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UK General Election 2015

Soloman Tump

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It could go either way in my area so I'll be out first thing to vote that fucking sociopathic witch Esther McVey out. She sent loads of leaflets out saying how she was dead against fracking then George Osbourne decided to let his mate go ahead with it, for a fee I'm guessing, then she went quiet. She also thinks it's fine for working families to rely on food banks to supplement their nutrition needs. Oh yes, she also voted against gay marriage and defended the sanctions that led to a diabetic ex soldier dying next to a pile of CVs, because his benefits were cut and couldn't get his meds. Fucking horror of a human being and the living embodiment of the Tory ethos: selfishness. I shall hate them with an unwavering passion until the day I die. Cunts.

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Guest chunky

a few years ago there was a local council election, and a glossy colour tory poster came through the letter box. it had a pic of dave cameron's smug grin and the local candidate. looked really pro. there was a message on it. 'im looking forward to representing a local area, i am a really locally minded guy, one time i went to the shop on the village green and bought a packet of chewing gum.'


serious, a glossy tory leaflet about buying chewing gum from the local shop.


the guy who won (from plaid) printed his leaflets on a4 on a home PC in black and white. it had details about problems on local streets, paving,

&locking a gate for a troublesome alleyway at night.

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what is the most idm party running


Plaid, obviously









what is the most idm party running


Plaid, obviously



I was in Wales last week, and chortled a bit inside every time I saw a Plaid campaign poster.

Surprising number of Tory posters about in Wales though.




Why? Are they irrelevant in some way or is it ok to scoff @ regional politics? Not having a dig, just curious, as depending where you went would dictate a lot re-your visit. As for the Tory aspect, well you were still in Britain.......



asked my mother to vote plaid cymru for me. not sure she recieved the message. dont really care. i dont care which party gets in. im assuming the tories and lib dems will try to merge into a new party based on orange book liberalism/david owen/robert skidelsky. if labour lose nathaniel rothschild and lord mandelson will push for chukka ummuna (sic) to be the new leader. if ed wins he'll be pilloried in the press every day because he thinks for himself and doesnt take orders from the rich.


whichever party gets in,the problems will be giant debt, media and internet censorship, more pedophile & spending scandals, riots, immigration of foreign mercanaries and violent thugs, more fantasy bullshit on telly, streets that stink of weed, ppl whacked out on legal highs, more insane wars that destroy nation states (splintering more nation states into tiny territories filled with violent gangs& terrorists ), christians going to prison(persecution), no free press, no room to criticise the powers that be.


tyranny is what's on the way, beginning with war on putin with male&female conscription (absolute conscription) to kill us off for good.


voting paper about as useful as a piece of toilet paper.




cant vote jamie bartlett out of my linux box or my freebsd box. thats the cunt thing.


there really is an all seeing eye masons gang in london. they are tyrants. and they want cameron as prime minister. lying, murdering pigs. lying genocidal fucking fucks. yet polite.



Those masons have been in charge for centuries, jus sayins liiiiiiiike,,,,,,,

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Guest chunky

btw Christopher Hitchens' brother was banned from writing his usual Sunday article because he was going to write against voting Tory.


can you believe that? a journalist in England whose article was censored 1 week before the election.


sick. banana republic behaviour.

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Guest chunky

cwmbran, i know. since charles lost his head.


im going jewish, it makes more sense than joining a party. join a religion instead lol. parties are shallow, religion has more depth, islam holds no attraction.

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cwmbran, i know. since charles lost his head.


im going jewish, it makes more sense than joining a party. join a religion instead lol. parties are shallow, religion has more depth, islam holds no attraction.



things is (and Jewess partner aside), they dont come knocking on the door "recruiting" like Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses. So, either marry in re-settle near the Med,,,,,,,,,,,,,



please please please please please do not vote tories. they lie more, they cheat more, they care less. it is in the conservative doctrine to not give a shit about anyone else and to be a selfish prick. please keep this in mind for every election. any bad stuff about the other parties pales in the absolute fucking evil of the tories and their literally insane cousins in the us, the GOP



I agree w/u ideologically, BUT, a few pointers.


1st, Labour surfed the housing bubble for far far too long and now its stupidly hard getting equity unless you inherit it. An example: friends born/raised in London know they'll never live locally to their parents. Sounds minor, but not really when the population is aging so rapidly. 2nd, G Brown's "No more return to Boom And Bust" speeches now look more clownish than ever. They blew surplus after surplus with no conception of "rainy day" periods or economic downturns. 3rdly, the nation stagnated enormously under Labour, who borrowed and borrowed until the whole sorry sham came crumbling down. I despise "New Labour" - for Iraq, for deteriorating education standards (1 of the flag-ship policies of the last 60yrs and a degree is now effectively worthless), but most of all for betraying the hard fought achievements of real socialists like our man Aneurin Bevan who initiated the NHS and helped rebuild this nation after the wasteland of horrors of WWII.


