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UK General Election 2015

Soloman Tump

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Yeah, I guess the apathy towards the system and politics makes people stay on the couch on election days, but obviously that carelessness is only hurting those people the most in the end.


What's the turn up for elections in Britain anyway?

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What did you fix? Can't see an immediate difference




So basically the majority of British people are masochists?


I know cuts are required sometimes, but isn't around 1m British people on food stamps? (think I read that somewhere) - it's not like there already is that much welfare to take from to begin with compared to other western European countries and the economic inequality is obviously rising considerably.


How can a country with a great deal of working poor, have a conservative government in a democracy, the disconnection between profession, social status and voting habits is so stupid to me.


At last the Scots seem to have some sense though.


See my post on the last page. They weren't voted 'for' as much as they just simply weren't voted cohesively enough against



If you're using the badger theme then your text was unreadable unless you selected it, because of the font color and dark background. I just hit the "remove formatting" button second from the top left.



So basically the majority of British people are masochists?


I know cuts are required sometimes, but isn't around 1m British people on food stamps? (think I read that somewhere) - it's not like there already is that much welfare to take from to begin with compared to other western European countries and the economic inequality is obviously rising considerably.


How can a country with a great deal of working poor, have a conservative government, the disconnection between profession, social status and voting habits is so stupid to me.


At last the Scots seem to have some sense though.


Because less educated and less intelligent people are much easier to fool.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

Ah yeah, I usually have 'paste as plain text by default' activated but had to deactivate in order to keep the spacing from the original source. Not using badger theme so didn't notice, sorry

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sorry i couldnt read the dark txt.......but


where was the nod to the Greens? i cant quite believe Brand floated towards Labour, after all his ranting & vitriol.


where was "the environment" in this election from ANY of the main parties?


sorry, but it stank of hypocrisy by Brand to pass over the 1 party with any degree of nuance when it comes to the "bigger picture"


we have enough septic toxic influences & personalities in British politics w/out THAT degree of bs

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Yeah, I guess the apathy towards the system and politics makes people stay on the couch on election days, but obviously that carelessness is only hurting those people the most in the end.


What's the turn up for elections in Britain anyway?

Some areas that were hotly contested reached 80% turnout.



Other areas (such as greater Manchester for example) barely scraped 40%. This I find very sad.


Voting should be mandatory for UK residents IMO, if you dont vote you should get fined. Even if you just put "no vote" on the form.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

I've edited my post to change the formatting. If you can't see why he endorsed Labour after reading the text I don't know what to say really. His reasoning is quite clear

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth


Voting should be mandatory for UK residents IMO, if you dont vote you should get fined. Even if you just put "no vote" on the form.


If people don't behave the way you think they should then they should be punished. Spoken like a true Tory, well done

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Apologies, i dint see the amended text


My main point was/is ....... Brand spent months belittling the democratic process, appropriating anarchist theory & spouting bs, THEN switched to 1 of the 2 main parties in the week leading up to the main event


Do you not find this outcome questionable, or am i just too cynical these days? it stank of corralling dem yoofs by celebrity political endorsement.


The Greens would've been the credible choice, if any, or is that too absurd a choice too now?


I'm sorry, but i cant "hang" with that degree of hypocrisy, not with the Milliband interview leading the way in the immediate run up to his switch-over too.


Talk about gerrymandering by social media........and i'm as far from a Tory as you could hope for. I grew up with Thatcher closing pits, closing industry, the miner's strike, both Kinnock AND Foot werer local mp's, most of my friends had parents in & out of work, the school system wasnt/isnt fit for purpose, heroin was endemic, so make of that what you will.


Having lived in Inglan (is a bitch ;) ) for aeons, if iwas living there now a Green vote woulda been my only ethical choice.


If you believe in Labour as a guardian of the people,,,,,,, that shit disappeared decades ago.

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Voting should be mandatory for UK residents IMO, if you dont vote you should get fined. Even if you just put "no vote" on the form.


If people don't behave the way you think they should then they should be punished. Spoken like a true Tory, well done



Did you vote?


And I am all up for hearing of other ways to increase turnout.

If more people offer a vote of no confidence than voting for a candidate then surely this is a better way of registering the apparent national hatred for the Tory scum?

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I am this morning yes.

Just had a pretty heated debate in the pub last night, sat round a table with a ukip voter, a green, and 2 people who didn't vote. Was a good debate actually but it really polarised opinions, plus other people on the pub were hurling comments in too.


I will hopefully calm down soon.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth




Voting should be mandatory for UK residents IMO, if you dont vote you should get fined. Even if you just put "no vote" on the form.


If people don't behave the way you think they should then they should be punished. Spoken like a true Tory, well done



Did you vote?


And I am all up for hearing of other ways to increase turnout.

If more people offer a vote of no confidence than voting for a candidate then surely this is a better way of registering the apparent national hatred for the Tory scum?



