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it used to be fun some time ago,

But being here is now just a useless habit,

the quality of lols isn't what it used to be,

there's hardly any interesting discussion,

every other post is by Rubin Farr,

go figure,

thanks for the lols,


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oh we haven't had one of these in a while, cool. Also, when you showed up people were saying the same thing about this place. and a couple of years later, and after that. This place is cyclical, like sun spots or something, there's times of activity and times when it calms down. I too get the feeling that we're in a bit of a lull moment again. Just looking at the viewing count for genban over the past couple of weeks confirms this.


I think with all the excitement of the release dump, that people were taken to a fever pitch emotionally, which has probably drained them a little whilst also taking their focus off posting in and contributing to, other parts of the site. Which would partially at least explain what's happened in geneebannee perhaps, although the cyclical thing whilst less specific is probably kinder. heh. hey, maybe it was me being away for so long, i do tend to get peoples riled up.


nwae, see you when you come back if you do, it's always good to take time off. I did so for four months this year, didn't use the extra time any more productively heeheh, but it's good to have a break.


;-] :: [-;

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The place is whatever you make of it. Sure, watmm had its glory days but I don't really come here for the lols - it's usually just for news on Ae/Afx/BoC/Plaid. Still an invaluable resource on that front.

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I just think there are too many "dads" and this creates a conflict between the crazy and the lame, and anyone who falls in the middle has to learn to ignore both.

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I blame the IDM industrial complex and its completely unchecked infringements on our hopes, dreams, and basic human dignity.

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i miss the speculation based on facts we have thread


We were a mystery cult for a while there. Although they work when some things are revealed when you get to an higher level so the analogy doesn't work does it. Sounded cool whilst it lasted. Then again perhaps i could have put it that every religion needs the space provided by not knowing to give room to speculate on the mysteries and develop a healthy dose of faith in the known unknowns and unknown unknowns.

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some people can visit watmm once in a while and not have any problems. other people, though, watmm makes them who they always wanted to be. they watmm every day, starting first thing in the morning. they think they can keep it on the dl, and nobody will know, they think it enhances them and makes them better. eventually it takes up more and more of their time, energy, and money, and they care less and less about anything else. watmm becomes the sole source for the feelings they seek, and they become beady-eyed. for them, pacing themselves, trying to moderate their watmming is not an option. it takes a hold of them after one visit to "new content." they are the ones who need to quit. logging out doesn't work for them. i understand and admire what you're doing. good luck.

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