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Dude gets pulled over by cops in a tank


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I believe it's neither a tank nor an APC. Looks more like a humvee than anything. But that still seems a bit much for a traffic stop.

But at least all the dude got was a slap on the wrist basically.

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If I was pulled over by a tank, I'd ask to get in it. The guy getting pulled over is kinda slow though isn't he?

Damn Data, you don't post much but they're always A+ stuff.

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doing traffic stops in a fucking APC and military gear, wtf. why aren't there natiowide protests against this bullshit? it seems as if it's only getting worse too.


As George Carlin pointed out shortly before he died, the people in this country have been bought off by gadgets and gizmos, and they're so complacent, they've become fat, lazy and happy. That's why they'll always put up with this shit. It'll only get worse.

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Guest skibby


doing traffic stops in a fucking APC and military gear, wtf. why aren't there natiowide protests against this bullshit? it seems as if it's only getting worse too.


As George Carlin pointed out shortly before he died, the people in this country have been bought off by gadgets and gizmos, and they're so complacent, they've become fat, lazy and happy. That's why they'll always put up with this shit. It'll only get worse.



but, the cops and other shitheads are "the people," who do they revolt against if not themselves?


furthermore, america inc is in deep deeeeep denial, since the cops, armed forces and politicians themselves are socialists but they don't seem to know it.

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the same gadgets and gizmos exists in every other western developed nation as well, where people wouldn't stand for this crap. must be something in the water in the us.


also, just noticed this topic has the exact same topic description as the florida thread, hah. not on purpose 4realz.

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recycling military equipment to save taxpayers' money for cop cars and other equipment is a good idea. only ron/rand/bart/thor/sam paul voters will be intimidated by something like that.

Dont ever change eugene


well figuring 18 year old israeli soldiers in full military garb with machineguns get to harass and humiliate 80 year old palestinian men walking through checkpoints as a regular thing it's not that surprising Eugene has that opinion. Apartheid is super rad


but yeah totally only libertarians and kooks don't want militarized fucking cops using tanks to pull people over. Regardless of how extreme some of the shit I say here comes across, Eugene still continues to grab for the prize of the most unabashed sociopath *slow clap*

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recycling military equipment to save taxpayers' money for cop cars and other equipment is a good idea. only ron/rand/bart/thor/sam paul voters will be intimidated by something like that.

Dont ever change eugene


well figuring 18 year old israeli soldiers in full military garb with machineguns get to harass and humiliate 80 year old palestinian men walking through checkpoints as a regular thing it's not that surprising Eugene has that opinion. Apartheid is super rad


but yeah totally only libertarians and kooks don't want militarized fucking cops using tanks to pull people over. Regardless of how extreme some of the shit I say here comes across, Eugene still continues to grab for the prize of the most unabashed sociopath *slow clap*


obvious recycling hating libertarian (because recycling is communism) is obvious.

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recycling military equipment to save taxpayers' money for cop cars and other equipment is a good idea. only ron/rand/bart/thor/sam paul voters will be intimidated by something like that.

Dont ever change eugene


well figuring 18 year old israeli soldiers in full military garb with machineguns get to harass and humiliate 80 year old palestinian men walking through checkpoints as a regular thing it's not that surprising Eugene has that opinion. Apartheid is super rad


but yeah totally only libertarians and kooks don't want militarized fucking cops using tanks to pull people over. Regardless of how extreme some of the shit I say here comes across, Eugene still continues to grab for the prize of the most unabashed sociopath *slow clap*


obvious recycling hating libertarian (because recycling is communism) is obvious.


john + eugene =


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I'm in the (everyone always calls me a retard on this point but oh well) "if you didn't do anything wrong..." camp.


What's the difference between getting pulled over in a cop car and an APC?

The main point with these types of things- like trying to make guns illegal, harsh laws for small crimes, or recording all internet activity- is that it gives immense power to The System. And in the long-run, this can result in ridiculous levels of tyranny that affects even those who previously "did nothing wrong". Sort of like how IBM's census punch card tech was used to locate Jews in Nazi Germany. In modern times, something like mandatory chip embedding at birth, could have serious consequences under uncontrolled power.


But in a more immediate sense, militarization of police makes living uncomfortable, especially when they are already regularly killing innocent people. Deaths are reported weekly, but imagine all the deaths that don't get media coverage-- so it's already fucked. For example, until Rodney King's beating was filmed and publicized, a lot of people didn't even know how frequent police brutality happened, because it was primarily white cops beating/murdering minorities (and planting drugs/weapons). If it gets to the point of streets being roamed by highly armed soldier-police, this takes away the freedom to live without fear of violent death on a daily basis. Then, ideals based on this living style are passed on to the coming generations, fucking da shit up further. And it's not like the USA police are all highly intelligent people who understand when it's appropriate to use violence. There are, of course, tons of nice officers. But in the USA, there are also IQ tests given when applying, and the smart ones are weeded out. The official rationale behind this is that smarter people tend to get bored with mundane desk work, but of course, the real reason is that lower IQ people are more likely to believe in authority and do whatever they are told, whether it's right or wrong.


So in a world where cops are stopping people in their cars and stealing cash for no fucking reason, you can bet that the same fucks will abuse tanks, missile launchers-- anything they are given. If military weaponry were handed out to young adults-- at least they would be held accountable for their actions. USA police-- do whatever, for whatever reason, and if shit hits the fan, they get a paid vacation.

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Why give military hardware to police tho, it's just asinine

If the reason is to save money by acquiring hand-me-down surplus military humvees as opposed to buying proper police cruisers, that's not good enough. Shows that they're cheapskates who just want the big toys, yet they don't realize more is at stake in terms of human rights.

(throws two pennies down)

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I'm in the (everyone always calls me a retard on this point but oh well) "if you didn't do anything wrong..." camp.


What's the difference between getting pulled over in a cop car and an APC?

Would you mind if the government searched your apartment/house on a daily basis? Or frisked you every time you went outside?


I mean, if you have nothing to hide then you should be fine with it.


We live in a world where governments usually don't represent the will of the people, where cops are very often corrupt, where many laws are simply tools of oppression and coercion and have nothing at all to do with the benefit of society and the individuals therein.



If somehow, someday we lived in a world with perfectly just laws, cops, and government then and only then will I be open to the 'if you've got nothing to hide' argument. ...until then we need mechanisms by which to protect people from bad laws and corrupt government.

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Those of you responding to my initial post will notice (hopefully) that I changed my mind a few posts later.

Well, you sorta changed your mind. You said something like 'I don't really care either way since I'm not a criminal.'


Like I said before: being a 'criminal' is a matter of violating laws, and not all laws are just. Simply being gay is illegal in many parts of the world. Martin Luther King, Jr was a criminal, Howard Zinn was a criminal, Fredrick Douglass was a criminal, Ghandi was a criminal, everyone who drank alcohol during the Abolition was a criminal...

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Anyway, my point is that governments and their laws are not inherently legitimate. (Many governments on this planet are about legitimate as the mafia...)


So the question becomes...when are laws just and when are governments legitimate?


Personally, I think the answer is pretty simple, but ultimately you have to decide for yourself.

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