If you were actually reading this thread you started :wink:



Where I am is an ultra safe Tory seat so I will be voting green - their progressive policies have won my vote. If I lived in a marginal constituency I'd be doing everything I could to oust the Tories though that's for sure, austerity and cuts are not the answer




Ways to increase turnout? Look at Scotland. They dispensed with parties led by "out of touch Etonians" in favour of a party led by ordinary people speaking ordinary language which promised real change. They had a higher turnout than ever. In England we had the same bunch of out of touch Etonians spouting the same worthless focus group tested talking points that sound like they should mean something but actually under closer scrutiny don't contain any substance at all. You may not agree with not voting (I don't either btw), but like it or not it is actually an option and people have a right to simply not engage with the process if they don't wish to.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth






dunno if lumpenprol still posts over here, but me and few people have been in mad debates over at Fred's Island for Misfit Toys because he outed himself as a mad hateful racist. it makes me sad so many people in this country think that way.

lumpy that is, not Fred, FYI for the rest of y'all. he always gave off whiffs of it even before, especially when he was talking about brown people.
currently reading one of those lumpy threads and oh my fuck. props to cats like b born, keltoi & eugene for fighting the good fight over there. goddamn

mad dissapoint

I had to give up half way. wtf is that place.



BDB's laissez-faire nature means that people like compson and hat and now lumpy are free to congregate there and spew shit. you just have to look past all that. the broader BDB massive is a'ight, some bros there.



Lumpy is a false flag attack perpetrated by the WATMM dictator Joyrex in order to destabilise Fred's utopian dream of an idyllic place without rules. Jet fuel can't melt words of steel written on the internet guys.

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I feel so deflated about it all, there is going to be even more cuts to the NHS, we are currently healthy but I have one young child and one on the way... You need a good health service when you have young children, so I guess you could say I selfishly voted labour. I also care that those who are disabled are not forced into work before or when they are no able/ready, I think its just being a decent human being to have empathy for those not in your position.

I feel like the tories are a false economy for many, "my taxes will be lower under a tory government" - Is that so? Who was it that raised VAT from 17.5% to 20%? Who is most affected by that decision? because it sure as hell isn't people like Cameron. Labour wanted to close the loop holes that cost the UK billions. Cameron makes out that he will do more to 'tax' the 'right people' but whats the point if they arent paying the ones already in place?



I think too many people have forgotten what a true tory government is like, we were to comfortable and happy under labour and because of the stupidy and selfishness of human nature we will go back to those days. Im fed up with people blaming labour for the crash, it was a global crash, yes they could have done more to stop it but my god do you think the tories would have had your back over the bankers?

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dunno if lumpenprol still posts over here, but me and few people have been in mad debates over at Fred's Island for Misfit Toys because he outed himself as a mad hateful racist. it makes me sad so many people in this country think that way.

lumpy that is, not Fred, FYI for the rest of y'all. he always gave off whiffs of it even before, especially when he was talking about brown people.
currently reading one of those lumpy threads and oh my fuck. props to cats like b born, keltoi & eugene for fighting the good fight over there. goddamn
Don't Australia fine non-voters? I think it's a great idea although do you want a large chunk voting for people just cause they have to, not cause they want them?


Yeah, I guess the apathy towards the system and politics makes people stay on the couch on election days, but obviously that carelessness is only hurting those people the most in the end.


What's the turn up for elections in Britain anyway?

Some areas that were hotly contested reached 80% turnout.



Other areas (such as greater Manchester for example) barely scraped 40%. This I find very sad.


Voting should be mandatory for UK residents IMO, if you dont vote you should get fined. Even if you just put "no vote" on the form.

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dunno if lumpenprol still posts over here, but me and few people have been in mad debates over at Fred's Island for Misfit Toys because he outed himself as a mad hateful racist. it makes me sad so many people in this country think that way.

lumpy that is, not Fred, FYI for the rest of y'all. he always gave off whiffs of it even before, especially when he was talking about brown people.
currently reading one of those lumpy threads and oh my fuck. props to cats like b born, keltoi & eugene for fighting the good fight over there. goddamn
Don't Australia fine non-voters? I think it's a great idea although do you want a large chunk voting for people just cause they have to, not cause they want them?


Yeah, I guess the apathy towards the system and politics makes people stay on the couch on election days, but obviously that carelessness is only hurting those people the most in the end.


What's the turn up for elections in Britain anyway?

Some areas that were hotly contested reached 80% turnout.



Other areas (such as greater Manchester for example) barely scraped 40%. This I find very sad.


Voting should be mandatory for UK residents IMO, if you dont vote you should get fined. Even if you just put "no vote" on the form.

Just turn up and tick the "no confidence" box or spoil your vote. Or dont even turn up and do a postal vote. Or do it online... Whatever it takes to increase the %.


Then we can avoid the entire argument about getting a majority but not actually getting a majority.

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If the 30%+ of the population that didn't bother voting this time had all voted for no confidence then we may not have a Tory government right now.


I'd have to look into the figures but there must be at least 12 seats where a no confidence majority would have been possible over the seat winner

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Guest chunky

The younger generation has less knowledge about religion, history. Under 30s believe in ideologies that restrict free thought and speech. Generation ignorance. In comprehensive schools people learn a party lifestyle, drugs& shagging. The textbooks are watered down. The teaching unions are rigged to dumb down the lessons. The technical workshops have been closed down. They might have car repair but the old mechanical and electrical stuff has pretty much gone. The universities are not yet as corrupted as the high schools. It's all been done deliberately. Even the Tao recommends to keep the people from knowing things. The point is, changing the system or forcing people to vote won't change the fact that the mob doesn't understand the truth. Thinking from first principles is not what the mob ever does.

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