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Forensics expert breaks down Obama's recent UFO statements...

Guest skytree

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I don't honestly know if there would be such a change if it came to light that human governments has had or have contact with alien civilizations. It certainly would be a big deal in academia, but considering that if it's true that aliens have been in contact with a select few members of our species over the years, it's clear that they have a no interference policy agreed upon. I can't imagine that a space-faring civilization would come upon our little planet and strike up a dialogue with us and after watching us and what we do to our own species, not to mention other species, and our own and only home in the universe they would be fine with it. If they do and did nothing they are dicks.


Same with the stupid conspiracy theory that we are ruled by some reptile race. I ask, so what, shits all kinds of fucked up here and if it's controlled by some reptiles, neat, we are not alone in the universe, but it doesn't change our lot in life.

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I don't honestly know if there would be such a change if it came to light that human governments has had or have contact with alien civilizations. It certainly would be a big deal in academia, but considering that if it's true that aliens have been in contact with a select few members of our species over the years, it's clear that they have a no interference policy agreed upon. I can't imagine that a space-faring civilization would come upon our little planet and strike up a dialogue with us and after watching us and what we do to our own species, not to mention other species, and our own and only home in the universe they would be fine with it. If they do and did nothing they are dicks.


Same with the stupid conspiracy theory that we are ruled by some reptile race. I ask, so what, shits all kinds of fucked up here and if it's controlled by some reptiles, neat, we are not alone in the universe, but it doesn't change our lot in life.


Not much in our immediate lives would change but it would have an effect on human psychology. Finally knowing for a fact that there are other races out there couldn't just pass under our radars because it isn't immediately important.

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I don't honestly know if there would be such a change if it came to light that human governments has had or have contact with alien civilizations. It certainly would be a big deal in academia, but considering that if it's true that aliens have been in contact with a select few members of our species over the years, it's clear that they have a no interference policy agreed upon. I can't imagine that a space-faring civilization would come upon our little planet and strike up a dialogue with us and after watching us and what we do to our own species, not to mention other species, and our own and only home in the universe they would be fine with it. If they do and did nothing they are dicks.


Same with the stupid conspiracy theory that we are ruled by some reptile race. I ask, so what, shits all kinds of fucked up here and if it's controlled by some reptiles, neat, we are not alone in the universe, but it doesn't change our lot in life.


Not much in our immediate lives would change but it would have an effect on human psychology. Finally knowing for a fact that there are other races out there couldn't just pass under our radars because it isn't immediately important.


It would drastically change religion and the impact of religion worldwide...

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the contact with aliens discussion is pretty interesting, especially as there are very compelling arguments as to why we should avoid any sort of contact whatsoever.

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the contact with aliens discussion is pretty interesting, especially as there are very compelling arguments as to why we should avoid any sort of contact whatsoever.


If we've had contact already with them, it's a moot point. Things haven't changed.

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I don't honestly know if there would be such a change if it came to light that human governments has had or have contact with alien civilizations. It certainly would be a big deal in academia, but considering that if it's true that aliens have been in contact with a select few members of our species over the years, it's clear that they have a no interference policy agreed upon. I can't imagine that a space-faring civilization would come upon our little planet and strike up a dialogue with us and after watching us and what we do to our own species, not to mention other species, and our own and only home in the universe they would be fine with it. If they do and did nothing they are dicks.


Same with the stupid conspiracy theory that we are ruled by some reptile race. I ask, so what, shits all kinds of fucked up here and if it's controlled by some reptiles, neat, we are not alone in the universe, but it doesn't change our lot in life.


Not much in our immediate lives would change but it would have an effect on human psychology. Finally knowing for a fact that there are other races out there couldn't just pass under our radars because it isn't immediately important.


It would drastically change religion and the impact of religion worldwide...



It would be interesting to see how different religions would try to reconcile the fact. But then again, empirical evidence has never made them re-think their positions. Theologically it would interesting for sure.

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I don't honestly know if there would be such a change if it came to light that human governments has had or have contact with alien civilizations. It certainly would be a big deal in academia, but considering that if it's true that aliens have been in contact with a select few members of our species over the years, it's clear that they have a no interference policy agreed upon. I can't imagine that a space-faring civilization would come upon our little planet and strike up a dialogue with us and after watching us and what we do to our own species, not to mention other species, and our own and only home in the universe they would be fine with it. If they do and did nothing they are dicks.


Same with the stupid conspiracy theory that we are ruled by some reptile race. I ask, so what, shits all kinds of fucked up here and if it's controlled by some reptiles, neat, we are not alone in the universe, but it doesn't change our lot in life.


Not much in our immediate lives would change but it would have an effect on human psychology. Finally knowing for a fact that there are other races out there couldn't just pass under our radars because it isn't immediately important.


It would drastically change religion and the impact of religion worldwide...



I disagree, since religious people have been aware of science for some time now. Their interpretations would change, but as far as believing in dumb shit that isn't real...that will never end.

