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israel election

Guest yikes

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nothing significant happened (except that the press and polling turned out to be completely wrong in predicting likud's soar, it was polling at ~22 seats for weeks), in fact the right wing block even shrinked a bit, bibi's party took a bite off smaller right wing parties. plurality in israeli elections doesn't mean much.


2013: right+ultraorthodox= 61/120 (likud+israel beitenu 31, jewish home 12, shas 11, utj 7)
2015: right+ultraorthodox= 57/120 (likud 30, jewish home 8, shas 7, utj 6, yisrael beitenu 6)

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nothing significant happened (except that the press and polling turned out to be completely wrong in predicting likud's soar, it was polling at ~22 seats for weeks), in fact the right wing block even shrinked a bit, bibi's party took a bite off smaller right wing parties. plurality in israeli elections doesn't mean much.


2013: right+ultraorthodox= 61/120 (likud+israel beitenu 31, jewish home 12, shas 11, utj 7)

2015: right+ultraorthodox= 57/120 (likud 30, jewish home 8, shas 7, utj 6, yisrael beitenu 6)




from the outside, it looks like bibi's whining/obstructional behavior is being validated. but it's good to know it was a calculated move to get those right wing votes to come to likud. these damned politicians will say just about anything to get more power/votes, regardless of their personal beliefs.

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It kinda made me lol when our media said Bibi wanted to take a bite of the far right voter base when Likud actually IS far right to our standards. Wtf is far right in Israel ?!

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Great, a few more years of this fear/war-mongering cunt. Should be fun.


Sick of all this Iran bullshit too. I'm appropriating the crux of this from Chomsky (forget exactly where I read it), but Iran ain't gonna do shit simply b/c it's suicidal: Iz has a shit ton of nukes themselves, gazillion dolla missile defense system, and big bro 'Mericuh peering over their shoulder with beady eyes on everything and makin' it rain aid. Iran would be a pile of dust before their one (1) shiny new nuclear weapon is even halfway out the garage door.

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It kinda made me lol when our media said Bibi wanted to take a bite of the far right voter base when Likud actually IS far right to our standards. Wtf is far right in Israel ?!

those guys mostly:


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regarding evolution - no, not in schools. the religion and the state are not separated completely.

there were mock elections in the universities a week ago, on average centre and left got about 93/120 seats...

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Guest yikes

inside the mind of an Israeli nazi $unt





"the truth is if you choose to follow a different path and refuse to submit, you are a racist…" — DefiantJewess http://disq.us/8mnjon

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When is the Sgt Bergdahl report / decision going to be released?

48 retweets56 favorites

"Obama is a wretched Jew hater, and he has made it so that no Jews can be part of the Democratic…" — DefiantJewess http://disq.us/8mnjbo

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Obama is making #Israel partisan issue forcing Jews out of #Democraticparty- into GOP. #American #Jews need to pressure #Congress

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Jew #Dems need 2 place pressure on #Obama 2 layoff #Israel. Venom 4 #israel is viral. #POTUS made #Israel partisan, inciting #Jewhatred

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Netanyahu just won't criticize Obama. He is a class act. Obama and his Adm have done nothing but criticize Netanyahu.

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Guest chunky

(King James Version (KJV))

Deuteronomy 17:15

Thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, whom the Lord thy God shall choose: one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother.


according to my accurate news source (Moses) which is more accurate than bullshiters at the huffpo, guardian, new york times etc israel will be appointing a king soon to fight all its gigantic wars that it's planning in the middle east. they might do it in a subtle way, like promoting someone young to the top of the IDF and hyping him up as being 'special'. let's wait and see. the words of moses cut through all the bullshit in the press.


the 2 things to watch out for is Israel trying to appoint a King and Israel trying to force Jews from around the world to move to Israel (by all means necessary).


there are groups inside of likud that would be prepared to kill jews if it means that most jews will return to israel. likud are fuckers. likud kill their own people to complete their strategies and achieve their goals (which is what likud accuse assad in syria of doing)




if you know the 613 you will see through every likud lie, every false flag attack, every pro-war statement or act that they make

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Guest yikes

mention anything anti israel and or the magic word "zionism" and you are immediately labeled "anti-semite" "racist" "you must support the protocols for the elders of zion ' etc

funny that since arabs are also semites

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mention anything anti israel and or the magic word "zionism" and you are immediately labeled "anti-semite" "racist" "you must support the protocols for the elders of zion ' etc

funny that since arabs are also semites


True but starting off the thread with "all hail the nazi 4th reich" is literally begging to be discredited


There's no denying there are flat out fascists in the ranks of the right-wing parties in Israel, not even Eugene is denying or downplaying that


It's alarming to talk about but I find multi-party parliamentary elections in Israel and elsewhere oddly fascinating. In the U.S. the far right are buried and obscured: they're out there but it's impossible for them to say anything even somewhat politically incorrect or racist publicly. Very few openly fringe candidate win. It seems like a nice alternative but I think it's actually a bad thing...because the real nutjobs are essentially in hiding or at least really hard to call out, but they exist. In other countries the hardliners literally say and do whatever they want.

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