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350 arrests in Frankfurt during #Blockupy protest over new #ECB headquarters


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Violence begets violence.

There are many many examples of peaceful protests that affected very dramatic change in public policy.


Rioting, killing police officers, and other acts of violence like this only serve to further the control freaks. These acts of violence also cause great economic and social damage to the society in which they occur.

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i am in no way advocating violence over peace


when there is absolutely no alternative,you can't lie down because the thugs will stomp you

this is a sad fact

the only thing a bully understand is brute force

why is Iraq such a mess now?

because the iron fist of saddam is gone

saddam was a bully.

he murdered lots of innocent people, you fucking idiot


i mean your stance is contradictory. you are advocating fascism ('iron fist') to restore order (which is the opposite of things being a 'mess'), which is the exact kind of thing that you're claiming the cops were doing in ferguson- being oppressive thugs. saddam was an oppressive thug but now you're making comments supportive of him. do you have any idea what youre saying or do you just say things because you think they sound totally radical. yeah fight dem powers dat be yo!

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#WeNeedToStopViolence, I agree with @chenGOD that this #ViolentRioting is just #ExactlyWhatTheyWant. Violence is just #TheExcuseTheyNeed to keep the #opression up.


Twitter what? lol hashtags no work. but smoking some hash might ;)

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i apologize. you clearly dont have the mental capacity to be held responsible for the things you say. i mean you think saddam was keeping iraq orderly... or something. yeah if keeping everyone scared and oppressed under his rule counts as, whatever it is that you think he did that was good, then i guess yeah he did. i guess yeah compared to isis. isis is pretty fucked up though, even compared to the likes of saddam or just about anybody in the game. turned out they werent just some JV team afterall. who knew? but its just the fact that you chose saddam and his posse/family of rapist genocidal murderers as your example of someone who, i guess, fought off or held back the bullies and thugs. the dude was an evil despot. pretty much says everything about you that anyone should need to know.


broken down, you were likening the protestors and rioters in ferguson and germany, to saddam, as like, heroic figures fighting to prevent or stop thuggish oppression.

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Guest yikes

yea so the world is a shade of grey nothing is in black or white or absolute

generally speaking the 1% is indeed in control and has the military and the police to protect them

mayne you disagreed with my analogy


you don't see me calling anyone a "fucking idiot" over a DIFFERENCE OF OPINION RE" A COMPLEX TOPIC


i will site 2 real world examples where armed insurrection and revolt worked:


battista was indeed a strong-arm puppet for the CIA/american mafia/us business interests and the cuban people were starving,uneducated and deprived access to life's basic necessities.



same as above but on a much larger scale for a much longer time [french and US invasion}

in both situations the oppressed and the victorious got the righteous victory they deserved after a heavy sacrifice of human life.


so yea
"rad" indeed works on the face of brutal oppressive invasive violence.


please think and do some research before you type,and realize other people have different ideas and opinions than you which are just as valid as yours.


also try to refrain from calling people names "Mister E",as this is a discussion forum and no place for immature displays of vitriol.

thank you

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Guest yikes

not once did i say saddam was a nice guy

good knee jerk reaction Mister "e"


the point was that "might is right " manifests in many forms

and some people only understand the iron fist,this is very true in a region that has never been "democratic"


in this case deep religious division was only kept in check by an iron fist

as well documented we now have utter chaos in the region since that consolidation of power has been removed.

in retrospect saddam was the lesser of 2 evils


the EU lords are a different yet similar force of tyranny one that only understand one thing

Undiluted Power and Penultimate economic control of the populace will maintain their leadership and stance.

Voting and political leverage have not worked for Greece or Spain.

Ask the retired peoples of Greece who have been denied a pension they have worked a life time for how they feel about this riot in germany

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hey smart person,


was or was not saddam hussein a member of the 1%?


was or was not he a violent thug, with family members who got to rape whoever they wanted, whenever they wanted to, because he was in power?


the list of atrocities that happened under his rule with his support or that were directly committed by him goes on and on.


how the fuck you can be warped enough to bring him up as an example of fighting against thugs and oppression is beyond me. in fact it may be literally the dumbest thing i've seen anyone say here, ever.

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as this is a discussion forum and no place for immature displays of vitriol.


Lol at people complaining that it doesn't fit to some idm template.


Also: yikes!

