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Dude gets pulled over by cops in a tank


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it's an overused phrase, but "as a non american" i lack words to even describe how fucking insane this looks. i mean sure, it's florida, but afaik police all over the US are recycling old iraq war gear now. i just haven't seen it actually being used like this before.


doing traffic stops in a fucking APC and military gear, wtf. why aren't there natiowide protests against this bullshit? it seems as if it's only getting worse too.

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I don't know, they were fine with that putz. After a gator football game is the key part of that video. SEC football fans are "fanatical" to put it lightly.

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I'm in the (everyone always calls me a retard on this point but oh well) "if you didn't do anything wrong..." camp.


What's the difference between getting pulled over in a cop car and an APC?

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Guest skibby

basically the lesson here is don't be a 'dude.' if a guy dressed in war equipment including a gun and asks for anything, just give it to him. common fucking sense 101.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

'To protect and to serve'


'To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women'

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What's the difference between getting pulled over in a cop car and an APC?


It's a TANK, a vehicle normally reserved for military combat and completely excessive relative to the duties of civilian law enforcement. It intimidates and implies a sense of martial law. Not sure if Pew has done it yet, but I'd be willing to bet that if you conducted a popular poll asking people "Do you want your local police using tanks in routine law enforcement duties?" the answer would be a resounding fuck no across all ages, ethnicities, and political orientations, with the possible exception of those individuals profiteering off the militarization of law enforcement. Dick Cheney is probably cool with it.

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What's the difference between getting pulled over in a cop car and an APC?


It's a TANK, a vehicle normally reserved for military combat and completely excessive relative to the duties of civilian law enforcement. It intimidates and implies a sense of martial law. Not sure if Pew has done it yet, but I'd be willing to bet that if you conducted a popular poll asking people "Do you want your local police using tanks in routine law enforcement duties?" the answer would be a resounding fuck no across all ages, ethnicities, and political orientations, with the possible exception of those individuals profiteering off the militarization of law enforcement. Dick Cheney is probably cool with it.


Fair enough, I could see how it would create a certain perception and environment.


But it wouldn't bother me specifically. I'm an exception I guess.


Edit: I say that now but if it was happening around me maybe I'd think differently.

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The streets are very narrow where I live and a tank couldn't fit so I'm not worried about this. Also it would be easy to evade a tank on a highway chase. It's not like they'd fire on you with a missile and blow up state property. Plus if you pop open their hatch and throw in a grenade you get 100 points

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recycling military equipment to save taxpayers' money for cop cars and other equipment is a good idea. only ron/rand/bart/thor/sam paul voters will be intimidated by something like that.

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dressing up cops (a bunch of whom have no military experience) in military gear and giving them military equipment will put (some of) them in a military mindset, and cause them to treat the public accordingly. or atleast that's what i read somewhere, and it makes sense to me.

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What's the difference between getting pulled over in a cop car and an APC?

It's a TANK, a vehicle normally reserved for military combat and completely excessive relative to the duties of civilian law enforcement. It intimidates and implies a sense of martial law. Not sure if Pew has done it yet, but I'd be willing to bet that if you conducted a popular poll asking people "Do you want your local police using tanks in routine law enforcement duties?" the answer would be a resounding fuck no across all ages, ethnicities, and political orientations, with the possible exception of those individuals profiteering off the militarization of law enforcement. Dick Cheney is probably cool with it.

You need to differentiate between a tank and an APC, they are NOT the same thing. A tank has minimal crew and maximum artillery storage capability, not to mention a huge cannon and top mounted guns.

An APC has maximum room inside to hold troops, because that's what it's built for. It has a small top mounted gun usually, and heavily armored to protect its occupants. Also, tanks are usually treaded, while APCs have 6-8 wheels usually.

Just my two cents.


This is an APC




This is a Sherman Tank



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I get the difference but really those semantics belong in the battlefield, war college, and video games. Take a military vehicle designed to withstand a RPG fire and deploy it on civilian streets and yeah, people gonna call it a tank. Don't even get me started about calling dolphins fish and koala bears.

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Gainsville police department to conduct internal review:



And really, I'm surprised at anyone thinking that using military equipment for local police departments is a good idea. Military equipment is designed for use in war zones, and police departments are traditionally thought of as peace officers.


The only good thing about this video is that no one died.

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I'm in the (everyone always calls me a retard on this point but oh well) "if you didn't do anything wrong..." camp.



no offense but if you really are in that camp you are virtually mentally retarded

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I'm in the (everyone always calls me a retard on this point but oh well) "if you didn't do anything wrong..." camp.



no offense but if you really are in that camp you are virtually mentally retarded




I guess I just have other things to worry about since I'm not a criminal. Once it threatens my personal freedom/liberty then it will matter to me a bit more.


A question for you: as (probably) a non criminal yourself, how has the militarization of police actually impacted you on a personal level other than how you "feel"?

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I'm in the (everyone always calls me a retard on this point but oh well) "if you didn't do anything wrong..." camp.



no offense but if you really are in that camp you are virtually mentally retarded



I guess I just have other things to worry about since I'm not a criminal. Once it threatens my personal freedom/liberty then it will matter to me a bit more.

That's the point though, by the time they are actively violating your rights, it's too late to do anything about it.
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You're right I suppose.


I have it pretty good living in Canada so far, so I'm definitely not talking from a position of knowledge. It must be far different in the states.


I wonder if the US is past saving or can it be turned around? =/

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recycling military equipment to save taxpayers' money for cop cars and other equipment is a good idea. only ron/rand/bart/thor/sam paul voters will be intimidated by something like that.

Dont ever change eugene
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