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UK General Election 2015

Soloman Tump

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terrible result, scare tactics by the tories of labor scottish alliance won it, which they will now try & do, & the lib dems well see what happens when you back track on all your beliefs & sleep with the enemy again clever tactics by tories as they pretty much just absorbed all their seats, & now the fracturing of the uk is going to get more extreme, ..... but wtf british public...... happy to be an expat right now

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So what does this mean for Scotland?


more representation in Parliament, I guess. Don't expect another referendum anytime soon, though.


Also Farage didn't get the Thanet seat so he's resigned, sounds like the death knell for UKIP, Farage pretty much was the party. They'll have to search very hard to find a leader as effective as him. Looks like Sexy Ed is stepping down too.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

Scotland will probably end up having another referendum in the next few years as hinted at by Nicola Sturgeon, probably this time leading to a successful split from the rUK. They have every reason to want to leave and no reason to want to stay any more. Enough people who voted to stay part of the UK last time because they had confidence in the unity of our countries will have lost that confidence today. The balance will tip in favour of independence. Labour are in turmoil having failed to convince the public that they could competently manage the economy. Whoever replaces Miliband will have a mountain to climb before Labour become credible again, I doubt five years will be enough. By then Boris will likely be PM and he will be untouchable. I fear we are stuck with Tory rule for a very long time. If Scotland leave it could result in England leaving the EU becoming a much more likely possibility as well. The future looks very bleak today

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Scotland will probably end up having another referendum in the next few years as hinted at by Nicola Sturgeon, probably this time leading to a successful split from the rUK. They have every reason to want to leave and no reason to want to stay any more. Enough people who voted to stay part of the UK last time because they had confidence in the unity of our countries will have lost that confidence today. The balance will tip in favour of independence. Labour are in turmoil having failed to convince the public that they could competently manage the economy. Whoever replaces Miliband will have a mountain to climb before Labour become credible again, I doubt five years will be enough. By then Boris will likely be PM and he will be untouchable. I fear we are stuck with Tory rule for a very long time. If Scotland leave it could result in England leaving the EU becoming a much more likely possibility as well. The future looks very bleak today


That's a pretty spot on prognosis i think. I've always been against it but I'd seriously consider emigrating now. Are there any socialist party governed Scandinavian counties I should move to?

why do they hate disabled peeps so much?


Because they can't milk cash out of them.

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One of the first things Cameron said in his speech was related to working on the devolvement of power that scotland No voters wanted in the referendum, which means he is aware of how much extra power the SNP now has, and how devasting it could be to utterly ignore the wishes of the scottish electorate.

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Post-empire nation in decline


Eventual Scottish independence would exemplify that as would the continuing disintegration of an electable Left-Wing opposition


It's a siege mentality


I bet similar things happened after 410AD when the last Roman legion left........ thats a joke btw

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UKIP - 3.5 million votes and 12.5% of the national vote, 1 seat in parliament.


SNP - 1.5 million votes ,3.3% of the national vote, 56 seats in parliament.


Whereas I think the constituency system is fucked up and I believe the parties in Westminster should be made up from a % of the national vote rather than the current system we have, what a completely different picture of this election that system would have made.


SNP get a shit load of seats because of the low population density / great expanse of Scotland, their voices will be heard in Westminster. A much higher % of voters in England will now be ignored because of the current system - even though I am sure most on watmm will say "well fuck you, they voted ukip their opinions dont count" or whatever - and mainly I agree, but the system is all wrong. UKIP haters take note - If Nige goes (which it looks like he will) then it may be the end for their party anyway.


To put it into perspective (stolen from BBC comments);-


The SNP got one seat per 25,907 votes. If each party had got one seat per 25,907 votes then the number of seats won by each party would have been: Tories 424 (up from current 320); Labour 353 (up from 228); Lib Dems 89 (up from 8); UKIP 145 (up from 1) and Greens 43 (up from 1).


Anyhow, happy with the outcome. A majority government is the best outcome over a patchwork quilt coalition and 6 months of further bitching.

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it was UKIP and the conservatives that fought against Proportional Representation anyway, shot themselves in the foot.


it doesnt matter because this is the internet, but i cant like a person who thinks the tories are a good thing.

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it was UKIP and the conservatives that fought against Proportional Representation anyway, shot themselves in the foot.


it doesnt matter because this is the internet, but i cant like a person who thinks the tories are a good thing.


Noted on both counts.

