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Top Gear fallout

Rubin Farr

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As for here in the UK, Top Gear doesn't make any cash for the BBC since the BBC is funded by taxpayers who have to pay for a TV Licence to watch the TV in the first place (even if you don't watch BBC channels, you still have to pay the licence)

Could be wrong but I think Dave has some connection with BBC's commercial arm (which is why it's got so much of BBCs content). Plus now overseas WATMMers now know that our country is in such a dire state that 'Dave' is indeed the name of a channel over here.
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Steve Coogan summed them up well:


"The Lads have this strange notion that if they are being offensive it bestows on them a kind of anti-establishment aura of coolness; in fact, like their leather jackets and jeans, it is uber-conservative (which isn't cool)."





edit: Ludd I hate you too now.

i've never seen the show, but is like the 'im a hip self satisfied smug as fuck conservative who pretends only liberals are smug as fuck' vibe that South Park has?

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As for here in the UK, Top Gear doesn't make any cash for the BBC since the BBC is funded by taxpayers who have to pay for a TV Licence to watch the TV in the first place (even if you don't watch BBC channels, you still have to pay the licence)

Could be wrong but I think Dave has some connection with BBC's commercial arm (which is why it's got so much of BBCs content). Plus now overseas WATMMers now know that our country is in such a dire state that 'Dave' is indeed the name of a channel over here.


Yeah, DAVE might be in trouble, but then again they are advertisement subsidised - all they gotta do is show repeats of...I dunno, Doctor Shite and hey presto! viewer figures are back up again.

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Ya know, I've never gotten the impression that Clarkson is an actual asshole. He seems like a snarky guy who, in an attempt at true comedy, sometimes goes too far for a joke. He of course can't get away with that because he's not an actual comedian, just a tv personality, so he's held to a different standard.


The fight thing seems like maybe he (perhaps the producer in question as well) were a bit drunk and got in a light tussle. Honestly, it seems harmless. I wasn't there, of course. And I'm not saying BBC weren't within their rights to oust him, just saying that I don't see anything from Clarkson that's particularly struck me as dickish (other than the played up and well-edited 'hijinks' for the cameras)


Any instances of him being a true outright cunt would be great to see.

here you go


Ah! Thanks for that, it was a good laugh. I think maybe twice in all of the 'controversy' was anything I would deem as actually offensive or over-the-line. Most of it (and even the over-the-line stuff I just mentioned) seems to have been weak attempts at humor, and maybe a bit of racist tendencies; which is absolutely shocking from a middle-aged rich white man, just shocking! Telling a joke using a racist stereotype, for shame! I like my humor absolutely bland and politically correct, thank you very much.


But really, almost all of that shit is trumped up media hype based on shitty jokes. I dunno, maybe it's the American in me, maybe I'm used to seeing real racism and general dickishness on a daily basis by anyone and everyone, but Clarkson doesn't even border on offensive for the most part.


edit: Oh, and anyone who's punched Piers Morgan, someone who I'd say has shown much more true racism in public than years of Clarkson's off-color jokes, is good in my book.

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Ya know, I've never gotten the impression that Clarkson is an actual asshole. He seems like a snarky guy who, in an attempt at true comedy, sometimes goes too far for a joke. He of course can't get away with that because he's not an actual comedian, just a tv personality, so he's held to a different standard.


The fight thing seems like maybe he (perhaps the producer in question as well) were a bit drunk and got in a light tussle. Honestly, it seems harmless. I wasn't there, of course. And I'm not saying BBC weren't within their rights to oust him, just saying that I don't see anything from Clarkson that's particularly struck me as dickish (other than the played up and well-edited 'hijinks' for the cameras)


Any instances of him being a true outright cunt would be great to see.

here you go


Ah! Thanks for that, it was a good laugh. I think maybe twice in all of the 'controversy' was anything I would deem as actually offensive or over-the-line. Most of it (and even the over-the-line stuff I just mentioned) seems to have been weak attempts at humor, and maybe a bit of racist tendencies; which is absolutely shocking from a middle-aged rich white man, just shocking! Telling a joke using a racist stereotype, for shame! I like my humor absolutely bland and politically correct, thank you very much.


But really, almost all of that shit is trumped up media hype based on shitty jokes. I dunno, maybe it's the American in me, maybe I'm used to seeing real racism and general dickishness on a daily basis by anyone and everyone, but Clarkson doesn't even border on offensive for the most part.


edit: Oh, and anyone who's punched Piers Morgan, someone who I'd say has shown much more true racism in public than years of Clarkson's off-color jokes, is good in my book.


well from the facts that have been released over the recent 'fracas', I think it's pertinent to say he was being 'an outright cunt'.

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Clarkson is a spoilt bigot, who has got his own way all his life and because of this I hate him.


Clarkson is a spoilt bigot, who has got his own way all of his life and because of this he also really makes me laugh.


He is also a dinosaur and also a breath of fresh air.


But at the end of the day he punched bloke in the face so there is no argument about him being sacked. I think it was on the cards tbh. To me it seems perhaps he wanted out. Punching a worker in the face he knew would seal his fate. Anyone (and I've heard a few on talk radio) who sticks up for him is indeed A Top Gear Cunt.