Fuck Blair and fuck Millipede (how radical was typing that)

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Blair was right-centered, def right of the Lib-dems for example. What a complete megalomaniac too AND Middle-East peace envoy.... summat's truly fucked up when a war-monger like that cunt is taking 10% off of any "restructuring" process across certain nations (cough cough ahem Egypt).


Thing is, Millipede's old man was a Marxist ideologue and when your paternal "hero" is soooooo far off to the left it must have a bearing on Millipede Jr's mindset. I trust that realm of politics as much as i trust the right-wing equivalent.


I fear a Labour govt far more than any Tory led-coalition, based on the simple concept of competence.

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Only tangentially related, but they just kicked the "Progressive Conservatives" out of office in my old province of Alberta after 40 years in power.

Maybe they'll actually get somewhere with the "progressive" part of governance now.

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Guest chunky

miliband is genuine, not owned by anyone. possibly anti war. if he won, the press and masons would be furious. their scheme is to hype up the snp, because they are afraid of him.


peter kellner (you gov polls) says tactical voting in marginals is going to decide the election. his wife is/was EU foreign minister. she has a lot to do with the war between russia & ukraine. so many creepy crawlie ppl influencing the outcome of elections. lots of micromanaging the parties to get the 'right' outcome.

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dude that's pretty fucked up to actually prefer the tories based on some speculation about milliband. also in many senses it's a logical falsehood not to vote for a party purely because they have less experience. how about giving them a chance? i just can't see britain getting worse under ed than cameron, tories defs have something loose in their brains, i'd rather vote for a badger


what i'm getting at is that all your speculation about the labour folks may be accurate, but i think it falls more under incompetence rather than malice. the tories are very competant indeed but they would very much like to rule as the kings once did.


gotta train to catch so i'll keep it brief:


I gave Labour a chance - between the entire late '90's & 2010 ......and they completely fucked things up.


They built up huge state structures which proved unaffordable (and which we're now all paying for), they allowed a benefits-culture to fester and expand to truly epic proportions and their neglect of Scottish constituencies means every 1 with half a brain north of the border is now voting SNP. Added to that, the Labour-lead National Assembly in Cardiff has recently posted the worst education stats IN EUROPE (thats a whole continent btw) and its not like we have an xtra special level of malignant brain function deformity compared to national or international norms.


The financial collapse of this country due to a global banking heart-attack 2008 was 1 thing, BUT, bombing Belgrade, the Iraq War & Afghanistan have all been nothing less than complete cluster-fucks.


Associating Cameron, Osborne (sp?) & Johnson with Kings is 1 thing (and Labour have their London enclaves too, trust me), but things are slowly tentaively improving here and as much as my teenage self might be flabbergasted to hear such a thing, a change-over to a Labour govt now is simply not in the interests of the country as a whole. The idea of Labour running aspects of our economy gives me justifiable cause to consider migrating.


Sooooo, these arent opinions based on binary aristocracy (tories) vs peasants (the rest) constructs, they're based on personal experience of being in & out of work for far far too long and probably never being able to afford my own home (and i've worked like a cunt in exchange for that "privilege", how sweet).


Its like saying "ban fee paying schools". Absolute common sense in theory,,,, in practice something completely different.

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what is the most idm party running


Plaid, obviously



I was in Wales last week, and chortled a bit inside every time I saw a Plaid campaign poster.

Surprising number of Tory posters about in Wales though.




Why? Are they irrelevant in some way or is it ok to scoff @ regional politics? Not having a dig, just curious, as depending where you went would dictate a lot re-your visit. As for the Tory aspect, well you were still in Britain.......




Just chuckling at the IDM reference, nothing to do with Plaid policies. Good luck to them I say!

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I'm voting green because they are at least aiming for serious alternatives - I've noticed that the big parties have started to incorporate more elements from the smaller parties in the hope of getting their votes - for example, I doubt immigration would be such an important issue for Labour and Tory if it weren't for the cunts in UKIP getting popular.


I voted Lib Dem last time (first time I voted) because I wanted to vote against the BNP and I couldn't vote Labour after the Iraq war. I can't vote Lib Dem now because they made a deal with the Tories, and while being careful with the economy I'm sure is a good thing for everyone, I think the Tories are basically superstitious if they think ruining public services and making cuts is really the solution to the problems caused by the natural end result of capitalism (bank bailouts, wages creeping down because of inflation, rocketing house prices, destruction of the environment we live in, corrupting influence of huge companies on civil liberty etc. etc.)


Thank you if you read all that, to me this topic is kind of hard work to even think about too much...