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I don't honestly know if there would be such a change if it came to light that human governments has had or have contact with alien civilizations. It certainly would be a big deal in academia, but considering that if it's true that aliens have been in contact with a select few members of our species over the years, it's clear that they have a no interference policy agreed upon. I can't imagine that a space-faring civilization would come upon our little planet and strike up a dialogue with us and after watching us and what we do to our own species, not to mention other species, and our own and only home in the universe they would be fine with it. If they do and did nothing they are dicks.


Same with the stupid conspiracy theory that we are ruled by some reptile race. I ask, so what, shits all kinds of fucked up here and if it's controlled by some reptiles, neat, we are not alone in the universe, but it doesn't change our lot in life.


Not much in our immediate lives would change but it would have an effect on human psychology. Finally knowing for a fact that there are other races out there couldn't just pass under our radars because it isn't immediately important.


It would drastically change religion and the impact of religion worldwide...



I disagree, since religious people have been aware of science for some time now. Their interpretations would change, but as far as believing in dumb shit that isn't real...that will never end.


I'm not so sure. Really (not moderate) religious people constantly ignore scientific fact. Belief in creationism is still pretty rampant out there, and it's generally earth-centric. These are the people that still don't believe in evolution etc.

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I don't honestly know if there would be such a change if it came to light that human governments has had or have contact with alien civilizations. It certainly would be a big deal in academia, but considering that if it's true that aliens have been in contact with a select few members of our species over the years, it's clear that they have a no interference policy agreed upon. I can't imagine that a space-faring civilization would come upon our little planet and strike up a dialogue with us and after watching us and what we do to our own species, not to mention other species, and our own and only home in the universe they would be fine with it. If they do and did nothing they are dicks.


Same with the stupid conspiracy theory that we are ruled by some reptile race. I ask, so what, shits all kinds of fucked up here and if it's controlled by some reptiles, neat, we are not alone in the universe, but it doesn't change our lot in life.


Not much in our immediate lives would change but it would have an effect on human psychology. Finally knowing for a fact that there are other races out there couldn't just pass under our radars because it isn't immediately important.


It would drastically change religion and the impact of religion worldwide...


If anything, it would make the more fundamentalist convinced that they were "$deity's chosen people". They'd hunker down hard.






Full on FLOL in the office. Nice.

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saw 2 orange orbs with a friend, stone cold sober, about 7pm on weeknight summer 09


v bizarre, their speed (about 5mph), their formation held the entire time of viewing (a few minutes), the fact they traversed a valley line back n forth at a regular speed, then changed course up into the cloud-line & ,,,,,,,, gone


was never into x-files or disclosure or icke, but this was so out the blue & yet so ordinary, i've barely thought about it since


my mate though......... omg............... full immersion in the conspiracy followed

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body language metrics would go off the fucking charts if you asked Obama about the 2001 anthrax attacks, he'd probably break sweat or find a way to change the subject real quick

the only problem with the logic Skytree is that if the president did 'know something' about alien species contacting earth, his behavior and the behavior of other world leaders reflects a desperate attempt to re-steer the world back to US hegemony as much as possible, so if the logic holds alien contact greased the skids for a massively fucked up train track into a global economic collapse.

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Guest skytree

Alright, alright, you caught me. These guys should really stop smoking too much weed too...


"Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files."
- John Podesta, former White House Chief Of Staff

“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. It is ironic that the US should be fighting monstrously expensive wars, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.”

- Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defence Minister

"Unknown objects are operating under intelligent control... It is imperative that we learn where UFO's come from and what their purpose is..."
- Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter Director, Central Intelligence Agency 1947-1950

"I know other astronauts share my feelings.... And we know the government is sitting on hard evidence of UFOs."
- Col. Gordon Cooper, January 14, 1997

"I've talked with people of stature-of military and government credentials and position-and heard their stories, and their desire to tell their stories openly to the public. And that got my attention very, very rapidly.... The first hand experiences of these credible witnesses that, now in advanced years are anxious to tell their story, we can't deny that, and the evidence points to the fact that Roswell was a real incident, and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that crash site."
- Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut
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Guest skytree

On a more serious note, my grandpa was chief of security during the Apollo program, and worked for NASA for 25 years (longer at the CIA). Though he couldn't tell me much and didn't even speak often, from our personal time together it was apparent that he firmly believed in their involvement with extraterrestrials, even back then. It appeared to trouble him a great deal and made for many uncomfortable family memories...he was not a happy man. I understand this is just anecdotal to you guys but even at risk of ridicule I thought I'd share it. I totally get why people think this is bunk, because it's so nuts. Sometimes I wish I could erase this stuff out of my brain.

Even so, part of the reason I'm so interested in this is to find out what happened to him, and that entire side of the family during that era. It's all kinda one big mess and I haven't been able to secure much documentation on his past there via the Freedom of Information Act (which is pretty much a misnomer - all requests have been denied). Fortunately he did leave me some very interesting items in my inheritance. I've attached images of his NASA certifications below (signed by then NASA adminstator James Edwin Webb) - I have other documents and items of interest as well:


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