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Top Gear fallout

Rubin Farr

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why is it a fallout btw? all invloved should be dead imagaine the best thing u ever heard then jermey clakson toucing him self


What the fuck are you talking about?

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He's logged in drunk. Theres no way back for him after spouting that shite. A day of self loathing lies ahead for him in the sober light of day, lamenting on some of the worst keyboard bashing ever seen.

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I like James May and his aloofness, don't care for whats-his-name much at all and Clarkson is something of quasi-funny but also off-putting drunk dad and/or father in law type. And he despises Porsche 911s which I never can remotely relate to.


I haven't watched Top Gear at all in ages, but I did regularly for quite a while. The humor was never a highlight, in fact only the silliness dealing with the actual cars and tech really appealed to me (the amphibious car challenge, the indestructible Toyota Helix). When the pan through the audience, more often than not I get the impression that they aren't a crowd I'd fit in with.


The shit Top Gear pulled in Argentina was a national disgrace, so fuck Jezza, the Sunday Times very own rent-a-fascist.


They were trying to look edgy and provocative in some smugly cynical Anglo-superior world-view & they just ended up insulting the dead & their families from both countries, Argentina & Britain.


As much as I view Argentina's claim to the islands as a nationalistic, bitter delusion, I agree. It was provocative and in bad taste.


Although I've always enjoyed top gear, Steve Coogan got it spot on -
"Richard has his tongue so far down the back of Jeremy's trousers he could forge a career as the back end of a pantomime horse. His attempt to foster some Clarkson-like maverick status with his "edgy" humour is truly tragic. He reminds you of the squirt at school as he hangs round Clarkson the bully, as if to say, "I'm with him". Meanwhile, James May stands at the back holding their coats as they beat up the boy with the stutter."


It's funny you mention this because in the same article Coogan mentions he's a fan of the show and been on 3 times. That kind of sums it up really for me. I like the show but the off color humor and attitude is tiring and ultimately indefensible. I suppose they're the UK equivalent of Opie and Anthony here stateside. (Louis CK has been on that show numerous times which is about the only reason I know of them) They have huge fanbases and substantive careers but with the same attributes. It's not that I disagree with the sacking, it's more of a "really? for this after all the decades of the same shenanigans?" We know these guys and they are entertainers, not politicians or leaders or journalists or anyone else yielding power and responsibility. I'm pretty ambivalent on it to be honest. Show's got a wealth of archives anyway tbh, I don't even care to follow the new ones.

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Agree with you on James May. He's a top bloke. You just know he has a larder full of great ale and probably a lot of great vinyl records, mostly prog and folk I guess but still a good collection. Hammond on the other hand....well you know his music collection is gonna be terrible lol.


Cars aren't my thing so Top Gear has never been much of big deal to me, however the countries they visit on their hour long specials are fantastic. The one in South America (Chile/Boliva) was brilliant. Those 2 countries been on my hit list for a long, long time. I watched that and wanted to pack my bags pronto.

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