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UK General Election 2015

Soloman Tump

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Can't see any other threads on this, sorry if dupe.


Basically, as far as I can see, any coalition other than the existing Con-Dem will result in a massive clusterfuck for our already fragile economy.

Pretty sure UKIP wont get too much support / many seats but overall their presence is a GOOD THING for our electoral system - certainly helping to shake up the establishment. I agree with a few of their campaign points but certainly not all of them.


Voting Conservative. Things have been good round our way for the last few years, certainly better than when the Labour lot were in. Therefore, they get my vote, best of a bad bunch imo. Wish they would give up on HS2 though.


Greens can do one for now - if they manage to pull together a credible manifesto in the future I might listen a bit harder.

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you are an idiot.


read another angry voice. The conservatives have been ruining the economy with austerity, and using the newspapers they control to directly lie about it to trick enough of the population into voting for them again. the most infuriating thing is watching it work. Austerity achieves nothing. It slows down economic growth, and allows a gradual increase in flow from the very poorest to the very richest.


The only income band to have seen significant growth under the conservatives are the richest .5 percent. who have doubled their fortune.

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add to that privatisation of the NHS, systematically dismantling the benefits of the disabled, causing huge increase in child poverty percentages, covering up paedophilic unelected lords, along with the damage they have caused to the economy, i have no idea how any sane person could even think about voting for them.



In 2010 George Osborne made a number of bold predictions about how his ideological austerity experiment would benefit the UK economy. The mainstream press has long-since forgotten about these fabulously over-optimistic predictions, but they are still available from the Office for Budget Responsibility (here) should anyone want to look at them and compare them with what has actually happened (here).


Eliminating the deficit: In 2010 Osborne promised that his austerity experiment would completely eliminate the budget deficit by 2015. In reality the UK is still borrowing £100 billion per year, meaning that he's failed to even halve the deficit.


Government debt: In 2010 Osborne predicted that the UK national debt would have reached £1.232 trillion by 2015. In reality it has risen to £1.489 trillion, which means he has borrowed £257 billion more than he said he would.


The size of the economy: In 2010 Osborne predicted that the UK economy would grow to £1.916 trillion by 2015, but in reality it is only £1.822 trillion, meaning that he's borrowed more than a quarter of a trillion more than he said he was going to, in order to make the UK economy almost £100 billion smaller than he said it was going to be.


Debt/GDP: In 2010 Osborne predicted that debt would peak at 67.2% of GDP in 2015 and then start falling. In reality the debt has reached 80.4% of GDP and it's still growing dramatically. This means that he's now overseen the longest sustained increase in the national debt since the Second World War!


The UK Credit Rating: Before he became Chancellor George Osborne staked his reputation on maintaining the UK's AAA Credit Ratings, but in 2013 the UK economy was downgraded for the first time since the 1970s.


Worse than Labour: George Osborne continually harps on about how Labour would threaten his "economic recovery" but what he doesn't tell you is that in just four years he's created more new debt than every single Labour government in history combined!


Earnings: One of the strongest indicators that Osborne's ideological austerity experiment is really bad for Britain is the fact that he has overseen the longest sustained decline in wages since records began.The fact that millions of workers are significantly worse off than they were in 2008 thanks to George Osborne's deliberate campaign of wage repression explains why economic demand is still so weak and the "recovery" so slow. As a result of Osborne's policies, ordinary workers have suffered the worst declines in income since records began.


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I also have no idea who i would vote for instead in england.


Im voting SNP.


The most important issues for me are minimum wage and easing austerity. The way to achieve economic growth seems fairly logically to be forcing corporations to pay the normal 50 million people in the country a fair living wage. The more money people have, the more money they spend. This means you dont even have to scare corporations away by charging the super rich loads of extra tax. (Although under the conservatives, the amount of tax seems fairly redundant when its so easy to loophole even paying what you are meant to)

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

lol @ voting conservative after the fucking disgrace that has been the last five years

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

I forgot to register to vote doh


Just as well maybe, I voted LibDem last time, look how well that turned out :nope:


Conservatives are cunts, agreed.


If you voted last time you're already registered

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I forgot to register to vote doh


Just as well maybe, I voted LibDem last time, look how well that turned out :nope:


Conservatives are cunts, agreed.


If you voted last time you're already registered


Pretty sure thats not true, they made big changes in voting registration this time round after the referendum, possibly because voter registration in scotland was about 90 percent, and scotland is a black hole for conservative votes.


It took me 2 emails and 1 strongly worded email to get back on the register this time.

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electoral fraud has been rife up here.


Labour have been sticking faux handwritten notes through doors posing as peoples neighbours to decry the SNP threat, and someone as yet identified was sticking letters through doors posing as the SNP, telling people to vote conservative because the SNP have an alliance with them and have enough votes already.


Its crazy how a party with some pretty centre based politics, and some actual basic human decency from their politicians (freezing their own pay rise in line with nurses) has kicked up such a storm of media frenzy down south. The mail have actually been suggesting that in the case of a labour/snp coalition, the conservatives should have invoked ancient royal veto (which the queen denied), because actually having the two parties with the most votes in power would be 'an attack on democracy'.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

Have you moved since last election Spiral? If you're still in the same place and you voted last time you will still be on the register and you don't need a polling card to vote

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Pretty hard to believe any party atm, all of them spouting the usual shit that they won't follow up on. However, I am voting Labour, mostly to make sure UKIP do not get in. Oh god I hope they don't get in, they're the third reich waiting to happen.

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Have you moved since last election Spiral? If you're still in the same place and you voted last time you will still be on the register and you don't need a polling card to vote


Hmm ok, will turn up and see.


Yeah to Bech, will prolly vote Labour

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I don't know why people give so much care to economics, the world is fucked because there is something fundamentally wrong with the way people act, so many unaware out of touch idiots out there, that is the problem, until someone has the balls to say that on national TV i wont listen to what any of these clows have to say.

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I'd vote for the Lib Dems if I was bothered, which I'm not, I hate them and their policies marginally less than Labour or the Tories. There's no-one I'd actually be happy to vote for. If I lived in Scotland I'd vote SNP.

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If they had a chance I'd go for the TUSC but sadly they don't. Labour for me, I think Miliband is a decent bloke and a move to the left, even if it is fairly slight, is the right thing.

Fucking hell, if the Tories get in I'll be hoping for a civil war.

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Your new princess can lead the rebellion, they should have named her Leia, they should name her lay-a give that baby a Guy Fawkes mask!



^ thats some next level shit


i masturbated to that post and this came out of my penis ..



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