LOL @ guys who are smug and have a sense of superiority regarding other's opinions

"goodbye spiral"

i've had enough you chasing me around the board flamig and trolling me

you go on the ignore list now son bye!

oh and by the way

enjoy that new aquarepusher record while you craft those indispensable "generative songs" and textures that you do so well!




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yeah that's exactly true. you brought him up as a might makes right case. you were trying to make some kind of case that his tyrannical rule actually kept some kind of relative order. yeah, again, compared to isis, sure. he was maybe a few degrees less fucked up than they are. but why exactly would you use HIM to try to make some kind of point, when your whole thing is that you're railing against what you perceive as tyrannical rule? you couldn't think of any non-evil, contradictory examples?

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Guest yikes

i apologize. you clearly dont have the mental capacity to be held responsible for the things you say. i mean you think saddam was keeping iraq orderly... or something. yeah if keeping everyone scared and oppressed under his rule counts as, whatever it is that you think he did that was good, then i guess yeah he did. i guess yeah compared to isis. isis is pretty fucked up though, even compared to the likes of saddam or just about anybody in the game. turned out they werent just some JV team afterall. who knew? but its just the fact that you chose saddam and his posse/family of rapist genocidal murderers as your example of someone who, i guess, fought off or held back the bullies and thugs. the dude was an evil despot. pretty much says everything about you that anyone should need to know.


broken down, you were likening the protestors and rioters in ferguson and germany, to saddam, as like, heroic figures fighting to prevent or stop thuggish oppression.

What a reactionary emotional pile of contrarian insulting words you have once again imposed upon this discussion!


I am happy that i have angered you to the point of inciting irrational name calling and judgmental criticisms of my mental capacity.

Please continue to extol the benefits and intricacies of your stance on this topic "Mister E"as it has shed an enormous wealth and breadth of intellect,comprehension and understanding of the "great game "as Churchill called it.


as this is a discussion forum and no place for immature displays of vitriol.


Lol at people complaining that it doesn't fit to some idm template.


Also: yikes!

LOL @ guys who are smug and have a sense of superiority regarding other's opinions

"goodbye spiral"

i've had enough you chasing me around the board flamig and trolling me

you go on the ignore list now son bye!

oh and by the way

enjoy that new aquarepusher record while you craft those indispensable "generative songs" and textures that you do so well!




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as this is a discussion forum and no place for immature displays of vitriol.


Lol at people complaining that it doesn't fit to some idm template.


Also: yikes!

LOL @ guys who are smug and have a sense of superiority regarding other's opinions

"goodbye spiral"

i've had enough you chasing me around the board flamig and trolling me

you go on the ignore list now son bye!

oh and by the way

enjoy that new aquarepusher record while you craft those indispensable "generative songs" and textures that you do so well!




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Joined: 10-January 06 Members Hide Hide Block Block Remove photo-thumb-2189.png?_r=1411979979Anchio Arch io Son Pittore

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as this is a discussion forum and no place for immature displays of vitriol.


Lol at people complaining that it doesn't fit to some idm template.


Also: yikes!

LOL @ guys who are smug and have a sense of superiority regarding other's opinions

"goodbye spiral"

i've had enough you chasing me around the board flamig and trolling me

you go on the ignore list now son bye!

oh and by the way

enjoy that new aquarepusher record while you craft those indispensable "generative songs" and textures that you do so well!




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see heres the thing, rioters, anyone who actually has any sense, would agree that rioting is a chaotic activity. now im not going to get into the debate of whether this or that riot is or was justified. but i can imagine a scenario where rioting is called for and justified, so im not taking a hard stance against rioting. but it is a chaotic act that brings about disorder. which is the whole point.


the cops, in both ferguson and in germany, on the other hand, they represent order.


do you see where i'm going here?


saddam was like the cops (im not saying cops are all evil like saddam but im just saying in the sense of order). he brought order. the comparison doesn't really work beyond that, like im not going to go and say the ferguson rioters are like isis or anything because it falls apart. but saddam was the ruling force. the cops of ferguson, and germany, and the gov in general, is the ruling force. you see the cops and the gov as corrupt and say we need some might makes right to fight them because thats all they know. yet you bring up saddam as an example... as if he is more like the rioters here or there. no. he was the dictator that shut down any protestors that went against him. your comparison is totally fucked

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Guest yikes


as this is a discussion forum and no place for immature displays of vitriol.


Lol at people complaining that it doesn't fit to some idm template.