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Delighted to see Labour so thoroughly wiped out, congrats to the SNP. Very disappointed for the Lib Dems, came 5th in my constituency. I didn't bother to vote, was a safe conservative seat (Theresa Villiers), though the 20-something year old Labour candidate did a good job - up 6,000 from their previous candidate. Despite being happy to point and laugh at Labour though it doesn't mean I'm happy the Conservatives are back with an even stronger position than last time, possibly needing the DUP to ensure a stable government free from backbench meddling doesn't help either.


The two obvious repercussions from this are the future of Scotland, and the future of Britain in Europe. There will be an in/out referendum now, would be disastrous for the UK to leave the EU, which would help push Scotland out the door. There won't be a new independence referendum in Scotland yet though, what'll happen there will only become clear after the details of the new devolution scheme become clear, if the SNP aren't happy there then a referendum will surely be back in the manifesto for the next Hollyrood elections.


Very impressive showing from the Greens and UKIP worryingly, two parties I despise for different reasons. Thankfully it didn't result in seats though, PR will obviously be back on the agenda in the coming years as well.


Hope the LDs can recover from this, but they have in the past so I'm not that worried.

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Hope the LDs can recover from this, but they have in the past so I'm not that worried.

I think I'm in the same boat. I despise the Tories and Labour (or just New Labour?) nearly equally, if only they could both have lost. I guess the LDs deserved a kicking but I've always felt they took much more of the blame for the Coalition's mistakes than was warranted.


TBF I would like an EU referendum, a yes vote would be a kick that would silence UKIP and any associated tories for good, and I've always suspected that anti-EU voices are loud but not actually that numerous. But I agree that a no vote would almost deffo send Scotland over the edge. I don't really mind if the SNP call another referendum, I genuinely wish Scotland well if they choose to split, but it would be sad if it was triggered by the Tories and EU policy.



PS it's funny hearing UK election news via CBC radio, they keep referring to it as the British Federal Election lawl

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Well, at least we won't have to see the cringe-making face of Nigel Farage again. Good riddance.


If only that were the case...


"But he said he would consider running for the job again when the leadership contest is held in September" - From BBC news on Farage's resignation


And I'd say the chances of him returning are pretty high considering how much attention he manages to get

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Yes I doubt any other UKIP candidates are smart enough to mask their hatred and fear of foreigners and gay people as well as Nigel.

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Dear, UK.


Stop copying us. It made things worse for the middle and lower class.


Sincerly, Canada.


Hey if they voted out the PCs in Alberta, anything can happen!

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The plus (of the few I see) is that come September, they are introducing a 'help to buy' ISA for people househunting, where they match every £200 you put in with £50, up to a maximum bonus of £3,000. As someone about to buy himself and with money saved up, I'll be able to take advantage of it instantly (not that you get the cash, but a voucher paid towards your deposit when buying). It will help me, anyway.


And I was surprised Farage stepped down. Then again, it's probably certain he'll be back. At least UKIP will be quiet for a while.

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The plus (of the few I see) is that come September, they are introducing a 'help to buy' ISA for people househunting, where they match every £200 you put in with £50, up to a maximum bonus of £3,000. As someone about to buy himself and with money saved up, I'll be able to take advantage of it instantly (not that you get the cash, but a voucher paid towards your deposit when buying). It will help me, anyway.


And I was surprised Farage stepped down. Then again, it's probably certain he'll be back. At least UKIP will be quiet for a while.


Help to buy ISA sounds great. Would have been handy for us a few years back.


Not surprised Farage stepped down - he said he would - and as he likes to regularly point out, he is a man of his word. I'll give him a little bit of credit for that. His back is also fucked from that plane crash 5 years ago, apparently it hampered his abilities on the campaign trail this time around.

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Congratulations to the utter c*%t who defiled a World War 2 memorial on VE Day.








Fair enough if you feel the need to protest.

But this was a completely shitty thing to do at any time of the year and particularly on a weekend when we remember the countless thousands who died to keep our freedom.


I hope plenty of nasty things happen to you in jail

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Guest chunky

not sure whats worse, some left wing graffiti pillocks - or the politicians who are playing shenanigans with ukraine and russia

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I drove through that protest, I fucking hate the Tories but it was pretty pathetic. Irritated students standing opposite bored police. I'm not even sure protests work that often, thousands turned out against the war on Iraq and look what happened there. I also used to work in a room literally on the first floor opposite 10 Downing Street and when there was a protest going off at the end of the road the only impact it had was someone closing the window so we didn't have to hear them anymore.

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