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Cheetah EP

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Exactly, they're lush funky aphex tracks, and people are displeased. Well, if this is the type of feedback he's getting I won't blame him for not bothering to release his stuff.

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Cheetah EP is nothing new guys; just good solid tracks. What's wrong with that?

(I'm blowing this thread up, sorry about that. Working from home today, and in a pre-release tizzy with no RL folks to talk to that give 2 shites about phex)


I totally agree. I sort of blame Richards insanely varied and progressive output in the 90s. I think sometimes we are waiting for that "jump" he makes from time to time. HAB for example. Came from another planet at the time. But that was then. This is now. I'm conditioned to this kind of output now. Still enjoyable.

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Is it that weird when he recently released Syro, which wasn't groundbreaking in terms of stylistic innovation, but was filled to the brim with absolutely stunning solid tracks? I like the chill direction of these new joints but with the exception of Cirklon3, they are pretty damn bare-bones and feel a bit half-arsed. He's not exactly committing any crimes going about it this way but it's not that exciting.

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Is it that weird when he recently released Syro, which wasn't groundbreaking in terms of stylistic innovation, but was filled to the brim with absolutely stunning solid tracks? I like the chill direction of these new joints but with the exception of Cirklon3, they are pretty damn bare-bones and feel a bit half-arsed. He's not exactly committing any crimes going about it this way but it's not that exciting.


Obviously not an AFX fan.


Richard doesn't make music to satisfy you. A lot of his stuff, especially the AB3 AB4 and AB5 (unreleased) releases, are not intended to be commercial or exciting. They are intended to be "bare-bones." Its the point.


"Fan" is short for "fanatic." You are not fanatical. Every release is 10/10. No exceptions. Ever.

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Is it that weird when he recently released Syro, which wasn't groundbreaking in terms of stylistic innovation, but was filled to the brim with absolutely stunning solid tracks? I like the chill direction of these new joints but with the exception of Cirklon3, they are pretty damn bare-bones and feel a bit half-arsed. He's not exactly committing any crimes going about it this way but it's not that exciting.


Obviously not an AFX fan.


Richard doesn't make music to satisfy you. A lot of his stuff, especially the AB3 AB4 and AB5 (unreleased) releases, are not intended to be commercial or exciting. They are intended to be "bare-bones." Its the point.


"Fan" is short for "fanatic." You are not fanatical. Every release is 10/10. No exceptions. Ever.


hope you are joking there


for your health

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Whichever track that is Zane Lowe played ain't bad at all. Wouldn't think twice about it if it was from anyone else, but I also doubt I'll be buying this EP unless some of the other tunes are killer (and based on what a lot of you are saying, that's probably not going to happen). Likely would be good for a dance floor, but just popping on and listening? Not that great.


note that the above was a first impression, and is subject to change at any time.

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It's understandable that the previews/tracks are being scrutinised already, nothing like an AFX release to stir up the amateur Fantanos. But I'll reserve proper judgement until the actual EP has had a full run through a good few times. That said, from the one listen each I've given to the tracks out there, I'm already happy. Think it'll be a nice little pit stop on the recent Aphexian roadtrip.

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"Fan" is short for "fanatic." You are not fanatical. Every release is 10/10. No exceptions. Ever.


fer real? Must be hard picking favorite aphex tracks if you enjoy every single one equally... at a 10/10 level.


edit.. I prob got trolled. Excellent work.

Edited by Vaaler9
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Loving the sound design, as mature, crisp, defined and contundent as it can be. Really liking the retro-computer aura as well.


The compositions, well are a bit lackluster. Let´s see how they get old. Anyhow, really wanting to hear it in deep analysis

Edited by HexagonSun
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note that the above was a first impression, and is subject to change at any time.


Yeah, tbh I've already kind of warmed up to that 2x2 track, especially in context with listening to ODS.


CHEETAH7 turned out absolutely lush. Love it. This in combination with the samples finally got me hyped a bit again for those other tracks... Kind of a 180 from earlier, but there you go.

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Exactly, they're lush funky aphex tracks, and people are displeased. Well, if this is the type of feedback he's getting I won't blame him for not bothering to release his stuff.


7b is fantastic. man, the (dynamic?) spread on the snare is such a nice detail. the 3 tracks i've heard in full and the amazon snippets seem to suggest this is much more analordy than second half of syro-y in mood. i've always loved subdued RDJ more than spastic RDJ.

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are you guys doing this on purpose with this whole debate about the newness of the sounds ?


It's an EP based on the Cheetah sounds from the soundcloud dump, so it'll be coherent and based on similar palettes than these amazing Cheetah SC tracks, and that track zane lowe track is a track which was posted on soundcloud too.

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are you guys doing this on purpose with this whole debate about the newness of the sounds ?


It's an EP based on the Cheetah sounds from the soundcloud dump, so it'll be coherent and based on similar palettes than these amazing Cheetah SC tracks, and that track zane lowe track is a track which was posted on soundcloud too.



Also, just to mention. People constantly have this expectation for aphex to sound a certain way on a new release and it NEVER has. It's always something a little different then the last thing. SLow as fuck ambient. insane drill. basic as fuck techno/acid. He does everything and releases things sometimes. Get over it. He's a multi-faceted artist.

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note that the above was a first impression, and is subject to change at any time.

Yeah, tbh I've already kind of warmed up to that 2x2 track, especially in context with listening to ODS.


CHEETAH7 turned out absolutely lush. Love it. This in combination with the samples finally got me hyped a bit again for those other tracks... Kind of a 180 from earlier, but there you go.

Noted! I'm just feeling a bit burnt from the ODS and CCAI2 EPs being kinda meh after I'd purchased them with little thought or concern that I'd ever not love them like I do most Aphex. There's nothing wrong with them, each has a couple of great tracks, but just rather underwhelmed by them after the monster that is SYRO.


That's the only reason I mention my thoughts. Not trying to review or turn others on/off, just sharing my initial thoughts on a forum for discussing stuff like this :)

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CHEETAHT7b is superbly beautiful in my opinion. It gives me a similar feeling to some of the funkier old Boards of Canada tunes.

it's sounding lush as hell... i must've barely listened to the SC version because i don't recall all of these little details. i was feeling lukewarm on the Cheetah ep (laCK of 'freshness' or whatever), but the two tracks revealed in the last day are stoking some anticipation. sounding like some proper chill-ass AFX, delightful

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2x202-ST5, this is some funky shit.


no doubt richard is sitting on some next level beats which at this rate will surely be released at some point. but until that happens i'm completely satisfied and excited to hear more straight forward old school style tunes like 2x2 and 7b. richard must be having a blast making this stuff.

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new track is pretty awesome but i was really hoping for some future beats that would blow all these kids minds that are crazing over the new flume album. maybe there will be a track like that, but doubt it if it was actually all made on a cheetah. does this sound like only the cheetah was used? i don't actually know

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