Also: yikes!

LOL @ guys who are smug and have a sense of superiority regarding other's opinions

"goodbye spiral"

i've had enough you chasing me around the board flamig and trolling me

you go on the ignore list now son bye!

oh and by the way

enjoy that new aquarepusher record while you craft those indispensable "generative songs" and textures that you do so well!




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i don't detect any vitriol

just sheer comedy

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i apologize. you clearly dont have the mental capacity to be held responsible for the things you say. i mean you think saddam was keeping iraq orderly... or something. yeah if keeping everyone scared and oppressed under his rule counts as, whatever it is that you think he did that was good, then i guess yeah he did. i guess yeah compared to isis. isis is pretty fucked up though, even compared to the likes of saddam or just about anybody in the game. turned out they werent just some JV team afterall. who knew? but its just the fact that you chose saddam and his posse/family of rapist genocidal murderers as your example of someone who, i guess, fought off or held back the bullies and thugs. the dude was an evil despot. pretty much says everything about you that anyone should need to know.


broken down, you were likening the protestors and rioters in ferguson and germany, to saddam, as like, heroic figures fighting to prevent or stop thuggish oppression.

What a reactionary emotional pile of contrarian insulting words you have once again imposed upon this discussion!


I am happy that i have angered you to the point of inciting irrational name calling and judgmental criticisms of my mental capacity.

Please continue to extol the benefits and intricacies of your stance on this topic "Mister E"as it has shed an enormous wealth and breadth of intellect,comprehension and understanding of the "great game "as Churchill called it.


as this is a discussion forum and no place for immature displays of vitriol.


Lol at people complaining that it doesn't fit to some idm template.


Also: yikes!

LOL @ guys who are smug and have a sense of superiority regarding other's opinions

"goodbye spiral"

i've had enough you chasing me around the board flamig and trolling me

you go on the ignore list now son bye!

oh and by the way

enjoy that new aquarepusher record while you craft those indispensable "generative songs" and textures that you do so well!




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as this is a discussion forum and no place for immature displays of vitriol.


Lol at people complaining that it doesn't fit to some idm template.


Also: yikes!

LOL @ guys who are smug and have a sense of superiority regarding other's opinions

"goodbye spiral"

i've had enough you chasing me around the board flamig and trolling me

you go on the ignore list now son bye!

oh and by the way

enjoy that new aquarepusher record while you craft those indispensable "generative songs" and textures that you do so well!




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as this is a discussion forum and no place for immature displays of vitriol.


Lol at people complaining that it doesn't fit to some idm template.


Also: yikes!

LOL @ guys who are smug and have a sense of superiority regarding other's opinions

"goodbye spiral"

i've had enough you chasing me around the board flamig and trolling me

you go on the ignore list now son bye!

oh and by the way

enjoy that new aquarepusher record while you craft those indispensable "generative songs" and textures that you do so well!




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Joined: 10-January 06 Members Hide Hide Block Block Remove photo-thumb-2189.png?_r=1411979979Anchio Arch io Son Pittore

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Joined: 20-July 08 Knob Twiddlers Hide Hide Block Block Remove photo-thumb-6719.png?_r=0Mesh Gear Fox

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Guest yikes

zero comment regarding cuba or vietnam thus far

lots of character assassination and petty insults against the biggest cunt asshole fucktard douchebag moron dimwit fuckface -ie me

please continue

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Guest yikes

You guys really need to exercise civility when in open debate.

don't blame me dude

general consensus is that pretty much everything i post is no good

to anyone

please someone one just kill ykes he is such a fucking idiot!

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i will site 2 real world examples where armed insurrection and revolt worked:




same as above but on a much larger scale for a much longer time [french and US invasion}

in both situations the oppressed and the victorious got the righteous victory they deserved after a heavy sacrifice of human life.



the word you are looking for is "cite".


I think you need to re-read your history of Vietnam.

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Guest yikes


i will site 2 real world examples where armed insurrection and revolt worked:




same as above but on a much larger scale for a much longer time [french and US invasion}

in both situations the oppressed and the victorious got the righteous victory they deserved after a heavy sacrifice of human life.



the word you are looking for is "cite".


I think you need to re-read your history of Vietnam.


what is your point?

where am i off?

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Guest yikes


You guys really need to exercise civility when in open debate.

Closed debate doesn't seem to help either





knew you would do that


continue to hate on!

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Guest yikes



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