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top gear is shit promoting a shitty way of life rubs chin im actually sad musical hereos have contributed to the shitness, lost much kudos, takes a dump on sc dump & stops rubbing chin

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It is fucking shit, also from this thread it seems only British peeps can see what type of a cunt he is. Horrible fully grown public schoolboy brat cut from same cloth as cameron, farage etc


Conversely I liked that show where James may drove round the country with that guy checking out the local boozers

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The shit Top Gear pulled in Argentina was a national disgrace, so fuck Jezza, the Sunday Times very own rent-a-fascist.


They were trying to look edgy and provocative in some smugly cynical Anglo-superior world-view & they just ended up insulting the dead & their families from both countries, Argentina & Britain.


What a complete cunt, what goes round comes round Jeremy and the fact this is even considered news-worthy by our debased media shows the times we live in for all they're worth. I hope the Green Party & its activists camp outside his house for all his carbon-fuel based musings.


ps: that Stewart Lee clip is spot on

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I'd agree that Coogan had it about right in the bulk of what he said. However, that Stewart Lee dude wasn't very funny or interesting at all. In the anti-Hammond/Clarkson bit, or the others of him that I watched. Not sure how he has a career.

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watched the show I few times


don't feel any emotional reaction to any of this at all


personally I don't really agree with "sacking" people based on their actions outside their work, idk i think that plays into just perpetuating assholeness and in a way that actually hurts people and itsn't just words


I genuinely don't give a shit about Top Gear, or cars, but the few times I watched the show I enjoyed the assholeness of the guys


I don't see anything wrong with offensive masculinity and assholeness, even in its most "vile" manifestations via racist jokes etc


I'm probably a moron heh, but I don't really claim to have the answers


for some reason I just feel like there is something to be said for a little "oil guzzling" assholeness and political incorrectness from time to time. I don't feel convinced that people need to be sacked over this kind of thing


that said I genuinely don't care








but let's be honest here... some people do care about cars. a lot. can you really imagine a better show for them than Top Gear? so I guess now those people are screwed because politics

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However, that Stewart Lee dude wasn't very funny or interesting at all. In the anti-Hammond/Clarkson bit, or the others of him that I watched. Not sure how he has a career.

me neither

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watch Carpet Remnant World, give it your time and attention, be patient and the funny builds sweetly,

maybe that bitter air of grey middle-aged liberal superiority that he riffs on doesnt always translate culturally for everyone, or maybe folks see him as a leftover of 80's anti-Thatcher ranting?


imho SL's humour is a worthy antidote to the awful cultural vacuum of inane wank peddled in Britain today, underpinned by the humiliating culture-extraordinaires like Simon Cowell, the Michael McIntyre (sp?) style stadium comedians and any number of soul-destroying mainstream spirit hackers that pump this shit into the veins of the nation


However, that Stewart Lee dude wasn't very funny or interesting at all. In the anti-Hammond/Clarkson bit, or the others of him that I watched. Not sure how he has a career.

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Clarkson is like a parody combination of the white, middle aged, male managers/engineers/sales persons I've met. Just the bragging about the women he has had is missing (or not, I haven't followed him that much). He seems like a guy I would meet at workplace and then try to avoid in the coffee room.


I don't really care about Top Gear, or Clarkson, or cars in general. So, whatever.

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imho SL's humour is a worthy antidote to the awful cultural vacuum of inane wank peddled in Britain today, underpinned by the humiliating culture-extraordinaires like Simon Cowell, the Michael McIntyre (sp?) style stadium comedians and any number of soul-destroying mainstream spirit hackers that pump this shit into the veins of the nation

Yeah man completely agreed, he also does a pretty mean Michael Mcintyre impression too -


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imho SL's humour is a worthy antidote to the awful cultural vacuum of inane wank peddled in Britain today, underpinned by the humiliating culture-extraordinaires like Simon Cowell, the Michael McIntyre (sp?) style stadium comedians and any number of soul-destroying mainstream spirit hackers that pump this shit into the veins of the nation

Yeah man completely agreed, he also does a pretty mean Michael Mcintyre impression too -




Ha ha!

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Guest chunky

Fact 1:

In his column Clarkson wrote: The simple truth of the matter is this: Protest never works. Because we are all plankton. And the world is run by whales. Oh, you can be a big and important plankton but that doesnt make a jot of difference if a whale has decided to eat you up.


You can get a million other plankton to dress up and wave banners but Mr Whale wont even notice.


Fact 2:

Jeremy Clarkson and Prime Minister David Cameron are good neighbours.


Fact 3:

Danny Cohen is the new boss of the BBC. He is responsible for sacking Clarkson.


Fact 4:

Cohen=Kohanim, named after the priests from the Temple in Israel, get special treatment even among their peers. Like 'made men' in the film Goodfellas.


Fact 5:

There's an election coming soon.

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Irish media really tried to play the whole racial aspect that he called him a lazy Irish cunt. I didnt really care, but he punched a colleague the BBC couldnt have justifies that.



I can I have a show where James May talks about trains and war artillery now please. He was always the best presenter. Cars of the People was unreal.

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