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Psychologist compares US Democracy to a mass delusion

Guest skibby

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it would probably only be news to someone or people who continue to suffer from the mass delusion. For example when the Bin Laden raid happened 75% of the people on this forum thought any skepticism about the Bin Laden raid story was a bat shit conspiracy theory, but now that Seymour Hersh has blown the whole fucking thing out of the water and proved that yes the US government told us a so many lies about it that we don't even know what really happened, not a single person in here will ever think to themselves
'wow that was a weird delusion i was under when i had a knee jerk reaction to skepticism concerning an official government press release, maybe i shouldn't be so quick to join the idiotic herds of people who jump on immediate skepticism as batshit' and thats a tragedy that people will continue to be content living inside of a literal delusion without questioning it (and being ignorant is not an excuse, its almost like they try really hard to hold onto the delusion, without it they would collapse into mental oblivion)

*waits patiently for a delusional watmmer to fuck up the thread*

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Hersh's article is a good one, although I do wish he had more than one "unnamed source". I understand the need to protect his informants, but everything goes back to one unnamed source.

What if that unnamed source is a republican plant to discredit the Obama administration over the one big victory he has that resonates with the republican voting base?

I mean really though the Hersh article just confirms things that anyone with a modicum of common sense could have seen. Of course Pakistani officials would have known Bin Laden was there, and of course they knew about the raid - cooperation between the U.S. and Pakistan is well known and documented. So there's no way the U.S. is going to jeopardize that relationship.

The real delusions here are two-fold:

1) The delusion that the U.S. is worse than a developing nation or is a fascist state.

2) The delusion that if you just work hard you can get rich.

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^ there's really no proof on either side, from where we stand it's all just hearsay. as are most things in life.


as for the democracy bit... right... it's intended as a republic. they really oughta stress the shit out of that in elementary school (and college, apparently). there are way too many adults walking around yelling about protecting democracy in this country, lol. i wouldn't even want a direct democracy here, most people are not well informed and seem fairly incapable of making decent political decisions, and i'd include myself in that group for most issues. we're currently straddling the line between oligarchy and plutocracy. great nation we have here.


edit: i didn't watch the video, soz

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Wtf, the children of illigal immigrants should be able to attend our schools. We shouldn't deny them an education as long as they're here, wtf.

Make me sad :(

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^ there's really no proof on either side, from where we stand it's all just hearsay. as are most things in life.


different parties have different likelihoods for making shit up, though. a journo with a history of shit journalism interested in making big headlines and cash is obviously less trustworthy than an elected government in a modern western state.

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Hersh's record demands that you pay more attention to his sources, and really eugene, if you bother to read Hersh's actual article you'll see that it's not really the soul-crushing spin of "eeryting is a lie mon!" - rather - it spells out some facts that should be fairly obvious to anyone who pays even a little bit of attention to world affairs, and adds some details that might not otherwise be known.

Plus it's really good reading - I mean, it's actual writing with some style and shit to it, instead of the fucking by the numbers writing that passes for journalism most of the time.

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it would probably only be news to someone or people who continue to suffer from the mass delusion. For example when the Bin Laden raid happened 75% of the people on this forum thought any skepticism about the Bin Laden raid story was a bat shit conspiracy theory, but now that Seymour Hersh has blown the whole fucking thing out of the water and proved that yes the US government told us a so many lies about it that we don't even know what really happened, not a single person in here will ever think to themselves

'wow that was a weird delusion i was under when i had a knee jerk reaction to skepticism concerning an official government press release, maybe i shouldn't be so quick to join the idiotic herds of people who jump on immediate skepticism as batshit' and thats a tragedy that people will continue to be content living inside of a literal delusion without questioning it (and being ignorant is not an excuse, its almost like they try really hard to hold onto the delusion, without it they would collapse into mental oblivion)

*waits patiently for a delusional watmmer to fuck up the thread*


To be fair though, even hershs article confirms Bin Ladens death. From what I can recall -correct me if i'm wrong- the watmm thread was mostly about whether people believed that part, bin ladens death, of the story was fabricated. Apparently Bin Laden was killed, as was being told by the government.

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hersh's track record for making shit up is still far less than the US government.

really? about a third of his wiki artcile deals with how shit he is, for example, are 1/3 of all us government reports that bad as well?

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hersh's track record for making shit up is still far less than the US government.

really? about a third of his wiki artcile deals with how shit he is, for example, are 1/3 of all us government reports that bad as well?



this simply is not a useful comparison imo.


the percentage of criticism in a news reporter's wiki to the percent of unreliability in all government reports?


that's not very well-thought out is it?

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I have links to UK and Australian special forces and can confirm the Hersh account is made up.

lol yes me too, I regularly talk to the same special forces that claimed they knew Putin personally poisoned Litvinenko with Polonium because they detected the trail of the half life all the way back to the Kremlin building


when I asked the same sources if the MI5 killed David Kelly he asked me if I liked eating Polonium for breakfast

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Guest chunky

the presenter of the apprentice donald trump decided to stand for president, dems were fucking scared. all of a sudden osama is dead. trump's hype vanishes. they were saving that osama thing for a rainy day. it was their 'trump' card.


in the new york times the guy who took credit for the osama thing was a 30 year old media advisor? not a military man but a professional PR spiv &spinner.


no actual evidence that osama was killed in pakistan. only usa governments' word. which is worthless from sea to sea

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From an (modest) european point of view, you americans (for a lack of better word because canadians and mexicans...) don't seems to understand the subtelty of geopolitics.
you have to be proud of the way your federal system is working, despite it's failings
try to imagine the closest you can relate to in term of political system: it's the EU: it's not federal, every state (nation) can do as it please in terms of diplomacy and foreign meddling, even military things are nation-exclusive...
you can cry all you want for all the flaws (and there are many) of the way the USA is managed, but the fact is that you have a real central governement taking care of global matters; how can you bond together such a large territory, with so many different cultures and sensibilities? for now there's only two exemples in the modern world: the USA and the EU
here in the EU many people like me would love to have a real central (federal or otherwise) government be it for immigration matters, defense and security + inteligence, etc...
you don't know how lucky you are sometimes...

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Lol at the thought of democrats running scared because of Donald Trump running for president.

Donald Dump is just another arrogant bloated GOP shitbag. Like Adieu said, I doubt the likelihood of his becoming the next prez. Call me naive, but I still have hope that we're not stupid enough to elect the likes of him.

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