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Cheetah EP

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Personally I'm liking the more minimal sound of this EP (from what I've heard).


I think it's fairly unique in his discography too, + not catering to any expectations. RDJ just doin' his thing.

Edited by StephenG
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I didn't notice much difference in the CHEETAH7b vs the soundcloud, though it appears to be 40 seconds longer? Seems to be still quite low quality, but that could just be the BBC stream.




that's what I'm talking about. forgot zane no longer at the bbc.

Edited by caze
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[actin'likeahoe] Still though, I kind of wish this EP was all fresh material and he mastered and released the SC tracks separately.




damn that mastered cheetah7b sounds great though...

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''shines after the mastering'' on a 128kbps stream. OK.

There is a pretty big difference. 128kbps or not. That mystical synth is clear as day and floats "above" the track now, to my ears. All mud removed. It's a beaut.

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''shines after the mastering'' on a 128kbps stream. OK.

There is a pretty big difference. 128kbps or not. That mystical synth is clear as day and floats "above" the track now, to my ears. All mud removed. It's a beaut.




for real.



it's sounds noticeably danker now.

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''shines after the mastering'' on a 128kbps stream. OK.

There is a pretty big difference. 128kbps or not. That mystical synth is clear as day and floats "above" the track now, to my ears. All mud removed. It's a beaut.




for real.



it's sounds noticeably danker now.


I haven't partaken in some time.. Sounds like a lovely idea when I have the record in my mitts. :snares: One thing I'm liking so far about the EP is it's possible to get "lost" in it seems. Repetative enough, bassy, takes its time, quite warm and pretty. Love me some Syro, but so much happening at every single minute, no time to bask in the Aphexian atmosphere.

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Absolutely agree about umil. That and MARCHROMT are larp and I can't get enough of them.


Snap reaction to 2X202; I like it. Nothing mindblowing and I do wonder what I'd have thought if it wasn't aphex. In fact, the recent output has made me a lot less snobby about loads of electronic music out there. If I'm going to enjoy ODS and Cheetah then I have to concede my aphex bias and acknowledge artists like Rone and Com Truise just as much. Feels good to begin to lose the fanboy obstruction that's been with me since aphex blew my mind as a young teenager. Used to think no-one could touch the guy but now I appreciate a bunch of others beyond the 90s Warp roster.


Man, it was hard not to post while the video love-in was happening. Didn't want to piss in your chips. Wonderful gesture but... I'll stop myself. Realised I had a cold, black heart of stone when I came here. Great for the kid tho.


'grats on evolving

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I'm a suuuper hardcore Aphex fanboi and even I think what I've heard of the record is just 'good'. They're just old jams so I don't know why everyone is freaking out.


TBQH it sounds like jams he made from the same pile of klop with the cirklon sequencing it all. Kinda sounds like this is from the era where he was learning to use the cirklon.


(prepares for public execution)

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I'm a suuuper hardcore Aphex fanboi and even I think what I've heard of the record is just 'good'. They're just old jams so I don't know why everyone is freaking out.


TBQH it sounds like jams he made from the same pile of klop with the cirklon sequencing it all. Kinda sounds like this is from the era where he was learning to use the cirklon.


(prepares for public execution)


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Incredibly lush preview on BBC's site. i'm trying to fight listening to anything else, though. I'm afraid of the new record not being fresh on launch

Edited by clarktrent
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New track is just about exactly what I've come to expect from this record; really underwhelming in terms of content but nice sounding authentic tape and tube distortion. The whole approach felt fresh about 10 years ago, a bit of a nerdy novelty item at best now. Still better than Deejay as it's more laid back.

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So going by this thread roughly 50% of watmm like the fake but not the new aphex twin. Jesus christ

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So going by this thread roughly 50% of watmm like the fake but not the new aphex twin. Jesus christ

Ha. Well at least they have open minds. Preferable to the "everything else is shit except AFX" <- i can be guilty of that at times though. (Druqks era)

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