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UK General Election 2015

Soloman Tump

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Your new princess can lead the rebellion, they should have named her Leia, give that baby a Guy Fawkes mask!


This is why that scarf you got would be handy, so people would know you're a twat before you open your mouth.

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There is always tumblr to bring the amusement



Look I'm just voting for what I see has gone right in my situation over the past 5 years.


The NHS have looked after my family (my son was born critically ill and my wife was in for a week but they are both cool now)


My wages have increased and so has our workload due to improved economic activity


We have an apprentice due to the coalition introduced scheme and he is about to pass and gain his nvq. Will probably take on another one.


A few things I definitely do not agree on though:-


HS2 is a complete waste of money and will destroy huge areas of irreplaceable countryside. No need. Upgrade existing lines and trains first.


If you have to build more houses use brownfield sites first plz.... This seems like a no-brainer to me?


Push for car share / encourage more walking / cycling / public transport.


Encourage less waste of energy / pointless packaging / energy reduction incentives. We won't need so many power stations or to build so many renewables if we dont use the power in the first place.


I'm a kinda green conservative. Lol. Dont agree with any of the parties entirely.


Nobody has really persuaded me fully.


May even just spoil my vote.

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Your new princess can lead the rebellion, they should have named her Leia, give that baby a Guy Fawkes mask!

This is why that scarf you got would be handy, so people would know you're a twat before you open your mouth.

Hmmm humor much? Did daddy touch your butthole?


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Pretty sure UKIP wont get too much support / many seats but overall their presence is a GOOD THING for our electoral system - certainly helping to shake up the establishment. I agree with a few of their campaign points but certainly not all of them.


that's daft.

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I would vote Rubin Farr in, that way we could talk about Nintendo and Avengers and tabloid shite all day long.

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Pretty sure UKIP wont get too much support / many seats but overall their presence is a GOOD THING for our electoral system - certainly helping to shake up the establishment. I agree with a few of their campaign points but certainly not all of them.

that's daft.

Pls elaborate? Keen to hear more views on ukip, other than "dont vote for the racists"
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except it's not just "don't vote for the racists", any party that is going to hold that stance and be so cavalier about it is likely to break its promises and get nasty once its in power. fears about economic stability and border-control are exactly what they use to convince people to vote them in.

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I would vote Rubin Farr in, that way we could talk about Nintendo and Avengers and tabloid shite all day long.

If Ali G can get voted in, anyone can. Don't I need to know imaginary football teams?


You forgot Star Wars>Avengers

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Guest chunky

asked my mother to vote plaid cymru for me. not sure she recieved the message. dont really care. i dont care which party gets in. im assuming the tories and lib dems will try to merge into a new party based on orange book liberalism/david owen/robert skidelsky. if labour lose nathaniel rothschild and lord mandelson will push for chukka ummuna (sic) to be the new leader. if ed wins he'll be pilloried in the press every day because he thinks for himself and doesnt take orders from the rich.


whichever party gets in,the problems will be giant debt, media and internet censorship, more pedophile & spending scandals, riots, immigration of foreign mercanaries and violent thugs, more fantasy bullshit on telly, streets that stink of weed, ppl whacked out on legal highs, more insane wars that destroy nation states (splintering more nation states into tiny territories filled with violent gangs& terrorists ), christians going to prison(persecution), no free press, no room to criticise the powers that be.


tyranny is what's on the way, beginning with war on putin with male&female conscription (absolute conscription) to kill us off for good.


voting paper about as useful as a piece of toilet paper.




cant vote jamie bartlett out of my linux box or my freebsd box. thats the cunt thing.


there really is an all seeing eye masons gang in london. they are tyrants. and they want cameron as prime minister. lying, murdering pigs. lying genocidal fucking fucks. yet polite.

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I'll probably end up voting for my local Pirate Party candidate. He seems like a cool dude, and I'm always up for digital rights. This is a pretty safe Labour seat here anyway so my vote doesn't do much either way.

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I was always an Orange Book-carrying LibDemmer, and apparently still am since innumerable bullshit internet political quizzes put me at 80% lib dem at least (for whatever that's worth). Always a fan of their brand of "capitalism for the little guy". Presumably an orange vote is off the table now, so I have no idea who I'd vote for. I toyed with the idea of voting Green for teh lulz but could never get over their blanket anti-GM and anti-nuclear stances (I like both of those t'ings as long as there is proper oversight)


But I can't vote anyway since I live abroad and I seem to have fucked up my registration lawl

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I toyed with the idea of voting Green for teh lulz but could never get over their blanket anti-GM and anti-nuclear stances (I like both of those t'ings as long as there is proper oversight)


Greens have a really weird mix of surprisingly progressive ideas mixed with a bunch of stuff I find totally backwards, including the two things you mentioned. Shame really, they'd have been a sure vote for me otherwise, they end up sounding more contrary than forward thinking.

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Guest Aces

Having been poor and unemployed recently I could in no way vote tory, because they are cunts quite frankly. The annoying thing is that I live in an area that has an ultra safe tory seat. So it doesn't matter who I vote for really.

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