly a very disgruntled soul but no need to start with your hate preaching again...didn't end well on beak and will certainly go down like a shit sandwich here.

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Guest chunky

search google for pics of nathaniel and mandy with putin in russia


the game is israel vs christian russia


dudes, we are peasants


the richest in the world compete for power


putin aint no angel, but removing him will cause a terrifying war the likes of which the world has never seen


antiputinism to me smells like prowarism


war with russia will be worse than war with iraq and afghan


all the people you care about in the world will experience hell on earth


look at the death tolls from wwi and wwii, millions and millions dead, maimed, starving, hungry, raped, humiliated, pitiful


look at syria and ukraine today


lucifer plays his games, that's reality

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Guest chunky

nathaniel rothschild and peter mandelson talking with vladimir putin in russia. look up those photographs. please.

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not just this thread tho, watmm has become real weird, like there once was a party but it's definitely over and only a few awkward dudes remain because they can't find the exit...

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nathaniel rothschild and peter mandelson talking with vladimir putin in russia. look up those photographs. please.

i did and can't find anything. care to share?
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Guest chunky

it's how the world works pharoah,king,treasurer,adviser,and so on

you can just picture putin and rothschild eating dinner together, being completely civil with one another, completely polite, while strategising against each other, while plotting huge wars and campaigns... still chatting politely, sitting across from each other at the dinner table

i cant feel hate for either of them personally

but i dislike war

it's so unnecessary

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not just this thread tho, watmm has become real weird, like there once was a party but it's definitely over and only a few awkward dudes remain because they can't find the exit...



Sounds like art.

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History gives you all the answers. Men will kill their own brothers to be king. Rare to find a kind King/Emperor. Im stunned by it frankly. Only to live a few more years as "the king". Fuck everyone else. Fuck the common man. They can die for my power. What is this culture/time spanning ethos?

oh and who was operating the remote control on this man's car?


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LOL guys let's point and laugh at mag to demonstrate which opinions are acceptable and which aren't


Fuck feminism

exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if Mag is 100% correct regarding the sense of freedom an average individual feels on a day-to-day basis. Hell, I live in China, and while you can criticize the country on any number of global comparison metrics, the experience on the ground - minus the pollution (!!!) - is much more enjoyable than in the US.


I went back to the US recently (Hawaii and San Francisco) and experienced: an obese native concierge in a hotel giving me attitude; an obese native tattooed guy in the restroom near the beach growling and acting strange and somewhat threatening; a guy in a pickup truck getting road rage and flipping me off for just slowing down slightly to take a picture; rude drivers blocking me into my parking space and only reluctantly agreeing to move; every parking area being zoned with street sweeping etc; extremely high parking rates; extremely high public transportation rates; constant panhandlers; constant weed vapor everywhere; surly black female employees of Best Buy acting like they were doing me a favor by taking my money; etc.


Most of this stuff never happens in China, people are largely courteous or minding their own business. The streets are safe. No drama, no attitude, no identity politics.


Edit: to bring it back around to Putin, I've always kind of liked him in interviews, I find him charming. Same with Assad, for that matter: a smooth, intelligent speaking style without all the posturing that American presidents do. Now, Putin may be a royal authoritarian prick with blood on his hands, I'm just talking about appearances for now. He is articulate and likable, and sometimes cuts through the bullshit nicely:



Yes life is wonderful in China isn't it. Unless you're a Uighur, or Tibetan. Or practice Falun Gong. Or want to access vast swathes of the Internet without a VPN. Or want to breathe clean air.

Life for you as a white guy in China is probably better than in the US because by and large you get ignored. In terms of freedom though? Yeah there's no censorship of the internet in China...


Also I would have flipped you the bird too. Slowing down to take a picture is not safe driving behaviour. Chinese drivers are some of the worst I've ever seen, even worse than Koreans. Of course what do you expect when instead of actually taking a test to get your drivers license you can stroll into the local government office and just slip them a little red envelope.


I will agree with you on service though. Gotta love Northeast Asian attitudes toward customer service.


Still, never thought you'd turn into a wumao lumpy.


As for Putin - appearances are fucking worthless.

Finally, this isn't about determining which opinions are correct (a futile effort, opinions by their very nature are neither correct not incorrect) rather certain odd statements like: no discrimination in the USSR or America is like one big police state (which explains the "weed vapor" all over the place lol).

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Guest skibby

putin is just one guy, no one person is perfect, but what he said in the video just happened to be true


also, the whole world sucks to live in by the way, forget nationalism.

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we havent had a real war since ww2. if shit kicked off now it wouldn't be a war. it would be "set earth on potato setting in the microwave. "

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we havent had a real war since ww2. if shit kicked off now it wouldn't be a war. it would be "set earth on potato setting in the microwave. "


there there Albert Einstein

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...to fight with western world in the future mainly to write off all their administrative fuckups

sounds a lot like what the US is doing, resurrecting the Cold War mentality to make everybody here forget how deeply fucked we are for our own reasons.( Im not comparing the situation domestically here to Russia)

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pbs recently did a documentary on putin if anyone's interested. pbs makes podcast versions of their documentaries, so if you want the podcast version, that's


the Frontline special was extremely fascinating especially from me coming from a truther background. The amount of 'false flag' attacks they accuse Putin of conducting was almost like watching a 9/11 conspiracy documentary about america but about Russia instead. It's remarkable how easy it is for US officials to accuse Putin repeatedly of staging virtually every terrorist attack in his own country since the 99 chechen apartment building bombings, but suggesting that the US has ever staged a false flag attack is considered over here (mostly by childish empire baby assholes) total tin foil hat land out of the question insanity. funny how that works, Russia is full of false flag terror happening all the time, but the US is just too moral or 'too many people would have to know' for the US to even be capable of such an evil act. Which is odd considering the US + its military technology is the most powerful imperial power the world has ever known.


also Russia kills journalists, but there is no way in hell the US has ever or would ever kill a journalist, why would the most powerful empire ever find a reason to do that? All those times Al Jazeera camera crews were shot with tank shells in IRaq was a 100% accident. Only lesser empires do that shit, suggesting the US has ever done it is totally insane



yeah it actually takes a special kind of fucking idiot to claim that the likelihood of russia committing a false flag against its citizens (given all what herr jan had mentioned, and it's not even scratching the surface) is the same as usa doing something like that.


really? I mean honestly you yourself would have to be pretty fucking naive and trusting to think that the most powerful empire the world has ever seen would never do such a thing, but totes bro Russia's doing false flags all the time. I mean to be so willing to believe that Russia does it and is capable, but that the US is not is just child level thinking. The US government devised one of the most elaborate false flag attacks ever put on paper in the form of Operation Northwoods as a pretext to invade Cuba, but what you're saying and what you believe is that never once has the US ever gone from the theorizing stage to an actual launch, which would also be pretty naive imo. It's interesting also that a lot of your pov Eugene seems totally vacant of any knowledge of what actually took place during the cold war especially with intelligence agencies like the CIA and KGB

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i didn't say never, but you're comparing a country that teaches human rights at school level and a country that just recently banned gays from the public discourse. those are fundamentally two extremely different cultures with different relation to humans rights, citizenship and pretty much everything.


northwood never took place so i don't even know what's our point in using it as an example for anything. i don't believe anything, there's just no serious evidence that usa did some false flags against its citizens.

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