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

The deficit the last Labour government left the Tories was actually less than the deficit the Labour government inherited from the Tory government before them. This idea that Labour spent the country into bankruptcy is dubious to say the least. The cuts the Conservatives have made to public services and welfare in the last five years have brought the country to it's knees - over a million people are now reliant on food from food banks just to get by. Meanwhile the rich have doubled their wealth in the same timeframe. Doubled it. Where has the money gone? Fucked off out of the country to tax havens probably. It will never 'trickle down'. The economic growth or 'recovery' has been practically non existent - if the growth stats for the first quarter of the year aren't an indicator that the austerity dogma is a failure I don't know what is. The NHS is being carved up and sold off to Tory friends and family. The cuts are going to double in the next five years but the Conservatives have been extremely vague about where the cuts will actually be... honestly if you believe the country is in better hands with the Conservatives because you passionately hate Tony Blair, you are a fucking idiot and you have fallen for Rupert Murdochs campaign of bullshit hook line and sinker

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How anyone can vote Tory is beyond comprehension for me. This notion that labour are less competent or intelligent has been pushed by the right controlled media for years now - the photo of Ed looking weird eating a bacon butty on the front cover of the Sun yesterday being a prime example. The bottom line for me is, people are being pushed to breaking point by this government while the rich get richer. Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England said the biggest threat to the economy is the growing disparity in wealth. Well guess what, under this government its going to get worse.

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miliband is genuine, not owned by anyone.


I debate that claim.


His brother would have made a better leader - pretty sure the Labour donors had a big say in choosing which of the Millipede brothers to use as their puppet.

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Aphex Twin has taken down his soundcloud to make sure we all vote, very much like E4 turning off for the day. He also doesn't vote Tory. Do the right thing people.

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to me this topic is kind of hard work to even think about too much...


I'd be concerned if democracy wasn't hard work to think about. You should be sceptical of even the most promising candidate.


Tomorrow morning is going to be pretty interesting, to say the least.

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honestly if you believe the country is in better hands with the Conservatives because you passionately hate Tony Blair, you are a fucking idiot and you have fallen for Rupert Murdochs campaign of bullshit hook line and sinker



its based on actual living experience, not Murdoch propaganda......not every opinion is uneducated ignorance and not every1 is a Tory apologist just cos they dislike Labour's own appalling track record. Would you appreciate "Guardian communist" tags? Thats a joke btw,,,,,,,,


The facts are that the wealth divide in this country grew hugely under Blair & Broon, so dont talk to me about food banks cos i've been in & out of work for the last 6 years. I lived in Nottingham for 10+ years and if you want to see a mini failed state directly because of Labour policy/MP's/city council, go & visit that hell-hole & you'll see that Notts is now 1 of Britain's poorest cities.


After Blair & Broon & their respective Labour govts = never ever again


Besides, I'm voting Plaid (left of Labour) in a constituency that will forever be Labour, so make of that what you will


Politics & religion lol


If u've got a few mins this is fun,,,,,,



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Guest Atom Dowry Firth



honestly if you believe the country is in better hands with the Conservatives because you passionately hate Tony Blair, you are a fucking idiot and you have fallen for Rupert Murdochs campaign of bullshit hook line and sinker



its based on actual living experience, not Murdoch propaganda......not every opinion is uneducated ignorance and not every1 is a Tory apologist just cos they dislike Labour's own appalling track record. Would you appreciate "Guardian communist" tags? Thats a joke btw,,,,,,,,


The facts are that the wealth divide in this country grew hugely under Blair & Broon, so dont talk to me about food banks cos i've been in & out of work for the last 6 years. I lived in Nottingham for 10+ years and if you want to see a mini failed state directly because of Labour policy/MP's/city council, go & visit that hell-hole & you'll see that Notts is now 1 of Britain's poorest cities.


After Blair & Broon & their respective Labour govts = never ever again


Besides, I'm voting Plaid (left of Labour) in a constituency that will forever be Labour, so make of that what you will


Politics & religion lol


If u've got a few mins this is fun,,,,,,





Yeah that sentence was unnecessarily vitriolic, apologies. Seriously though however much the wealth divide grew under Blair it wasn't as obscene as under this government


Lots of reasons to dislike Labour I agree, I actually won't be voting for them myself. Where I am is an ultra safe Tory seat so I will be voting green - their progressive policies have won my vote. If I lived in a marginal constituency I'd be doing everything I could to oust the Tories though that's for sure, austerity and cuts are not the answer

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At least this country generally seems to have woken up from our collective slumber/apathy re-politics. Every1 i know or work with is voting today. Thats practically unheard of.


I dunno if it was the Scottish independence vote, but since that referendum things seemed to have seriously picked up south of the border in the build up to this election.


Thats whats scares the likes of Murdoch.


Re-the voting,,,,, actually can i amend my ballot and vote for a Stephen Stapleton/Andrew Liles coalition, ta

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